
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Monday, August 13, 2012

An update on the Escarchas...

Golden Escarchas manifested in a
rosary-bead formation while I discussed
the Rosary with a friend.

As of this writing, it's been just about two months since I first witnessed the remarkable appearance of "Escarchas"... and the beautiful shiny flakes of varying colors are still materializing around me and a few close friends with whom I share a strong devotion to our Blessed Mother and the Saints. After seeing them mysteriously appear on multiple occasions and praying over and over to discern them - even seeking guidance from a priest - I'm convinced what's occurring is miraculous in nature and a sign from Heaven. Hence, I've made it a point to note down my observations and thoughts in regards to Escarchas that may interest readers - the list below is based on what I've personally seen and experienced:

+  First, and foremost, the appearance of Escarchas is always unexpected and unpredictable... they can't be "willed" or prayed to appear, but rather, it's really up to God as to when and where they manifest. From what I've seen, this variation of "Manna" appears primarily when there is an atmosphere of Christian faith and spirituality such as during times of personal or group prayer (especially during the Holy Rosary); quiet spiritual reflection; and during and after Holy Mass (especially during the priest's homily, but I've never seen them materializing during the Eucharistic Consecration).

As far as where they appear, I've witnessed their materialization in my home, in churches, at my workplace, and even in my car when I'm driving to Mass, or to speaking presentations and prayer events where my pilgrim statue and/or relics were invited. At these places the Escarchas have manifested on a few of my statues and reliquaries (under the glass covering!)... in my palms... on the faces and arms of friends... on clothing... on furniture... on the floor and walls... and even on my paperwork at my job (significantly, I offer Jesus my daily work every morning).

Golden flakes of Escarchas that appeared
on friend's face (chin, eye) while we were
faith-sharing, and on a pew during Mass at
St. John Vianney Church in Keolu, Kailua.

+  The Escarchas first appeared as silver and golden flakes, but as weeks went by other colors have manifested, too:  green, red, pink, purple, and various shades of blue. On a few occasions, the Escarchas were even colorless, resembling very small slivers of clear glass. There are a couple of websites that report the colors signify certain meanings, but I haven't experienced anything to the effect that confirmed that theory. I did notice, however, that the gold and silver Escarchas frequently appeared during Mass.  

A small statuette of Our Lady that is manifesting Escarchas on my desk at work.

+  The Escarchas ranged in size and shape from very fine dust-like particles... to gold shavings... to geometric hexagonal particles... and even Rosary bead formations! On one occasion, a red Escarcha was in the perfect shape of a heart (see below), which caught me by surprise and touched me deeply! Stranger still, at two other times, they materialized in the form of crystalline particles resembling tiny bits of coarse rock salt (there was nothing around me that remotely resembled salt), recalling to mind the significance of salt in Sacred Scripture (Matthew 5:13).

I also want to add that although Escarchas have often been described as "glitter", they are not glitter - there are clear visible differences in size, shape, and texture from the man-made glitter seen on crafts and decorations.  In fact, Escarchas are far more delicate looking and they give me the impression of being organic (natural) in composition rather than synthetic (artificial).

This amazing Escarcha is interpreted by
me to be a reminder that Christ expresses
His love for us through the Mass and
the Eucharist.

+  To best describe how they manifest, my immediate vicinity would be clear of any type of small debris, when suddenly, a little "sparkle" of white or colored light will appear out of nowhere only to be replaced by an Escarcha. This process would then repeat itself. I have never seen them falling or "raining" down, as described on other religious websites by witnesses.

Countless Escarchas that appeared on
a friend's arm after she participated at a
Anthony of Padua Church in Kailua.

+  The Escarchas, at times, have changed from one color to another. For example, on one occasion while I was at Mass, an Escarcha manifested near my foot. I picked-up the glittery flake with a finger and clearly saw that it was silver in color, and I rubbed it into a crease in my palm as a way of safekeeping it until I could collect it with tape. Later, when I opened my hand, I noticed the same Escarcha had turned bright gold! At least one other person who I shared Escarchas with has reported back to me about its color-changing properties.

Shiny, multi-colored Escarchas I collected
with clear tape in a span of several days.

