
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: July 2024

  "My dear children, with joy I have chosen you and am leading you, because in you, little children, I see people of faith, hope and prayer.  May you, little children, be led by the pride that you are mine, and I am leading you to Him, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  And I am with you so that peace may win in you and around you, because it is with this intention God sent me to you.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hawaii's Eucharistic Revival!

In conjunction with the Eucharistic Congress held this past weekend in Indiana, our Honolulu Diocese - through its Diocesan Evangelization Task Force - organized its own "mini-revival" at two of our parishes.  This author/ministry had the honor and joy of participating in these local events by giving a presentation called "Our Saints: Witnesses of the True Presence".

The presentation focused on the deep devotion and intimate relationship the Saints achieved with our Lord through the Eucharist ... as well as, highlighted the Eucharistic Miracles (e.g. Miraculous Communions, Levitations, Perpetual Fasting) experienced by several credible Mystic-Souls to further reinforce the truth of the Blessed Sacrament's supernatural character.  Of course, with this ministry being invited, relics were featured at the revival!

Rare relics of the following holy, Eucharistic souls were presented to help emphasize the amazing miracles I shared about them: St. Angelo of Acri; Servant of God, Anne Louise Lateau; Bl. Benedetta Bianchi Porro; soon-to-be canonized, Bl. Carlo Acutis; St. Charbel Makhlouf; St. Juliana Falconieri; St. Paul of the Cross; and St. Padre Pio.

After my talks, our special guest - Joe Melendrez, a Catholic Musician & Lay-Evangelist from California - took the reins and uplifted the crowd with his exhilarating musical performances, mixed in with Gospel teachings on Faith and Evangelization.  The man had us up on our feet, in no time, singing and dancing in praise and celebration of our Lord!

'Come, let us sing for joy to
the LORD; let us shout aloud to
the Rock of our Salvation.'

- Psalm 95:1

Both nights ended beautifully with very moving Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, which were the icing on the cake for Hawaii's contribution to the National Eucharistic Revival!

Below are several photos of the highlights from Hawaii's Eucharistic Revival ... All Thanks and Praises be to the Lord!


Joe Melendrez performing and praising
our Lord Almighty!


'I will declare Your name
to my brothers and sisters;
in the assembly I will sing
Your praises.'

- Hebrews 2:12

The presence of our Saints -
Witnesses of the True Presence!

Adoring our Lord at St. Pius X Church

After Adoration, participants paying their
respects to our inspiring Faith Heroes


Joe Melendrez in action ... again!

'My lips will shout for joy
when I sing praise to You - I whom
You have delivered.'

- Psalm 71:23

Showing Jesus our Love through Adoration

Participants praying with our Saints; making
personal connections through their relics

Me and Fr. Ray hangin' with Joe
(click here to learn more about Joe
Melendrez, his ministry, & his really
cool God Swagg merch!)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday, July 13th - Celebrating the Feast of Maria Rosa Mystica!

Maria Rosa Mystica,
Ora Pro Nobis!

At the heels of the Vatican's recent approval of the Rosa Mystica Marian Apparitions of Montichiari-Fontanelle ... our Holy Mother was celebrated this morning at St. John Vianney Church in Kailua.

The event was organized by members of the FIAT Prayer Group (with approval from the priest) to comply with Our Lady's request to the late visionary - Pierina Gilli - that July 13th be observed in honor of the "Mystical Rose".

Attendees venerating the statue &
a relic of the Blessed Virgin's veil.

In keeping with the theme, this ministry's 3-foot-tall Rosa Mystica pilgrim statue was displayed for public veneration, along with a genuine relic from Our Lady's veil.  After the Mass, the Rosary was prayed followed by the Litany of Loreto and the official Rosa Mystica Prayer.

A large golden flake of escarcha that I
saw appear above this woman's eye.

I have no doubt many graces were showered upon all who participated and these appear to be confirmed by tangible signs reported to this author: escarchas and the fragrance of roses, which I personally smelled in intermittent waves during the Rosary.  Most definitely, the Rosa Mystica was fulfilling her words to Pierina:

"I have an abundance of graces ready
for all those children who hear my voice
and take my wishes to heart."

~ Words of the Rosa Mystica,
December 8, 1947

More information about the Rosa Mystica apparitions can be found here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Honoring Hawaii's Patroness!

Today, with great pomp and solemnity, our local Church celebrated the Feast of the Patroness of our beautiful Hawaiian diocese - Our Lady of Peace.

