
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Monday, December 25, 2023

Messages from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: December 2023

Message given to Marija on December 25th, 2023:
  "Dear Children!  I am carrying my Son Jesus to you to fill your hearts with peace, because He is peace.  Little children, seek Jesus in the silence of your heart that He be born anew.  The world needs Jesus, therefore seek Him through prayer, because He gives Himself daily to each of you."

Message given to Jacov during his annual Christmas Day apparition:
  "Dear Children, I am calling you, through prayer and mercy, to come to know my Son all the better; to learn to listen with a pure and open heart; to listen to what my Son is saying to you in order to come to see spiritually.  That, as one people of God in communion with my Son, you may bear witness to the truth with your life.  Pray, my children, that, together with my Son, you can bring only peace, joy and love to all your brothers and sisters.  I am with you and am blessing you with a motherly blessing."

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Saint of the Month - December 2023: Venerable Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche

Ven. Louise Margaret
Claret de la Touche
A Mystic & Victim Soul for the Priesthood

The Order of the Visitation, founded in 1610 by two great Saints - St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal - has the distinction of being particularly favored and commissioned by the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Starting with arguably the most famous member of the Visitandines - St. Mary Margaret Alacoque (d. 1690) - our dear Lord has deigned to reveal the devotion to his Heart and all its secrets to several mystics from within this Order.  This month’s Saint Bio is about one of these chosen women.

Margaret Claret de la Touche was born in the French town of Saint-Germain-en-Laye on March 15, 1868.  She was plagued from early childhood with poor health, including severe respiratory issues, and nearly died twice, as a result. It was through the fervent prayers of her mother to Our Lady that she was repeatedly saved.  Consequently, Margaret developed a spirit of piety uncommon for a youngster.

At 11, Margaret celebrated her First Holy Communion and Confirmation, and was inspired to make a private vow of virginity a few weeks later.  Frequent bouts with illness caused her to drift from her initial thoughts of entering a convent ... but through the admirable example of a nun who nursed her during a serious sickness, she regained her desire to become a religious.  However, when Margaret shared her intention with her mother, the woman vehemently opposed her daughter.

The 17-year-old Margaret

What followed next was a period of intermitting illnesses and worldly distractions for the young woman, including innocent romantic sentiments towards a soldier and then a lawyer; both relationships eventually led to nothing but, still, they caused her to waiver in regards to her childhood vow of virginity.

Margaret's intense struggles with her calling continued until things turned around after reading a biography of the youthful St. Aloysius Gonzaga.  She then clearly understood that she was truly called by God to be a consecrated virgin and resolved to follow-through.

In January 1891, at the age of 22, Margaret finally entered the Visitandine Monastery at Romans, taking the name Sr. Louise Margaret.  Her initial years were marked with accute bronchial maladies and uncertainty, but she abandoned herself to God's Will, trusting that He had a plan for her.  In fact, sometime during or after her sickness, she began receiving mystical communications from Jesus who guided her in uniting herself to Him.  She was professed an official Visitandine nun in October 1892.

A beautiful image of "Jesus of Mercy"
painted by Mo. Louise Margaret, herself.

As her spiritual life and ongoing private revelations progressed, Louise Margaret obtained approval from her confessor and superiors to pronounce another vow - one of "total abandonment" to God.  The following are from her own words:

"O my God, prostrate in Thy presence,
I adore Thy infinite perfection, I adore
Thy sovereign dominion over all Thy
creatures and, in order to recognise Thy
dominion over me, I make a vow of total
abandonment of my whole being into
Thy hands, allowing Thee to dispose of
me according to Thy good pleasure,
for time and eternity ...

... O Jesus, I abandon myself without
reserve to Thy Divine Heart, giving
Thy love entire liberty of action in me
and around me, wishing to see only
Thy action in all things and to adore
every disposition of Thy will."

And, as time passed, it became clear that this mystic's mission was directed specifically towards the Priesthood.  In 1902, she recorded the following words from Christ: "Margaret Mary showed my heart to the world; you will show it to Priests.  Later, in the same year, the Lord said to her: "I will give you souls of men. I will give you souls of Priests."  When the nun expressed being intimidated by His words, Jesus added: "No, it is for My clergy that you will immolate yourself."