+  Lastly, Escarchas have sometimes multiplied, and likewise, disappeared after materialization. On a few occasions, I've seen a single flake materialize on the surface of something, and after collecting it with a piece of clear tape, there would all of a sudden be other Escarchas on the same item or on my fingers! Some friends with whom I've shared taped Escarchas with have reported how the glittery particles have later manifested on, or around them, during their personal prayer times, which could also be interpreted as a form of multiplication.

... and opposite of multiplying, I've seen Escarchas materialize only to vanish as mysteriously as they appeared. More than once, I've put my finger on an Escarcha in order to place it on a piece of scotch tape, but when I looked at my finger, the Escarcha was no where to be seen.

Several Escarchas that appeared and multiplied in both my palms after a Mass
at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace
in Honolulu.

I'm quite baffled as to why all this is happening to me and my friends. One website I researched stated that Escarchas are an indication of the Blessed Mother's presence, or even the Holy Spirit. I believe the statement is, for the most part, true... and in my own experiences I feel strongly that they are connected to the Rosa Mystica Devotion, which I promote. But I certainly don't claim to be a "mystic", nor do I feel particularly worthy of having Our Lady or the Holy Spirit bless me in such a manner.

What I do know for sure is that each time I witnessed the appearance of Escarchas, I felt a deep conviction in my soul that God exists and He's very, very close to us; not distant and beyond reach as some people might imagine... and He loves us very much and desires us to know it and sense it tangibly. At the same time, I felt inspired to love God in a deeper manner and my heart was filled with profound joy and gratitude.

The colors in this beautiful photo best
capture the vivid colors of the Escarchas
that I've been witnessing.

I think a dear friend inadvertently hit it on the mark, as to the purpose of Escarchas, when she made a remark to me after I shared a few gold and green Escarchas with her - in a tone tinged with emotion, she said:

"You know what this is?  This is dust
from Heaven... and if the dust from
Heaven looks like this - can you imagine
how beautiful the rest of Heaven must
be?  I can't wait to see it!"

It was at that moment I came to realize that, through Escarchas, Jesus was generously giving us a glimpse - or more like a tiny "sample" - of the beauty,  wonder, and glory found in His Kingdom; the reward that awaits all Believers who are faithful to Him.

A profusion of Escarchas after giving
a talk on the Eucharist, 2/29/2020.

My faith has definitely grown and I, too, am excitedly looking forward to the day when I will finally get to see the full splendor of Heaven in person... and what a sight it will be! Our God is a God of surprises and marvels - Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah!

“For behold, darkness will cover the
earth and deep darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will rise upon you and
His glory will appear upon you.”

~ Isaiah 60:2


  1. Hi, excuse me. The escarchas be manifest after your prayer ? In the night ? You have a particular prayer ? tell me please....tanks


  2. Hello Mario,

    In answer to your questions, the Escarchas have appeared unexpectedly at all hours of the day mainly during times when I was in prayer or during spiritual meditation. Also, on several occasions while discussing Our Lady, the Saints, and other spiritual matters with close friends, the Escarchas have suddenly materialized on our skin or clothing, or on objects around us (e.g. table). It was always a pleasant surprise and we made sure to thank Jesus when we witnessed these manifestations.

    As far as having a particular prayer, I found that it really doesn't matter... a person cannot pray for Escarchas to appear, they just do according to the Lord's mysterious designs (I still don't understand myself why I receive them). Escarchas have appeared on or around me during the Mass, while praying the Rosary, while speaking about spiritual things, or simply while looking at a picture of the Blessed Mother that I keep on my work desk.

    For me personally, I attribute the Escarchas mainly to Our Lady's intercession, especially under her title of the Rosa Mystica. From what I've seen on the internet, it appears that many other people who own a Rosa Mystica statue, have also experienced Escarchas so I speculate there must be a strong connection with the Rosa Mystica devotion and message.