Bishop Larry Silva presided over the Noon Mass in the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, accompanied by several Priests and Deacons from around Oahu.  Not unexpectedly, it was a fitting and meaningful tribute to our Blessed Mother as well as to the fruitful history of the Catholic Church in Hawaii.

Bishop Larry prays with local clergy.  Note
the holy figures visible on the pillar to the right
(circled and artistically outlined).

Even the mysterious images of the Holy Mother and Child, and the Holy Face of Christ, visible on a pillar since October 2023, seemed to participate in the festivities by appearing more distinct than usual.  Plus, during the General Intercessions, this author witnessed the Blessed Virgin smile, while the normally closed eye of the Lord’s Holy Face image suddenly opened, as though to reassure that He is watching over us.  What a gift from Heaven!

Our Lady of Peace,
pray for us!

It goes without saying that I feel tremendously blessed to be a part of our local Catholic Ohana; to be in an Aloha Spirit-filled Diocese that's graced with a good Bishop; two Saints; a Servant of God (Joseph Dutton, whose Cause for Sainthood seems to be quickly progressing); and, as already mentioned, the presence of Christ and Our Lady of Peace, via the unique "sign" in our historic and beautiful Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace.

My Brothers and Sisters of Hawaii, WE ARE BLESSED!  Thanks and Praises be to GOD!

Monday, July 8, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Vatican APPROVAL granted to the Rosa Mystica Marian Apparitions!

It is with great joy and excitement this ministry shares this good news:

Per a letter dated July 5th, 2024, from the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF), the Church has given its official green light - essentially, a declaration of "Nihil Obstat" (Latin for "no opposition") - to Brescia's Bishop Pierantonio Tremolada's positive discernment of the "Maria Rosa Mystica" apparitions to the late seer, Pierina Gilli (d. 1991);  in short, these apparitions are now effectively approved by the Vatican (read the letter here)*** ... and it's the first such ruling since the DDF implemented new guidelines in May 2024 for evaluating alleged apparitions and supernatural events.  This is BIG.

The declaration, broadcasted today - July 8th - basically outlines the DDF's concurrence with a "Dossier" submitted to the Vatican for review by Bishop Pierantonio.  It apparently documented his favorable assessment of the Rosa Mystica phenomena that occurred in his northern Italian diocese in 1947 and 1966.  Among the main points cited by the DDF for its approval are the following:

+ The humility of the visionary, Pierina Gilli.

+ The orthodoxy of Pierina's recorded messages from Our Lady, and her other spiritual experiences.  Except for a few titles the seer attributed to Our Lady, and which the DDF deemed as needing further clarification, the DDF concluded that there were "no elements in the messages disseminated by Pierina Gilli that contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals".

+ The "diverse and rich spiritual and pastoral fruit of this devotion".

Having personally visited the Fontanelle Shrine back in September 1989, this author celebrates this development with other Marian devotees.  After decades of countless graces and visible signs around the world directly connected to these apparitions - e.g. conversions; prayer groups; healing through devotional use of the spring water from the shrine's "Fountain of Grace"; signs in the sun; weeping statues depicting the apparition; the appearance of escarchas, etc. - what us believers have been praying and hoping for has finally come to pass!  

Without a doubt, graces and signs will continue ... perhaps, with more abundance since any restrictions to exercising the Rosa Mystica Devotion are now lifted.  So thanks be to God and bravo to Bishop Pierantonio for being instrumental in the discernment/approval process!

To read more about the remarkable story of the Rosa Mystica apparitions of Montichiari-Fontanelle, and my own personal testimony of signs witnessed in connection with the Rosa Mystica Pilgrim Virgin statue used by this ministry, click here.

“I came to Montichiari to speak of love for
the Lord, to call souls to love, to charity; this
 is a message of a supplicating cry from the
Mother of the Lord.”

‐ Our Lady to Pierina,
March 4, 1972

*** NOTE:  In the wake of the apparitions in Montichiari-Fontanelle, there have been a few individuals in recent times who claim apparitions and messages from the "Rosa Mystica"; even using similar images of the Virgin Mary with three roses on its chest.  This approval of Pierina Gilli's private revelations in no way endorse these purported visionaries so please exercise caution and discernment.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Happy 4th of July!  The photo above was snapped just yesterday, minutes after this author attended Noon Mass in the Honolulu Cathedral.  I was doing my usual walking-exercise while saying reparation prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus.  I'm convinced Our Lady again unexpectedly manifested her maternal presence.