As the revelations escalated, the monastery's chaplain - Fr. Alfred Charrier - ordered the nun to record her extraordinary experiences, which she did reluctantly under obedience.  They were later compiled into two books: The Sacred Heart and the Priesthood and The Book of Infinite Love.  These revelations and the mystic's other writings, which include the Lord’s request for a "Union of Priests", are extensive and won't be covered here, but there are many resources that can be found online.  The main gist of the message is this, spoken by the Lord to Sr. Louise Margaret:

"Nineteen centuries ago, twelve men
changed the world; they were not merely
men, but they were Priests.  Now, once more
twelve Priests could change the world ...
but they must be holy."

In a nutshell, Jesus desires to sanctify His priests especially through a love and devotion to His Sacred Heart!

Not surprisingly, other charisms surfaced in the wake of the nun's mission.  For example, Sr. Louise Margaret sometimes foresaw future events and was also likely stigmatized, but experienced the wounds of the Crucifixion invisibly.  In her notes she described "suffering inexpressible pains, and for more than an hour our Lord made me again share in His suffering ... I suffered excruciating pains in all my members, especially my feet, and there remained with me for a long time after the impression of burning heat accompanied with sharp pangs." It all goes to show that the nun was not only called upon by God to deliver an important message to His priests, but she was also chosen to suffer as a victim-soul for them.

As for Sr. Louise Margaret, she went on to be elected the Superior of her monastery during a time of political changes, and hostile religious suppression in France.  In 1913, due to internal opposition that arose concerning the messages she received and promoted, Louise Margaret was exiled from her own community.  She made her way to Vische, Italy, where with the help of a supportive prelate - Bishop Matteo Filipello - she founded a new monastery in March 1914.  The nuns followed the Visitation Rule, but with slight adjustments to allow for certain austerities.  The new community eventually became an approved autonomous institution now known as the Bethany of the Sacred Heart.

Mo. Louise Margaret died peacefully on May 14, 1915, at 3:00 PM, surrounded by her spiritual daughters; it was a Friday and she gave witnesses the strong impression that she was mystically crucified in union with our Lord, prior to her passing.  She was only 47.

A relic from the clothing of Ven. Louise
Margaret, gifted to this ministry by her nuns
from the Bethany of the Sacred Heart.

Today, Mo. Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche is a candidate for Sainthood; her memory is revered in both the Visitation Order and by her own Visitandines in the Bethany of the Sacred Heart.  Declared Venerable by the Church in 2006, her Cause requires one recognized miracle to advance this virtuous founder to Beatification; a second miracle for Sainthood.  Let us pray that God will bestow abundant favors through the intercession of Mo. Louise Margaret to hasten her hoped-for Canonization.

Mo. Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche,
pray for us and for our Priests!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

A Blessing from Christ, our King ...

Today is the Feast of Christ the King of the Universe and, last night, this author experienced another little sign; one relating to today's feast - take a look at this photo:

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and
in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
the sea and the waves roaring ..."

- Luke 21:25

I had just returned home from serving at my parish's Saturday evening Vigil Mass, when I was drawn to the sight of the full moon.  It was so big and beautiful, and brilliant gold, I wanted a keepsake of it so snapped three photos with my cellphone.  Upon viewing the images, the photo above immediately stood out as special.

What do you see?

I shared the pic with a few close friends and we all came to the same conclusion - instead of the moon, a brilliant heart appears - the Sacred Heart of Jesus!  It was a blessed surprise for which we thanked the Lord.

Note the uncanny resemblance of the heart
of light to a Sacred Heart painting.

... and being aware of today's solemn feast, I wondered if the Sacred Heart's appearance was somehow linked to the Kingship of Christ.  I did some Googling and providentially found this quote from a website promoting the Home Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:


- Words of Jesus to St. Margaret
Mary Alacoque

That powerful statement made by our Lord to St. Mary Margaret was enough to convince me that the photo wasn't just a random coincidence.  Rather, I personally think our Lord was really trying to communicate something through the symbolism of His loving heart ... because how appropriate is that quote?  It's relevant not just in regards to its imagery and its connection to today's Feast of Christ's Kingship, but also for our present, turbulent times!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus, depicted as a
King, in this stained-glass window in the
Sanctuary of  the Cathedral Basilica of 
Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu, HI.

My spirit is filled with joy, gratitude, and a sense of peace and security, being affirmed in the truth that Jesus reigns supreme and Divine Love shines continously upon us from above.  It's an uplifting notion for all Christians to draw strength and comfort from.


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: November 2023

Message given to Marija on November 25th, 2023:

  "Dear Children!  May this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds, so that the joy of the expectation of the King of Peace may be felt in your hearts, families and in the world which does not have hope.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Let us give Thanks and Praises to GOD!