    1. I googled escarchas this morning and although I knew about and seen it on statues at Gold Coast Australia I wanted to check out any latest reports.
      At midday I was talking to friend on the phone looked down and there it was a small number of the miraculous glitter on my arm. I took a photo of it and I feel blessed as I never thought I would be considered prayerful enough to receive it.
      I do like to attend daily Mass and belong to a prayer group where we pray the Rosary Stations of the cross and other prayers every Thursday

    2. Thank you, Friend, for sharing your story. I've read about the events at Gold Coast, Australia - amazing. God is affirming your faith in Him and your devotion to Bless Mother. God bless you.

  3. As I sat in a waiting room in Boston, another lady came to me and told me I had Escarchas. She gave me websites, and sure enough this is what I've had most of my life that I have been picked on for always being glittery. I am honored.

  4. Thanks for sharing your Escarchas Story, Sherri. Jesus and Our Lady be with you always.

  5. How do we know that it is not glitter from another Woman or childs clothing or make up? Or from decorations for festivities? I have seen glitter almost everywhere I go especially at church but did not consider it miraculous as the children clothes would rub off against other materials, Church decorations etc. This was also prior before know about the Escarcha phenomenon. Also, I read a article of an anonymous priest testimony as to what the meaning of Escarchas and its meaning given to him allegedly by the virgin mary. http://miracle-witness.blogspot.com/2011/08/escarchas-gods-glitter.html Yet I have seen articles of miraculous escarcha of a totally different color to that named by the anonymous priest. As a believer in God but also in frauds of the overly pious, I have to say that that "I" believe that 99% of Escharcha claims are indeed fake. (Emma de Guzman is an exception) And I feel the phenomena of glitter serves as a door way to fanaticism and irrationality since now any piece of glitter we see will be considered miraculous.

    Please enlighten me more of this phenomena as I am too also very devoted to the Rosa Mystica as an Ex seminarian.

  6. Dear Friend,

    I appreciate your comment and I completely understand why you (or anyone else) would be skeptical of Escarchas. Until it happened to me, I didn’t take reports of Escarchas very seriously, too. With that said, there’s really nothing much I can add to what I’ve already shared on this blog about my experiences with Escarchas… nor is my expectation to have every person believe what I share.

    In response to your question as to whether it could be craft-supply glitter, women’s make-up, or some other man-made glittery material… at the start of my experiences in June 2012, the thought did cross my mind that it could all be explained by one, or more, of those factors, especially when the Escarchas appeared in a public setting (e.g. my workplace or in church). However, I soon had to dismiss that theory when Escarchas began appearing on my person, or around my vicinity, while I was alone in my bedroom where I have no glittery objects present. Furthermore, for some of the objects and places in which they have manifested, it’s simply impossible to attribute external factors. To give you a couple of examples… I’ve witnessed Escarchas appear on a two relics I have in my custody BEHIND the glass cover of their sealed metal cases… and on another occasion, a laminated photo I have of the original Rosa Mystica statue in Montichiari was found sprinkled with Escarchas UNDER the plastic!

    I’d also like to point out that I am not alone in witnessing this phenomenon. Family members and close friends of mine have seen the appearances of Escarchas, too. In fact, a cousin of mine who was initially skeptical once ridiculed me about it… and almost immediately after, a larger-than-normal golden Escarcha flake suddenly appeared on his face – directly under his right eye - while he was alone in one of our bathrooms. He said he saw it suddenly appear in a sparkle of bright light while he was washing his hands and looking in the mirror… and showed us the glittery particle still stuck on his face. I knew it wasn’t there before and he had no reason to fake the incident… but now he believes in the phenomenon.

    I could go on and on with other stories about what me and my close associates have experienced… but I know regardless of what I share in writing or, even via the many photos I’ve taken in my attempt to document my experiences, there are people who will still have doubts. I’m fine with it. As I stated at the beginning of this reply, I can completely appreciate people’s healthy skeptism, knowing that I too once had doubts. To this day, when they appear (not as frequently they used to), I still find myself baffled and in awe about it. I simply thank the Lord and allow myself to be filled with the joy and gratitude over his wondrous power.