In person, I saw the Holy Virgin's figure - huge against the blue sky - wearing her customary long veil; her arms were extended downward towards the earth, strongly evoking the Miraculous Medal (Our Lady of Grace) imagery so I clearly discerned that she was dispensing graces in response to the prayers of all the Faithful.  Thus, she affirmed her sublime role as an intercessor and "Mediatrix of Grace" between us and her Divine Son.

Our Lady's figure outlined,
as seen by this witness.

I managed to snap 4 photos at two different intervals in the span of walking a few blocks - the above is the clearest, but doesn't do justice to the beautiful sign I witnessed in person.

Anyway, I thought today is the perfect day to share this latest experience and photo.  Don't ever doubt Our Lady is interceding for us; praying with us ... and obtaining graces for us.  In fact, all Heaven is paying attention to our supplications, my friends ... so keep praying!  And today, in particular, pray for our country - our nation needs continual prayer.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Saints of the Month - July 2024: The Blessed Carmelite Martyrs of Guadalajara

The Carmelite Martyrs
of Guadalajara
Memorial - July 24th

On July 24th, 1936, three nuns from the Carmel de San Jose in Guadalajara, Spain, died for the Catholic Faith.  Theirs’ were cruel and brutal deaths, but heroic, as they offered their lives for the end of the Spanish Civil War/Communist Revolution, and its bloody persecution of the Faithful.  Their names were, as follows:

Sr. Maria Pilar of St. Francis Borgia

Born in 1877, she initially didn’t intend to be a nun but experienced a strong conversion after attending the Carmelite profession of her older sister.  She ended up entering Carmel, herself, at age 20 and was distinguished for her strong love for the Eucharist and her habitual silence.  Being the oldest of the trio of Martyrs, Sr. Maria Pilar was 58 when she was killed.

Sr. Maria Angeles of St. Joseph

This nun was 31 when she suffered martyrdom.  Born in 1905, she entered Carmel at age 24 although she felt herself called to consecrated life from early childhood.  As a nun she was noted for her admirable adherence to the Rule and was said to have never infringed upon it.  Her virtues were so apparent, the prioress referred to her as a “little angel”.

Sr. Teresa of the Child Jesus and of St. John of the Cross

This sister was the youngest of the three Guadalajara Martyrs, having died at the age of 27.  She entered Carmel at 16 after having been inspired by reading the autobiography of St. Therese the Little Flower.  Like her holy role model, she was strong-willed, but was making great strides in her spiritual journey.  She loved our Eucharistic Lord and greatly enjoyed Adoration.

With the onset of the civil war, the Carmelites of Guadalajara, along with other Catholic religious began experiencing increasing hostility from the general public as the Communistic, anti-Christian mentality took hold of many of their countrymen.  Sensing the grave impact the revolution would have upon the local Church, Sr. Maria Angeles and Sr. Teresa of the Child Jesus were both inspired to offer their lives as sacrifices for the quick end to the war and persecution.  Sr. Maria Pilar, likewise, made a similar offering on July 22, 1936, while in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament - she beseeched the Lord to allow her to die as a victim-soul and to spare her companion nuns.  All three Carmelites had made their oblations consciously and deliberately after obtaining permission from their superior.

When the revolutionaries entered Guadalajara on July 22nd (the same day Sr. Maria Pilar made her self-offering), the tension in the city had reached such a critical level, the prioress felt it prudent to disperse the community to avoid the convent being targeted.  The plan was for the nuns to ride out the war while temporarily sheltering with their respective family and friends.  So, on the following evening, under cover of the night, the sisters discretely left in pairs, disguised in secular clothing.

When twelve of the nuns just so happened to end up at the same boarding house, the landlady became anxious and insisted that the majority of the sisters find other places to stay; she was only willing to shelter three.  Consequently, on the fateful day of July 24th, 1936, Sr. Teresa, Sr. Maria Pilar, and Sr. Maria Angeles left to go to the home of another woman they knew.  On their way to the alternate hiding place, the trio was somehow recognized by a female soldier who cried out, “Look - they are nuns!  Shoot them!”  The sisters then ran for cover in a nearby doorway as the militia opened fire at them - Sr. Maria Angeles was immediately killed when a bullet struck her heart, while Sr. Maria Pilar was badly wounded.

