
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Art Gallery

Once in a while, this blogger goes through periods of inspiration and I find myself wanting to doodle and draw.  I take out my favorite black ink pen and colored pencils (my preferred art medium), and just roll with it ... and am sometimes surprised with what results.  Below are just a few of my better artwork, which I'd like to share with visitors to Guadalupe House.  ~ Peter

[Click on smaller imges
to view larger sizes]

The Holy Family, depicted as ancient
Hawaiian "Ali'i" (Royalty) (1995)

From Left to Right:  Our Lady of LaSalette
(2007), SoG Praxedes Fernandez (2007), St.
Padre Pio (2007), & St. Veronica (2007)

From Left to Right: Little Audrey (2008),
Calcutta (2009), & Our Lady of Kibeho (2009)

From Left to Right: SoG Madre Concepcion
(2009), St. Germaine Cousin (2009)St. Mary
Magdalen (2009), & St. Philomena (2010)

From Left to Right:  "Isaiah 53" (2013),
Our Immaculate Mother" (2019), & "I Am
Always With You" (2020)

King of All Nations (2020), St. Michael -
Victory Over Plagues, Mary Refuge of the
Faithful (2020), & Veronica's Veil 

Mater Dolorosa, "We Are Not Alone"*, and
"Who Is Like God" (all completed in 2020)

* Note:  In addition to Our Lady, the
"We Are Not Alone" drawing also includes
hidden images of Jesus, Pope St. John Paul
II, St. Padre Pio, and an Angel.

A video condensing 7+ hours of work
into 1 minute.  It shows how the "evolution"
of the bold B&W artwork.

Sojourn in the Desert (2021)

The Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary
the most Sacred Heart of Jesus (2021)


Above & Below:  2 versions of Jesus -
Bearer of Our Sins icon (based on my
Isaiah 53 drawing), Mary - Tabernacle of
the Most High icon, & Mary - Immaculate
Spouse of the Holy Spirit icon [all icons
are heat-etched on wood in 08-2023]


An interpretation of the
Theotokos of Iveron Icon, 2023

Interested in any of the icons below?  Or would you like to commission a unique one of your favorite Saint/Blessed and have it also reverently prayed over and blessed with the Saint's/Blessed's relic (if available)?  Please contact this ministry at guadalupe_house@yahoo.com.

(unique, heat-etched icons on 8" x 10" wooden plaques; watercolor and metallic paint highlights; and optional faux jewels embellishments)
The Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, 2023
(w/an actual stone from Cross Mountain) 

Our Lady of Kibeho, 2023 (w/a piece of cloth
touched to a relic of the Holy Virgin's veil)

The Virgin of the Revelation, 2023
(w/actual soil from the Holy Grotto) and
Our Lady of Hope of Pontmain, 2023

Our Lady of Peace and Reparation, 2024
(Read the backstory about this icon here)

The Medjugorje "Peace Icon", 2025
(w/stones from the Blue Cross Shrine,
Cross Mountain, & Apparition Hill Shrine)

* * * I M P O R T A N T * * *

My artwork is copyrighted - do not use
without obtaining written consent.

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