Happy Blessed Thanksgiving to All!

On this day when we especially express our gratitude for all that we have in this life, let us first, and foremost, give thanks and praises to God, from whom every blessing proceeds!

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and His courts with praise; give thanks
to Him and praise His name."

- Psalm 100:4

So this blogger went to a special Thanksgiving Mass this morning.  After I exited my car and was crossing the parking lot to head into church, I glanced up at the sky and had another one of those remarkable and unexpected episodes of "spiritual serendipity" - there, above the parish's Day Chapel, was a bright "cloud‐figure" resembling a woman, all in white with a blue sash around her waist like Our Lady of Lourdes!

I may have blocked traffic for bit while contemplating the holy image and hastily taking out my cellphone to snap a couple of photos (sorry to those I may have inconvenienced), but I couldn't help it - the sight was beautiful and amazing ... but the resulting photos don't do justice to what I saw; the blue sash, too, didn't translate into the pics.  At least the luminous silhouette of the Virgin Mary is evident, as seen below:

Given the occasion, I discerned
and decided to interpret this image of
Mary as "Our Lady of Gratitude"

I went through the Mass very moved, excited, and affirmed that we have a God and a Heavenly Mother who are so very, very close to us ... and generous in dispensing graces.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; 
His love endures forever."

‐ Psalm 136:1

In his homily, exhorting us to be grateful to our Lord, one phrase that my pastor spoke really impressed me: "The more gratitude you have, the more miracles you'll experience."  As soon as I heard it, I knew he was right.  My priest went on to recommend that we try writing a list of 10 personal blessings just so we can better realize God's goodness in our lives - what excellent advice!

"And now we thank you, our God,
and praise Your glorious name."

- 1 Chronicles 29:13

I left that church more grateful than when I first walked in - grateful for the inspiring homily ... grateful for Jesus united to me through the Eucharist ... and, of course, grateful to our Blessed Mother, who I personally believe descended this morning in order to participate and encourage us in our thankgiving to God.  Why?  I don't know ... but who else could be a better role-model of Thanksgiving and Praise than Our Lady?  Her own words from Sacred Scriptures eloquently bear witness to the immensity of her gratitude and joy over what God was doing in her life:

"My soul doth magnify the Lord,
and my spirit hath rejoiced in God
my Saviour!"

‐ The Magnificat (Canticle of Mary),
Luke 1:46-47

So, taking a cue from the Holy Virgin, let us joyfully give thanks to God, as well - "magnifying" Him before the world - not just today, but every day!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Saint of the Month - November 2023: Saint Cecilia of Rome

St. Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr
Her Love was a Hymn to Jesus
Feast: November 22nd

This Saint has the distinction of not just being one of the most famous of the Virgin Martyrs from the early Church, but she is also the very first confirmed case of "Incorruptibility" in the history of our Faith.  What we know of her life is from an ancient, historical document called the Passio Sanctae Caeciliae.  According to the Passio, St. Cecilia was a Roman noblewoman martyred circa 230AD.

Educated in the Christian Faith as a child, the Saint was reported to have been divinely inspired to consecrate her life and virginity to Jesus; living a spiritual routine of prayer, charitable works, and voluntary penances.  Despite these worthy practices, Cecilia was given in marriage - against her will, by her father - to a wealthy pagan Patrician named Valerian.  As her story goes, during their wedding ceremony, the Saint sang improvised hymns in her heart to her Divine Spouse to reassure herself.

Later, that same evening of the nuptials, Cecilia confessed to Valerian that she was a Christian who had vowed herself completely to our Lord.  She also warned him that she was specially protected by her guardian angel against any carnal advances and/or physical harm that he may attempt against her.  When her husband asked to see the angel, the Saint challenged him to first convert and be baptized to which he surprisingly agreed.

Valerian received instructions in the Faith and was baptized by Pope Urban I ... and subsequently witnessed an apparition of his wife's angel, which had the effect of invigorating his blossoming faith.  The new convert went on to lead several others, including his brother - Tiburtius - into Christianity.

Valerian and Tiburtius were later apprehended by Roman officials for their evangelization work in Rome, and sentenced to death by the Prefect Almachius when they flatly refused to offer sacrifices to heathen deities.  Instead, the brothers passionately admonished and preached to the spectators who had gathered to watch them die.  Many were converted, including the executioner, Maximus, who professed belief in Christ and heroically chose to die with the brothers - all three were beheaded together and buried by Cecilia; it was a pious act that drew the attention of the Prefect.