  7. Could you do a post on the Escarcha you mentioned behind the glass cased relics? (With photographs)

  8. I love reading your accounts of the "escarchas", as I too have been (and continue to be) blessed with this heavenly gift. Much of what you have described is similar to my own experience. I had read about this phenomenon, but never imagined that I would actually experience it myself! I received this wonderful blessing in July of last year (2013) while attending a healing mass at a church here in the greater Los Angeles area, which was officiated by a visiting priest from the Phillipines, Fa. Joey Faller, who is known for his healing gift. Fa. Joey mentioned the "glitters" and said they are a gift from Our Lady, and prayed that they might manifest during the course of the evening; little did I imagine that I would be one of the people on whom they would manifest. But during the time right after the mass, when Fa. Joey was praying over the individuals who had requested his healing prayers, and I was waiting for my turn, a gentleman told me that he saw glitters on my face! I looked in my little compact mirror and sure enough.....there were silvery glitters on my face, and later they appeared on my hands as well. Since that time, I have been experiencing many manifestations of the escarchas, and as in the above article, they appear unexpectedly, in a variety of ways. Some are very tiny and multicolored; some are larger (usually gold), and appear oftentimes on a religious picture, either in my home, or in a church setting. I make jewelry, and I always pray before I work on my new pieces; and of late, glitters will appear on my hands, my work table, or bedside table close to where I'm working. They have also appeared on the pages of spiritual books I'm reading! (That manifestation just started recently). I could go on and on.........and no matter how many times they appear, their shape, size or color-----I am always so amazed, overjoyed and grateful when I see them. Sometimes a glitter (or several) will appear on someone's face when I'm talking with them. Also, I've sent friends holy cards with a few glitters taped to them, and then later, they start seeing the glitters too. What a beautiful, marvelous gift this is, and I am happy, so happy to share this experience with others so that they, too, may have more faith and feel closer to God, Jesus, Mother Mary, the angels, and all the heavenly kingdom!!

    1. Hello Magomusic, thank you for sharing your personal testimony about the grace of escarchas. Your experiences and your feelings about what are happening to you are similar to my own. I found your words - "I always pray before I work" - followed by your description of how the escarchas later appear on your hands and your work area, particularly interesting and significant.

      I have a little "shrine" in my work area at my job and I pray quietly throughout the day whenever I look upon the little religious images on that part of my cubicle. Escarchas have since appeared on my hands, on my desk, and on the paperwork while I'm working, despite how often I wipe my desk with wet wipes. I've come to accept these manifestations of escarchas at my workplace as Jesus' way of sanctifying the work I do since I pray a "daily offering" every morning to God, during which I offer Him everything I am and what I accomplish in the day - united to the merits of Christ - for the good of my soul and for whatever His intentions may be. It really is a wonderful feeling to receive some sort of visible confirmation that my prayers are being heard... and that Jesus and Mary are so close to us. Like you, my faith has increased, which has consequently drawn me closer to God.

      Again, thank you for your wonderful sharing!

  9. Just wanted to share, that today, while working on some jewelry, I had a very lovely "escarcha" manifestation! I was working on a bracelet with red and white pearl beads, with little silvery hearts, when I suddenly noticed a tiny red "glitter" flake on my work table. When I examined it more carefully with my magnifying glass, I saw that it was actually in the shape of tiny heart, very similar to the one in your photo on this page!!! This is the second time a larger glitter "flake" has appeared while I'm working on jewelry, and both times the pieces were red, and the "flake" was also a bright red!! On another occasion, while working with small ruby beads, tiny reddish glitters did appear, but not as large as these glitter flakes. The first one was shaped like a crescent moon (which of course is reminiscent of Our Lady), and then today, it was a tiny heart!!! I just feel these little "heavenly gifts" are a message of love from Mary and Jesus and our heavenly friends, and also, the red color has a special significance for me because of the strong connection I have with the Divine Mercy devotion. Anyway, just wanted to share this lovely happening and express my gratitude to God for these gifts!!

  10. Thank you for sharing these miracles. After talking about such things with a very old dear friend I felt led to understand more.
    Since a child I have loved sparkley things somehow knowing deep within these were the things of heaven. Looking back I may have experienced this and did think God was involved but not understanding it is a known manifestation of God's Love. I look forward to what blessings and graces are to come. Many blessings to you all!