What followed next was simply diabolic – a couple of the men set upon the fallen nun with daggers, savagely slashing at Sr. Maria Pilar multiple times before leaving her to die.  Shocked bystanders transported her to a Red Cross clinic where nothing could be done for her.  Sympathetic medics later testified that she prayed constantly in her agony and her last words were: “Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.”

Sr. Teresa, on the other hand, somehow managed to dodge the bullets and ran into an alley where she was found by some of the same soldiers.  They pretended to be remorseful and offered to help the traumatized nun find safety.  Instead, they led her to the cemetery where they demanded that she give in to the Communist propaganda and their lewd suggestions, whereupon Sr. Teresa rebuked them before again fleeing from her captors.  She was mercilessly gunned down as she ran with arms spread open in a cruciform gesture shouting "Viva Cristo Rey!".

Bone relics from all three Carmelite
Martyrs gifted to this ministry by their
convent in Guadalajara, Spain.

After careful investigation of the facts, the Church deemed these three Carmelite nuns Martyrs of the Faith, and Beatified them on March 29, 1987.  Of the hundreds of faithful victims of the Spanish Civil War, they were among the earliest to be officially recognized as such, and declared Blesseds.  May their collective spirit of courage and self-sacrifice inspire us in our own present time of growing hostility towards Christianity.


These Martyrs have a special place in this author's heart because of a unique incident involving their precious relics guarded by this ministry: one afternoon I was awakened from a nap by an intense but delightful fragrance of roses.  Surprised and intrigued, I followed the scent trail from my bedroom to my living room shrine where I discovered the source of the aroma to be the relics of these three Blessed Carmelites!  I interpreted the occurrence as confirmation of their spiritual presence and heroic sanctity.

O, Carmelite Martyrs of Guadalajara,
pray for us!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Messages from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: June 2024

The 43rd Anniversary of Our Lady's
daily visits to Medjugorje!

Monthly message given to Marija on June 25th:
  "Dear Children!  I rejoice with you and thank God for permitting me to be with you, to lead you and love you.  Little children, peace is in danger and the family is under attack.  I am calling you, little children: return to prayer in the family.  Put Sacred Scripture in a visible place and read it every day.  Love God above all that it may be good for you on earth.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Message given to Invanka during her annual apparition on June 25th:
  "My children, pray, pray, pray.  Receive my motherly blessing."

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Our Lady's recent emphasis on PEACE

I had another remarkable spiritual experience this past May 12th, which also happened to be Mother's Day 2024.  I've only spoken about it to my prayer group co-members, but am now prompted to blog about it after a friend texted me this morning about a special plea made by Our Lady in Medjugorje.  In short, the Blessed Virgin requested through the visionary, Marija, a 9-day Rosary Novena "for World Peace" to be prayed beginning tomorrow: June 16th.  The novena will end on 6/24 - the eve of the 43rd Anniversary of the official start of her appearances in Medjugorje.

What is unusual about this request is that Marija was also asked to climb Apparition Hill each night during the novena where she will receive her daily visit from the Holy Virgin at 11:30pm (versus the routine time of 6:40pm - read about the details here); it adds an element of sacrifice to the entire matter and many speculate that the designated time is significant, in itself, not just for its deviation from the norm but also given its close proximity to 12:00am, which marks the start of a new day.

Now going back to my experience on 5/12 ... being that it was Mother's Day, I told Our Lady that I would write her an icon as my personal gift to her.  After thinking for a while as to what title of the Holy Mother I should illustrate, I settled on representing her as Our Lady of Peace, based on the mysterious image appearing on a pillar in our Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu (one can read about the Cathedral image here).

Shortly after making my choice, I was surprised to hear a female voice speak to me in a majestic tone, yet full of maternal love.  I knew it was the Blessed Virgin and her words were brief, but relevant and profoundly insightful ... and I immediately set about writing the icon, which took me roughly 3 days to fully complete; I titled it "Our Lady of Peace and Reparation" and below is a short clip showing the finished icon, plus the "message".

As previously mentioned, I only shared the experience with my prayer group, but after I learned about Our Lady's urgent request for a special novena for Peace, I couldn't help but think there was a close correlation between this recent development in Medjugorje; what I heard; and even the holy figures in our cathedral - ALL have an emphasis on PEACE and it has me wondering if something's up, especially with the ongoing war in Ukraine and the escalating war in the Holy Land.  Hence, my decision to share what I believe are also words from Our Lady ... and please note - I AM NOT A SEER - but I don't want to answer to the Lord for not having said something when I should've.