Not long after the martyrdoms of Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus, Cecilia was also arrested for being a suspected Christian.  As with her late husband, Prefect Almachius offered her freedom if she would only pay homage to the Roman gods.  Cecilia refused and rebuked her judge, after which Almachius sentenced her to a unique death - she was taken to and locked in her villa's private bath, which was then heated to such a high degree so as to suffocate her with steam ... but inexplicably, the woman was unharmed and heard singing hymns inside the bath, which contributed to her designation as the Patron Saint of Musicians.

Upon hearing of her survival, the infuriated Prefect ordered Cecilia's beheading, but instead of immediately killing her, the swordsman botched the execution and failed to decapitate her even after three blows!  The soldiers fled, leaving our Saint with a half-severed neck on the floor of her bath, where she was soon discovered by other Christians.  Still conscious and in terrible agony, the Saint managed to briefly speak only to bequeath her remaining wealth to the poor and to the Church.  She then turned her face to the floor and spoke no more; on her left hand she extended a single finger, while on the right hand she extended three.  It was her silent and final profession of faith in the Holy Trinity - one God in three Divine Persons - and those around her were effectively edified.

The martyrdom of St. Cecilia.

Incredibly, Cecilia lingered for three painful days before finally expiring.  The Christians covered the Saint's remains with a veil before placing it in a cypress wood coffin, in the exact position in which she died.  Pope Urban I then had her body buried in a place of honor in the Catacombs of St. Callixtus, and had the Saint's home converted into a chapel, which eventually became a large basilica.

In 822, Pope Pascal I commissioned a restoration of the Basilica of St. Cecilia, and desired that the relics of the Martyr be transferred into it from the catacombs ... but the location of her grave had been forgotten over time.  The Saint solved this problem by appearing to the Pontiff to disclose the exact place of her burial.  Subsequently, Cecilia's original coffin was retrieved, along with those of Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus (now honored as Saints, too) ... and all were reinterred in the renovated Basilica.

Another renovation of the Saint's basilica was undertaken in 1599 by a Cardinal Paolo Sfrondati.  At that time, the Cardinal wished to rediscover Cecilia's relics, which had again been lost.  The prelate enlisted the aid of a reputable mystic - a stigmatic Dominican nun named, Ven. Caterina Paluzzi of Morlupo (d. 1645) - who through her mystical gift of prophetic insight, provided the location of the tomb under the main altar of the Basilica ... while also predicting that the Saint's body would be found intact.  Excavations revealed two marble sarcaphogi, which contained Cecilia's orginal wooden coffin and another for the three other Roman Martyrs associated with her.  

As described by Sr. Caterina, when the lid of the coffin was lifted, the remains of the Saint were discovered perfectly incorrupt and wearing a silk dress stained at the neck/chest with her blood; she lay on her right side with arms extended towards the legs, which were somewhat bent at the knees.  At her feet were bundles of cloth that were used by the early Christians to collect her precious blood.  Witnesses also reported a wonderful fragrance of roses and lillies emanating from the sacred body.  All who witnessed the scene were profoundly moved and amazed at the miraculous state of the relic.

ABOVE:  An eye-witness account and
drawing of the Saint's incorrupt body.

BELOW:  The statue in the Basilica of
St. Cecilia representing her in death.

Today, St. Cecilia remains entombed in a crypt-chapel in her Basilica in Trastavere, Rome, over which is a marble statue carved by the artist, Stefano Maderno, who personally saw her body in 1599.  The famous sculpture depicts Cecilia in the position in which her corpse was discovered ... with her fingers forever professing her faith in our triune God for whom she heroically gave up her life.

St. Cecilia, pray for us!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Saints & Relics Presentation: Our Lady of Good Counsel School, 11/1/2023

Happy All Saints Day!  This morning, this ministry was invited by the Diocesan Evangelization Task Force and the Faculty of Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) School to share about Saints and Relics with their students.  Of course, this ministry accepted, and it turned out to be a beautiful and fitting way to celebrate our incredible Saints in Heaven!

Mass with the students, prior to the
Saints & Relics presentations.

First off - a very big shout out to the school's faculty and the Pastor of the adjoining Church, as I found the children, including the younger groups, well-exposed to the Saints and the Eucharist!  In fact, today, many students and teachers dressed up as their favorite Saints - I saw several Blessed Mothers, St. Michaels, St. Damiens, St. Thereses, St. Padre Pios, St. Patricks, etc.   It was a joy and amusing for me to see so many "saints" walking around in one place!