  11. Praised be Jesus and Mary!
    I am Bebeth Durano from Iligan City, Philippines. I am a devotee of the Blessed Mother since I was young. Since 1997, I have organized Saturday cenacles with the 3 Pilgrim Icons of Mother of Perpetual Help. In May 2014, the 4ft statue of Our Lady, Mary Mediatrix of All Grace and her little statue had started another 2 cenacle groups. The icons and the statues had already manifested the presence of Mama Mary through water dripping from roses as I touched them to the pilgrim images; sometimes heavenly rose fragrance was experienced by the group.
    After the first Saturday Cenacle this June 2014, the 19th anniversary of the Cenacle group, I noticed very tiny glitters of silver and gold on my face,palms and arms. At first, I was bewildered where they came from. They appear more when I pray with the group, at home when I pray the Divine Office (I am a Secular Carmelite OCDS), and attends mass. They won't come off even with daily bath. They are always with me since then. Some of my companions have them as I shared and show the tiny escarchas. The tiny glitters are more visible with sunlight.
    I am so happy that I have read your article and the testimonies about escarchas. Finally, I have answers and confirm that it is really the Blessed Mother's manifestation of her loving presence. Thank you so much for posting.

    1. Sorry, correction please.This was June 2016, when escarchas started to appear. It was written June 2014.

    2. Dear Bebeth, thank you for sharing your personal experiences concerning Our Lady and escarchas. Your story is a wonderful testimony as to how Heaven is so close to us; how Jesus and Our Lady are always eager to be a part of our lives and in our midst, especially during prayer time. God continue to bless you and all the members of your prayer cenacles. Please pray for me and this ministry, as well. Thank you again.

  12. Hi, I'm from a little town in Northern Ontario in Canada. I don't know how long my hands have "sparkled", but, they do, constantly. The "sparkles" are like tiny points of light that flash, sometimes slowly, sometimes fast, and sometimes they stay visible for quite some time. It's very interesting to say the least. I also noticed some "sparkles" on my friends fingertips last year. It is only today that I have come across the term "escarchas". As this is the only message board I have come across with actual testimonies I thought it best to post my experiences here. I'm not sure what to make of these little lights on my skin. Science doesn't offer any conclusions, but at least here on this website people are talking about them. So that's a good sign. Anyway that's it for me. -Matthew.

    1. Thanks, Matt, for sharing your story. Given my own experiences in the realm of spiritual manifestations, I've come to believe that there are wondrous things that happen in this world that science cannot always explain. I can't comment for sure that your personal experience is what this blog and other faith-based websites describe as, 'escarchas', because you didn't elaborate on the circumstances surrounding the sparkles appearing on you. Generally, escarchas allegedly appear as a sign or affirmation from God during faith-related circumstances (e.g. Prayer Meetings, Marian apparitions, etc.). What you described, though, is fascinating and does seem like what I've experienced myself... and I pray that these luminous manifestations in your life are leading you and others into a deeper, blessing-filled relationship with Christ. So God bless you, Matt, and thanks again for sharing!

  13. Thank you for sharing this! I can see that you have a great love and passion for Jesus Christ. One thing I would like to know more about. I worship Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and father God without reservation. Yet, I do not understand the biblical basis for praying to Mary. I've experienced great and miraculous manifestations over the years and love Jesus with my whole heart. Are you every concerned that worshipping Mary (a mortal) does not bring God glory?

    1. Dear friend, in response to your question, my response is two-fold:

      1) First off, the Catholic Church does not allow worship of Mary, nor does it allow the worship of our Saints. The Church teaches that to worship anyone, or anything, other than God, would be a grave sin.

      In regards to the Church's devotion to Mary we, as Catholics, recognize the unique and sublime role Mary plays in mankind's redemption; she was not just a random choice by God, among other women of her time, when the time came for Jesus to be incarnated... but rather she was a deliberate part of His plan from the time of the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden.

      Mary is the "Woman" prophesied in the Book of Genesis who will be in "enmity" with the serpent (aka devil); the "Woman", who Jesus commended to all mankind (via His words to St. John) to be our "Mother", as He was dying on the Cross; and the "Woman clothed with the Sun" from the Book of Revelation. These scriptural references are striking and clear in the manner they progressively reference Mary's cooperative and glorious role in our Salvation History. This was the mind-set of the Church from the very infancy of Christianity, as evidenced by the writings of the Early Church Fathers who held the Blessed Virgin in high regard and referred to her as the "New Eve". As such, the Church honors her and has set her up as the ultimate role-model of faith that all should strive to imitate.

