Our host, Andrea (in blue), stands with Auntie
Feliza in front of her family's home shrine to
Martin de Porres.
I love the Thanksgiving Holiday! It's such a beautiful "American" tradition, during which we get to hang out with family... eat... talk... eat... drink... eat... laugh... and finally, eat some more. And this year I had the joy of celebrating Thanksgiving twice - one with my family, this past November 28th... and again, today, with my spiritual family.
Although I enjoyed both celebrations... today's event at the Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group meeting was a lot more meaningful because the focus was very different. Family gossip wasn't shared... "Black Friday" wasn't a hot topic... nor did we discuss "Cyber Monday"... or other stuff related to the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season that brings us stress and burn-out. We simply focused on God... and boy was it refreshing!
Our potluck theme was ingenius - a lite
"Sandwich Bar" - especially after having
just gone through Thanksgiving Day
and all the eating that it entailed.
So first we read from Scriptures, then reflected on a message from Our Lady of Medjugorje... before venerating the memory and 1st Class Relic of St. Martin de Porres (d. 1639), the Peruvian wonder-worker; his generous service of the less fortunate and the sick, exemplified God's immense love and care for all people. The Saint's life was also a timely reminder to find joy in giving and serving, especially during the upcoming Advent Season. We then offered intercessory prayers for wholesome values - Love, Faith, Charity, and Peace - to once again become priorities in the family unit and also gave thanks and praises to God for granting us these values in our own lives; in our prayer group family and not to overlook all the prayers that have been answered in the months since this group started.
The meeting ended with sandwiches, chips, veggies, and even a couple of Blue Moons. It was a perfect meal - lite, yet tasty - especially when all of us were still trying to "recover" from our official Thanksgiving dinners just a couple of nights ago. I'm a strong believer that the spirit of Thanksgiving shouldn't end with the Holiday... but rather, every day should be an occasion to be grateful to God for his gifts and blessings. So I left for home truly thankful for the people, the food... but most especially, for the friendship and love we share in Jesus Christ and our dearest Blessed Mother, Mary; gifts you simply can't buy at any holiday sale.
People are going to think this is silly and it's absolutely fine with me, but I just had to share this update because I think it's amusing...
Shortly after returning home from the prayer meeting, I prepared for bed since I was tired from fighting a cold. I was brushing my teeth and casually glanced down and noticed a small piece of ripped tissue (about same-sized as in the photo) lying near the sink. I did a double-take and chuckled because the shape of the crumpled paper was oddly appropriate, given the events of the day. I'll let the viewer decide if he/she sees the distinct white silhouette of the Virgin Mary that I see. It was probably a corner of a Kleenex left behind from earlier, but I didn't shape it in any way to form the tiny figure. Too uncanny!
And just to make things clear - I'm not claiming that it's a miracle or a "sign" of some sort, but let me just testify that God sure has perfect timing! I went to bed last night with a smile on my face and feeling highly contented; just another thing to be grateful to the Lord for.
* * * * * * UPDATE: 12/1/2013 * * * * * *

Shortly after returning home from the prayer meeting, I prepared for bed since I was tired from fighting a cold. I was brushing my teeth and casually glanced down and noticed a small piece of ripped tissue (about same-sized as in the photo) lying near the sink. I did a double-take and chuckled because the shape of the crumpled paper was oddly appropriate, given the events of the day. I'll let the viewer decide if he/she sees the distinct white silhouette of the Virgin Mary that I see. It was probably a corner of a Kleenex left behind from earlier, but I didn't shape it in any way to form the tiny figure. Too uncanny!
And just to make things clear - I'm not claiming that it's a miracle or a "sign" of some sort, but let me just testify that God sure has perfect timing! I went to bed last night with a smile on my face and feeling highly contented; just another thing to be grateful to the Lord for.