ABOVE:  Relics displayed at the school.
BELOW:  The older students crowding
around the relics after the talk.

During two separate presentations, this ministry emphasized various holy persons going through the Sainthood Process, as "Faith-Heroes" for the children to look up to and imitate ... as well as, to relate to as heavenly "best friends" to ask help from in times of need.

The younger children standing in line to
view the relics they just learned about.

The Relics presented for the students to see were from Our Lady, Ven. Anne de Guigne, Bl. Carlo Acutis, St. Margaret of Castello, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. Joseph the foster-father of Jesus, and St. Therese the Little Flower.  In addition, there was a relic of a fragment from our Lord’s manger to complete the set of relics from the Holy Family, who represent the Domestic Church.

The younger group of students watch as
older students begin a thanksgiving hula
dance for this ministry.  Priceless.

All in all, the students were engaged and responsive, as I shared stories and played interactive games relating to our Church's Heroes whose lives and relics were featured.

Youngsters personally encountering
Saints and other holy persons through
various relics in their school hall.

This author is firm in my belief that exposing our children to our beautiful traditions and devotions - including Saints & Relics - are key factors that help keep them in the Church as adults.  Trust me - our kids are paying attention!  Just look at some of the homemade, illustrated Thank You Cards they made for me.  Priceless!

Love the drawing of St. Margaret of
Castello to the upper-right!

These kids from OLGC can draw!

Clearly, the Saints and their Relics were
big hit with the kids!

So, again, kudos to the teachers of OLGC School for what they're teaching!  God bless them and especially the students ... may Our Lady and the Saints continually guide and protect them all.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Saints & Relics Presentation: St. Pius X Church, 10/31/2031

This evening was a blessing for this author for many reasons.  This ministry was invited to speak about Saints and Relics at a parish I have never been to before ... and where one of my former pastors from St. Anthony of Padua Church - Fr. Nick - who I haven't seen in years, is now residing.  It was nice to see this beautiful church in quaint Manoa Town, and to see Fr. Nick again; to share this ministry's relics ... and to also have the privilege of adoring and consoling our Eucharistic Lord on a night when diabolic deeds are so prevelant.

The Holy Persons who were discussed, and whose relics were present, were Bl. Bartolo LongoSt. Bernadette of LourdesSt. Catherine of GenoaSt. Damien of MolokaiSt. Leopoldo Mandic, Bl. Miguel Pro, St. Peregrine LaziosiSt. Padre Pio, and St. Pope Pius X.  Relics of Our Lady's clothing ("Ex Camisia") and the Scourging Pillar of our Lord were also brought to the church.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament
Divine!  All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine!

Immediately after the talk concluded, Fr. Nick exposed the Blessed Sacrament for a period of adoration and prayer.  It was surreal to think we had actual Saints and Blesseds physically with us before the altar; just imagine - inhabitants of Heaven and earth were united for a brief time in adoration of our precious Lord!  POWERFUL.

Relics of the holy Faith-Heroes whose lives were shared during the presentation.

After the Eucharist was reposed in the Tabernacle, parishioners were then invited to come forward to venerate the relics, which was also a special encounter with the holy.

So a big MAHALO to Fr. Nick and to the parishioners of St. Pius X for their warm welcome of this ministry.  God's continued blessings and the guidance of the Saints be with them always.

Fr. Nick set an example by starting the
veneration of relics.  Parishioners followed,
including this young mother with children.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: October 2023

October 25, 2023 (Monthly Message given through Marija):

  "Dear Children!  Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness are blowing through the earth to destroy lives.  That is why the Most High sent me to you, to lead you towards the way of peace and unity with God and people.  You, little children, are my extended hands: pray, fast and offer sacrifices for peace - the treasure for which every heart yearns.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

October 20, 2023 (Special Message given through Ivan):

  "Dear Children!  Today I invite you to pray for peace.  At this time, peace is threatened in a special way, and I ask you to renew fasting and prayer in your families and to encourage others to pray for peace.  Dear children, I want you to understand the seriousness of the situation and that much of what will happen depends on your prayer and perseverance.  Dear children, I am with you and I invite you to seriously start praying and fasting.  Thank you for responding to my call!"

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saints & Relics Presentation: Sts. Peter & Paul Church, 10/20/2023

Last night was a wonderful night; time well-spent with our Lord amd His Saints at Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Honolulu.  A good-sized group turned out, including entire families, which I was happy to see because it meant more people got to "encounter" the Saints in a direct and personal manner through relics.