      2) As far as being concerned whether my devotion to Mary takes away from the glory of God, I have no such concern. Just ask yourself this - does Jesus love Mary? The answer should be obvious. Besides, if He didn't love and respect her, He'd be breaking one of the most fundamental commandments given to us by God, Himself... which is simply inconceivable. So if Jesus indeed loved his Mother - and I dare say that His love and affection for her was on a category all its own - why shouldn't we love and respect her, as well? If we claim to profess love for Christ, it would only make sense that we love all things that are especially dear to Him, including His own Mama; the woman who nursed and raised Him, changed His daipers, cooked His meals, washed His clothes, and was the only person there with Him from the moment of His birth and to the moment He died.

      This is why I shudder when I read about, or watch clips, of people (including brethren of other Christian denominations) outright insulting the Blessed Virgin. How could that be pleasing to Jesus in any way? If any sensible person would be offended if his/her parent(s) were insulted in anyway, I can just imagine our Lord being offended and/or hurt when people insult the person most closest to His Divine Heart. And on the flipside of the coin, I firmly believe it gives Jesus pleasure when people show love and respect towards His mother. It's all common sense.

      Besides, Mary's role, as the Church always reiterates was not just to bring Jesus into the world but to also lead others to Him through her intercession. This is demonstrated at the wedding in Cana when Mary interceded with Jesus for the wedding couple when they ran out of wine... then directed the servants to "Do whatever he (Jesus) tells you." She was the first to bear witness to her Son's Divinity; what He was capable of doing... and rightly commanded that we do His will (not hers) so Jesus could do His work.

      In closing, I can honestly testify that my devotion to Mary (and the Saints, too) has deepened my faith and love for Christ; enriched me in a way that I truly feel I am part of Jesus' personal life - his Holy Family. Wonderful signal graces, including escarchas, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to just how blessed I have been by both Jesus and Mary. I can't thank Mary enough for what she has done for me in my life.

      May Mary touch your heart, in the same way she touched mine... and lead you to a new level of faith in her Son, Jesus. God bless you.

    2. Alright, a little much... It's one thing to honor and respect Mary but you clearly to see Mary as some form of greatest on the level Christ and as a Christian, born again, I cannot help but interrupt your poor practice and teachings among my fellow brothers and sisters. Mary was important, for sure, but for you to admit worship to Mary in the place of Christ and He Himself? You're delusional and I will gladly be praying for your promotion of blatant Sin.

      Farewell and God Bless Your Soul.

    3. You must have misunderstood my comments made above. It clearly states I don't worship Mary... and neither do responsible Catholics. Although I do appreciate the offer of your prayer I would rather you pray the Lord to enlighten you about true devotion to His mother; about understanding the genuine love He bears for her in His Divine heart. I am at peace with my relationship with Christ and confirmed in my Catholic Faith. No need to be concerned for me.

