
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Saints & Relics Presentation: Our Lady of Good Counsel School, 11/1/2023

Happy All Saints Day!  This morning, this ministry was invited by the Diocesan Evangelization Task Force and the Faculty of Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) School to share about Saints and Relics with their students.  Of course, this ministry accepted, and it turned out to be a beautiful and fitting way to celebrate our incredible Saints in Heaven!

Mass with the students, prior to the
Saints & Relics presentations.

First off - a very big shout out to the school's faculty and the Pastor of the adjoining Church, as I found the children, including the younger groups, well-exposed to the Saints and the Eucharist!  In fact, today, many students and teachers dressed up as their favorite Saints - I saw several Blessed Mothers, St. Michaels, St. Damiens, St. Thereses, St. Padre Pios, St. Patricks, etc.   It was a joy and amusing for me to see so many "saints" walking around in one place!

ABOVE:  Relics displayed at the school.
BELOW:  The older students crowding
around the relics after the talk.

During two separate presentations, this ministry emphasized various holy persons going through the Sainthood Process, as "Faith-Heroes" for the children to look up to and imitate ... as well as, to relate to as heavenly "best friends" to ask help from in times of need.

The younger children standing in line to
view the relics they just learned about.

The Relics presented for the students to see were from Our Lady, Ven. Anne de Guigne, Bl. Carlo Acutis, St. Margaret of Castello, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. Joseph the foster-father of Jesus, and St. Therese the Little Flower.  In addition, there was a relic of a fragment from our Lord’s manger to complete the set of relics from the Holy Family, who represent the Domestic Church.

The younger group of students watch as
older students begin a thanksgiving hula
dance for this ministry.  Priceless.

All in all, the students were engaged and responsive, as I shared stories and played interactive games relating to our Church's Heroes whose lives and relics were featured.

Youngsters personally encountering
Saints and other holy persons through
various relics in their school hall.

This author is firm in my belief that exposing our children to our beautiful traditions and devotions - including Saints & Relics - are key factors that help keep them in the Church as adults.  Trust me - our kids are paying attention!  Just look at some of the homemade, illustrated Thank You Cards they made for me.  Priceless!

Love the drawing of St. Margaret of
Castello to the upper-right!

These kids from OLGC can draw!

Clearly, the Saints and their Relics were
big hit with the kids!

So, again, kudos to the teachers of OLGC School for what they're teaching!  God bless them and especially the students ... may Our Lady and the Saints continually guide and protect them all.

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