With everything happening one after another, I know for certain we all need to take immediate action ... but, of course, each reader must discern for themselves on how to accept this post.  Even if one dismisses my personal testimony, the Medjugorje Novena still deserves our individual responses.  

Reflecting on everything as a whole, I personally interpret this series of prophetic "lights" as indications that a difficult era is soon dawning upon our world, and we have to be prepared for it, via much prayer, especially through the Eucharist and the Rosary.

Again, we need to act ... and we can start by offering daily Rosaries in union with the Peace Novena asked for by our Blessed Mother.  Then we continue on by consciously praying daily for the CONVERSION OF SINNERS; making REPARATION FOR SINS; praying for WORLD PEACE; and trusting that GOD IS IN CONTROL.

Lord Jesus, King of Peace,
have mercy on us.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace,
pray for us!
We ask for a speedy and
peaceful end to the
war in the Middle East ...
as well as, all other wars
raging in the world.
Help us to also amend
our lives.  Amen.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Saint of the Month - June 2024: Blessed Maria Candida of the Eucharist

[The following biography was adapted from the Vatican's
website for the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints]

Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist
The "Apostle of Communion"
Memorial: June 12th

Maria Barba’s family home was in Palermo, Sicily.  However, Pietro Barba’s work as a Judge in the Appeal Court took the family briefly to Catanzaro in Italy and it was there that Maria was born on January 16, 1884.  The deeply-religious family returned to Palermo when she was two-years-old.

At 15, Maria felt called to Religious Life but her family strongly opposed this; she had to wait for twenty years before she could fulfill her calling.  During these years of waiting she suffered interiorly but showed a remarkable strength of spirit and fidelity to her calling, unusual in one so young.  Her trials were to last until she entered the Teresian Carmel in Ragusa on September 25, 1919.  During this time she was sustained by a special devotion to the Eucharist, in which she saw the mystery of the sacramental presence of God in the world, the concrete symbol of His infinite love of humanity, and the reason for our trust in His promises.

Her love for the Eucharist was evident from the very beginning.  "When I was still a child she testified, and before I was old enough to receive Jesus in Communion, I used to rush to the front door to greet my mother when she returned from Mass.  There I stood on tiptoe to reach up to her and cried, “I want God too!”.  My mother would bend down and softly breathe on my lips; I immediately left her, and placing my hands across my chest, full of joy and faith, jumping for joy I would keep repeating: “I have received God too!  I have received God too!”"  These are signs of a vocation, for one who is called by God’s free and gratuitous will as a gift for the Church.

From the age of 10, when she made her First Holy Communion, her great joy was to be able to receive Communion.  From then on, to be deprived of Holy Communion was for her "a great and painful cross".  In fact, after the death of her mother in 1914 , she could only rarely receive Communion, so as to not offend her brothers who would not allow her to go out on her own.

The tomb of Bl. Maria Candida in Ragusa 

When Maria finally entered the Ragusa Carmel at age 35 she took the name Maria Candida of the Eucharist, which in certain aspects was prophetic.  She said that she wanted "to keep Jesus company in the Eucharist for as long as possible."  The nun prolonged the time of her adoration, especially every Thursday, when from eleven to midnight she would be before the tabernacle.  The Eucharist dominated her entire spiritual life, not so much for the devotion, as for the fundamental effect it had on her spiritual relationship with God.  It was the Eucharist that gave her the strength to consecrate herself as a victim soul to God in November 1927.

Maria Candida fully developed what she herself was to describe as her "vocation for the Eucharist", helped by Carmelite spirituality, to which she was attracted after reading Story of a Soul by St. Therese the Little Flower.  The pages in which St Teresa of Avila describes her own particular devotion to the Eucharist are well known.  It was in the Eucharist that the saintly Foundress experienced the mystery of the humanity of Christ.

In 1924, Sr. Candida was elected Prioress, a position in which she was to remain, except for a brief period, until 1947.  She established in her community a profound love for the Rule of St. Teresa of Jesus.  She was directly responsible for the expansion of Carmel in Sicily, making a new foundation in Syracuse and helping to secure the return of the male branch of the Order.