  14. Thank you for this informative post. I have been witnessing and experiencing what you describe/define as escarchas for at least four years, (maybe even longer because a friend used to ask me if I'd been "playing with glitter" because he'd see it on my face...I hadn't, nor do I wear "glittery" makeup.) While I love, respect, and honor Mary as Jesus's Mother and proclaim and uphold the importance and miracle of the Virgin Birth of Jesus, as a non-Catholic (Methodist/Full Gospel) Christian, the formal devotions and practices many describe here are not part of my experience/tradition (just my personal facts, not a judgement.) I started out in 2014 observing green and silver escarchas forming on my parents' (in their 70s) faces and on their table. The green escarchas were often shaped like a flat oil drop, often with intricate, mazelike patterns in them. The summer of 2014 at a retreat (ecumenical with many Catholic charismatics and others) in Vermont, someone noticed a large silver escarcha (but I didn't know that was what it was called then) forming on the face of a woman while I was praying for her; the woman said she was not wearing glitter or glittery makeup. Lately, while going through many battles and extremely stressful times, the escarchas have been forming on me, often gold, around my eyes and on my forehead, particularly when I've been under duress (emotional, physical/medical) or in dangerous or high-stress situations. A natural skeptic, (I am a scientist... a chemist... with zero tolerance for any sort of fraud, hoaxes, scams, chicanery, or simply any sort of delusion or mistaken idea) I am always in cautious, "due diligence" mode and I quickly take inventory making sure there isn't some "natural world" explanation (e.g. Did I handle any greeting card, home décor, craft item, etc. w/ glitter on it? Did I come in contact with someone who might have had glitter on their clothes or on themselves? Do I myself have on any kind of sparkly makeup, base, eyeshadow, powder that could form some sort of glittery effect?) When the answer to all of these is a definitive, unequivocal NO, I believe it is a supernatural manifestation. Again, though, as a Bible believer with Scripture as my authority and the admonition to use discernment and test all things, I am still wary and skeptical... I try to guard against the demonic/satanic supernatural as well, being aware that the enemy comes as an "angel of light," and can distract, delude, and deceive with false "signs and wonders." Ultimately, though, I have come to believe the escarchas are graces ministered to believers possibly by angels and/or the Holy Spirit as a sign of God's love and very real, very close presence. Tonight, after a very stressful day (again, after dealing with various "fiery darts" of the enemy,) I took a very long walk, returned home, and without any particular reason or prompting event, announced to a family member, "The Holy Spirit is very real and present to me right now." When asked, I really couldn't say why I said that, nothing in particular had happened, but a few hours, when I happened to glance in the mirror while washing my hands, I noticed gold escarchas starting to form at the corner of one of my eyes, then one high on my forehead, above and below my eye... It's always interesting to me when observing them, how the more you look, the more seem to appear out of nowhere. The main thing is while we may marvel at and appreciate this strange, special blessing or sign is to keep our proper focus and priority on and our praise and worship directed to our Almighty Heavenly Father. Blessings, peace, joy, and love to you all!

    1. Thank you, Friend for testifying to your personal experiences. I could/can relate to many of the things that you shared in your comment. Reading other people's stories always fills me with wonder and gratitude towards the closeness of God's presence with us, His children. All thanks and praises be to Him always!

  15. Hello, do you know the meaning of the colors? I have come across other cites that have some explinations on most colors but not the pink, would you by chance know wat the pink means?

    1. Hello. Thanks for your inquiry... no, I don't know what the pink escarchas mean. You and I probably read the same online articles that allege a private revelation from Mary pertaining to the symbolism of the colors of escarchas. I include it below for reference (roughly translated from the original Spanish):

      "I want to announce the meaning of the colors of my escarchas:

      - SILVER: in them I show you the magnanimity of my heart. Ask me for what you want.

      - GOLD: in them I incline toward the weak; I am going to heal you spiritually, physically, psychologically, morally.

      - BLUE: in them I want to announce to you my closeness. I am with you, I have been present to you.

      - GREEN: they are a song that opens you to hope. I will act in the favor of God. Hope in God.

      - RED: in times of trial you offer me a sacrifice; remember that I love you.

      - CLEAR: the road of humility is the path that leads to freedom. I know those who are humble and simple.

      - AQUAMARINE: is the road that is very treacherous and curved. I want to tell you, on that road, I will be with you."

      There's no description for pink escarchas. However, for me personally, I never concern myself with the colors when I experience escarchas. Blue, green, red, etc... I just thank God for this special sign of Jesus and Mary's presence in my life - it encourages me to strive for virtue and a deeper relationship with the Lord. If you're asking because you've experienced this sign, too, try to just take it for what it is - a signal grace... and respond to it in the best way you can. God bless you.

    2. My experience with the escarchas was profound. It was not a few sprinkles, but instead, it appeared a large amount (like a small bucket) and it stayed with me for months and months on a large scale, and later reduced its appearance (while still on my skin, face, hands, arms). Many people observed it while attending mass and outside the church. Even the priest made mention of my "glowing" during his homily. He just said, "if you look to your neighbor and he/she is glowing, just know she is living her life close to God." Even today, which is many years later, I still get the dust. As for the colors, I never stop to analyze which colors the particles were (there was just so much of it). Also, while being filled with a tremendous amount of joy (this happened on a Mother's Day while spending the day in prayer with the Rosary, Divine Mercy, etc), I never stopped to observe it close enough to distinguish for colors.

