
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

A little about this blogger and his ministry...

Motto: Ad Jesum Per Mariam
(To Jesus Through Mary)

ALOHA!  Peace and Blessings - Welcome to Guadalupe House!

My name is Peter and I am a corporate worker living on the island of Oahu in Hawaii State.  That's been my day job for the past 25+ years ... but I also have a "side job" that I've been doing for almost as long a time - this ministry.

"Guadalupe House" initially started in 1994, as weekly prayer meetings centered around Our Lady of Guadalupe and a garden shrine next to my studio-apartment in Keolu (Enchanted Lakes), Kailua. I led these gatherings for the 9 years I lived in Keolu; hosting family, friends, a few occasional priests, and even strangers. This ministry has since moved to Honolulu, but those blessed and formative years in "Our Lady's Garden" are still fondly remembered by me and past members.

The outdoor shrine to Our Lady of
Guadalupe at my former studio and some
of the regular attendees at my weekly
prayer meetings in the place we came to
call "Guadalupe House".

After a 7-year hiatus, through the promptings of the Holy Spirit and much prayer and discernment, Guadalupe House resurfaced in October 2010 as a personal lay-ministry aimed at spreading devotion to Our Lady and the Saints.

Using a few Marian pilgrim statues and dozens of Sacred Relics gifted to me throughout the years by friends and various religious associations, this ministry evolved to conduct speaking presentations and monthly First Saturday Rosary Meetings at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Kailua. In 2018, the FIAT: Faith In Action Today prayer group was formed, followed by the Cohort of St. Michael the Archangel in 2021.
Participants are encouraged to frequent the Sacraments, exercise prayer, and to imitate the virtues of Mary and the Saints while frequently invoking their intercession. Subsequently, many heavenly favors, conversions, and remarkable signs have come about for which I and, others involved, thank and praise the Lord.

A Pilgrim Statue Visitation and a
Saints & Holy Relics Presentation (both
at St. Anthony of Padua Church in
Kailua Town, Oahu).

This work and mission are under the patronage and protection of St. Philomena and Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich (a relic custodian, herself), and this blog is more than just about promoting this ministry - it's also serious about spreading awareness of, and devotion to, the following:

+  The Holy Rosary Devotion

+  The Holy Face Devotion, as revealed by Jesus to Bl. Maria Pierina de Micheli and Sr. Marie of St. Peter

+  The Blessed Virgin, under her approved apparitions of 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' of Mexico City, 'Maria, Rosa Mystica' of Montichiari-Fontanelleand the 'Queen of Peace' of Medjugorje

+  The veneration of the Saints and Blesseds of the Catholic Church, and their hallowed remains

My personal goal is to inspire people
by sharing the lives, faith-lessons, and
miracles of Our Lady and the Saints.

Presently, and God willing, Guadalupe House continues to be active with the support of my parish priests, my spiritual director, and with diocesan approval.  Consequently, this ministry has been able to reach hundreds of souls - young and mature, alike - via statue/relic pilgrim visits, relic exhibits, and speaking presentations at 10+ parishes; 10+ homes; 4 parochial schools; a Diocesan Faith Formation Conference; the local Daughters of St. Paul Store; small retreat groups; and the inaugural St. Damien & St. Marianne Catholic Conference in 2017.  Prayer meetings are ongoing and requests for presentations are still coming in (for detailed info about the presentations, click here).

So thank you for visiting Guadalupe House!  Stay a while and explore: pray and visit one of the "virtual" veneration prayer rooms dedicated to Our Lady or St. Joseph (leave your petition in the Comments - I'll pray for you daily!); meet the featured Saints/Blesseds; browse the Art Gallery or the Photo Gallery of Signsand come back often to meet more of our heavenly heroes!  May you then always leave Guadalupe House with deeper faith; more spiritual knowledge; and with a greater appreciation of the beauty of our Catholic Faith, and the important role Our Lady and the Saints play in the life of our Church.

At the Basilica of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, MX, in April 2023 - one
of the BIGGEST blessings of my life!

God bless you and may Our Lady, the Holy Angels, and all our Saints watch over you, this day, and always!


Peter, Administrator & Relic Custodian
Guadalupe House Ministry
Honolulu, Hawaii (USA)
Email:  guadalupe_house@yahoo.com

The Holy Relics pictured in this blog are not for sale or general distribution. They are used in my personal apostolate to promote devotion to their respective Saints, Blesseds, and/or Servants of God. Email-requests for relics, or relic contact information, will not be responded to.

It is not my intention to anticipate the judgment of the Church in regards to the unapproved apparition sites presented in this blog, or in regards to the Servants of God who are being investigated for possible Sainthood. Any statements presented herein are simply my personal opinions and I submit to the final judgment of the Catholic Church in regards to these matters.


  1. This is a very nice presentation Peter. Thank you for sharing and for caring.

    1. Thank you and bless you, Jerry. Please pray for my ministry. - Peter

  2. Proszę o modlitwę za mnie i moją rodzinę..Bogu niech będą dzięki za to Piękne Dzielo


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