On the Feast of Corpus Christi during the Holy Year of 1933, Mother Candida began to write what was to become her little masterpiece, entitled "The Eucharist, true jewel of Eucharistic Spirituality".  It is a long and profound meditation on the Eucharist, which had as its goal a record of her own personal experiences and her deepening theological reflections on those same experiences.

She saw all the dimensions of Christian life summed up in the Eucharist:

  • Firstly, Faith: "O my Beloved Sacrament, I see you, I believe in you! ... O Holy Faith.  Contemplate with ever greater faith our Dear Lord in the Sacrament: live with Him who comes to us every day".

  • Secondly, Hope: "O, My Divine Eucharist, my dear Hope, all our hope is in You ... Ever since I was a baby my hope in the Holy Eucharist has been strong".

  • Thirdly, Charity: "My Jesus, how I love You!  There is within my heart an enormous love for You, O Sacramental Love ... How great is the love of God made bread for our souls, who become a prisoner for me!"

As Prioress, Mother Candida, acquired from the Eucharist a deep understanding of the three religious vows which can be seen in a life that is intensely eucharistic.  Not only their full expression but also a concrete way of living, a kind of deep asceticism and a progressive conformity to the only model of every person's consecration, Jesus Christ who died and rose again for us.

A photo of the Beata's body taken during her
wake in the Carmel of Ragusa.

The model of a eucharistic life is, of course, the Virgin Mary, who carried the Son of God in her womb and who continues to give birth to him in the souls of his disciples. "I want to be like Mary" she wrote in one of the most intense and profound pages of The Eucharist, "to be Mary for Jesus, to take the place of His Mother. When I receive Jesus in Communion Mary is always present. I want to receive Jesus from her hands, she must make me one with Him. I cannot separate Mary from Jesus. Hail, O Body born of Mary. Hail Mary, dawn of the Eucharist!"

For Mother Maria Candida the Eucharist is a school, it is food and an encounter with God, a coming together of hearts, a school of virtue and wisdom.  "Heaven itself does not contain more.  God, that unique treasure is here!  Really, yes really: my God is my everything ... I ask my Jesus to be a guardian of all the tabernacles of the world, until the end of time".

After she endured months of painful suffering from liver cancer, the Lord called Mother Maria Candida to Himself on June 12, 1949.  It was the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.  Hallelujah!

Bl. Maria Candida, pray for us!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Monthly Message of the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: May 2024

  "Dear children!  In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart.  Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy.

  Little children, you are still far away.  That is why continue to convert anew and choose the way of holiness and hope so that God may give you peace in abundance.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Another interesting photo ...

Here's another unusual photo this blogger would like to share.  Believe it or not - it's actually one of several photos I snapped of last night's full moon.

The moon was so big - so extraordinarily bright in the Honolulu sky - I went outside after I finished my Rosary Prayer to see if there was something unusual going on, perhaps a repeat of the "Epiphany Moon" experience I had back in 2012.  I stood outside for a while but there wasn't anything remarkable to see other than the moon's exceptional beauty and luminosity.

I did, however, snap about 6 photos of the moon ... but not before I said something to this effect, "Lord, if there's something you want to say, show me."  Then I went back into the house.  Later, when I reviewed the photos I was amazed to discover two noteworthy ones among the group ...


I showed the photos to my prayer group members today and asked them if they recognized anything in it - they all discerned the image of a Host and a Chalice like I did.  It's an uncanny resemblance, but I also believe the photo represents Jesus saying something to us: clearly, He is drawing our attention to the Blessed Sacrament ... to His True Presence in the Eucharist.

Coincidentally, the US is in the midst of a bishop-sponsored "National Eucharistic Revival" and a "Eucharistic Congress" is coming to Indianapolis in July 2024; it makes the Lord's intent highly relevant.  In fact, this is the second time this author has inadvertently snapped a photo mysteriously showing the Eucharist in the sky.  Come to think of it, the previous time was back in August 2023 (see here) shortly after the National Eucharistic Revival was launched.  More so, I surmise that Jesus wants more focus on the Eucharist and the Revival/Congress will certainly help in a BIG way.  It's a prophetic event and no doubt about it - abundant and much-needed graces will descend upon the Church in America, our country, and on the rest of the world!

In the meantime, let us continue to pay more and more attention to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, which we are being invited to do.  In these dark times we now live in - the Eucharist continues to be our beacon of Hope and Strength; a direct lifeline to God.  All praises be to Jesus!

For more information about the
National Eucharistic Revival, click here.