The Saints and Blesseds who this ministry featured at the event and, whose relics were displayed, were: St. Bernadette of Lourdes, Bl. Carlos Manuel Rodriguez SantiagoSt. Dymphna of Gheel, Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin, Bl. Mattia NazareiSt. Peregrine Laziosi, Padre PioBl. Rolando Rivi, St. Therese the Little Flower... and there were also relics from Our Lady's dress and the True Cross of our Lord.

Parishioners lined up to honor the 12 rare
relics that were present in the church.

I also recognized many people in the pews who were present at the Marian Apparitions Presentation this author did at this parish two weeks ago ... so the Saints are evidently touching hearts and drawing people to our Lord, present in the Tabernacle.

In fact, one thing this ministry tries to emphasize during presentations is how the Lord is truly present in the Eucharist; how the Eucharist, along with the other Sacraments Jesus gifted us, gave our Saints the grace to become the Saints we honor today ... and we can become Saints, too, if we diligently live similar sacramental lives.

Expressions of the parish's devotion to
our Saints - fantastic banners and people
kneeling as they pray for their needs.

And finally, my heartfelt thanks to the parish youth group who invited this ministry to speak at Sts. Peter & Paul Church.  May the Saints continue to inspire them, as well as, guide and intercede for their worthy endeavors.

This author with the young adult event
organizers and other youthful members
of Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Honolulu.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

For Discernment: Is this a Message from Jesus and Mary?

There’s something going on in our Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace; an ongoing blessing that's unusual ... beautiful ... relevant ... and even prophetic, in light of current events.  I'm posting about this occurrence because I now feel prompted to do so, given its visible nature.

On Monday, 10/2/2023, during the Noon Mass, I noticed a strange formation on a pillar near the Sanctuary - it closely resembles a classic representation of the Madonna and Christ Child ... and it's an uncanny likeness.

What's more remarkable is that, a few days later, I noticed another image on the same pillar, near the original figures - a profile of the face of Jesus looking downcast and sad.  See the photos and illustrations below ...

... and let me make this clear - I wasn't looking for these figures; they just happened to one day be there and I saw them.  I've sat regularly in that part of the church for years now, and have looked at that very pillar countless of times, but I've never noticed the seemingly holy personages before ... and I know it's not just my imagination because I pointed out the figures to several other regular parishioners, and they all see the same thing - their consistent reactions are: "I see it!" or "When did that happen?"  None of them have seen it before, either, but they do now.

But what does it all mean? I prayed to discern the significance of it and the answer finally came 5 days later on Saturday, 10/7/2023 - the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the day Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel.  The timing of this manifestation couldn't be any more striking ... so, given the circumstances, my interpretation of this event is, as follows:

Parishioners looking at the figures.

🕊 the formation of the Blessed Mother with her Divine Son are representive of Our Lady of Peace, after whom the Cathedral Basilica is named.  Is she is asking for prayers for peace?  Absolutely - particularly inviting us to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and to pray the Rosary.

🕊 the profile of the Holy Face of Christ looking grieved is clearly a sign of the Lord’s deep sorrow over the turmoil in the world; over people killing one another rather than working towards love and peace.  Are we also being asked to offer reparation?  Definitely - to console Jesus who is saddened and offended by our sins.  Again, through Eucharistic Adoration and prayer.

Although I don't profess it's a full-fledged miracle, I do view the dual-images of the Holy Mother and her Son as a genuine sign (again, the timing of their appearance with the attack is just too coincidental).  But a nun-friend of mine who saw it in person remarked to me, "It is a miracle." and Jesus is sad because mankind has "embraced evil"; her choice of words express profound spiritual insight.

Whether it's a miracle, or not, shouldn't really matter.  What's important is that we pray for the peaceful resolution to what's going on in the Middle East.  It is an event that has the potential to become a war that'll spread, and I believe we're being given the immediate opportunity to help end it, or stem its growth, through our collective prayers and voluntary sacrifices.

Please join this ministry in responding "YES" to this call from Jesus and Our Lady - we begin with a simple prayer ...

Lord Jesus, King of Peace,
have mercy on us.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace,
pray for us!
We ask for a speedy and
peaceful end to the
war in the Middle East ...
as well as, all other wars
raging in the world.
Help us to also amend
our lives.  Amen.

NOTICE: The images in our cathedral have not been evaluated by the Honolulu Diocese, nor will they likely be.  What this blogger and others see on the pillar, and how I interpret them are strictly my personal opinions.