    3. Thank you for sharing your story.

  16. St patricks wallsend Australia nsw has been experiencing over this year glitter falls it started on the feast of the lady of perpetual help 27.6.21 and most recently Christmas eve 24.12.21 at 10pm mass with father Christian and Christmas day at 9am 25.12.2021.i and many have notice this grace from God and Mary.we mainly have silver and gold dusting.many parishners haven't noticed the glitter on the floor shining like starlights but when they come its in the homily and consecration.i sit in the first few pews and watch in amazement the shining glitter appears.i have kept a diary and samples of glitter from occasions.i love to see it and get distracted looking at it instead of the mass.

  17. My dear friend, I brought out my items for cleaning my case to keep them. Now, I had framed my own Lady of Guadalupe picture shortly before taking out for fixing a mess that I've made.

    After leaving it out for a while, I notice that there was just some red glitter that appeared. It was just one piece. It is still there, inside the glass-covered frame. A miraculous appearance. I am planning to tape it and put in a separate frame.

    This is my story of escarchas, and I wish to tell more if this repeats.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience! Just a friendly suggestion for you to consider - you may want to just leave the escarcha in the frame with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Since it appeared on that particular picture, our Holy Mother could be drawing your attention to the image itself; blessing it in a special way for you.

  18. I just was searching for information on escharchas bc it has been appearing on me for 17 or so years. But just recently...I started taking a picture of it to show my prayer group. As I looked at the picture, I thought, I'd zoom in on it to make it appear larger so that I could share it. After I zoomed in on it, I took a screen shot to zoom in closer (this was all done on my phone) As I zoomed in my heart almost stopped, there, very clearly was a cross and an anchor! Jesus had, for 2 weeks told me to "anchor, anchor, anchor yourself to me." And so I had no idea what I was supposed to take away from the image. I wanted to please Jesus so I went and prostrated myself to Him in thanks giving.

    After the cross and the anchor, I began to wonder, if there were images I was supposed to see in the escharcha that I continue to receive. There ARE! Brothers and Sisters I share this with the utmost humility praying that it edifies you in some way. I don't know how to share pictures on this site, but if you email me I'll happily share these with you. The escharcha also has shown up on people I've prayed over. In the ministry to which I have been called, I'm led by the Holy Spirit ...very many healings have occurred. If the site-manager allows me, I'll share the youtube channel where you will hear others share their testimony of their healings after I prayed over them. To be clear. I'm not the healer, Jesus is. I'm excited to share the images that I've shared with my Bishop and Spiritual Director if the site-manager will allow too. InOneSpirit23@gmail.com...Bless all of you.

    1. Thank you for your testimony, Vickie. I think including your contact email in your message is a good and sufficient way for interested persons to reach you. May God's continued blessings be upon you and your ministry.

  19. I also experience this. It started in 2012 after a prayer to st Joseph for help (employment and healing from domestic violence). To this day glitter forms on me daily, I see sparkles in the sky, and have photos of myself where 1000s of orbs/ sparkles on me in photos. I am Catholic and I know it isn’t formally recognized by the church. I try not to focus on it too much but I just feel God speaking to me like “hey don’t be sad. I’m with you, all will be okay”. A lot better now after a decade 🙏❤️

    1. I have the photos to “prove” it and can capture the glitter daily on video if I wanted to. It’s even on my legs!

  20. Thank you for sharing your story... and God continue to bless you! 🙏

  21. I am a youth minister and one of my students & I went to a daily Mass on Thursday and after receiving Jesus, we went back to our pew and she looked at her hands and said, “I must have shook someone’s hand that had glitter on them. Then I looked at my hands and I too had the gold glitter. Then 5 minutes later when Mass ended we looked and it was gone. I was telling a friend about it and she had heard of this website and heard about the glitter on the hands!

    1. Thank you and bless you for sharing your experience. I've experienced the same scenario multiple times. After the escarchas kept appearing, I realized that it wasn't something someone passed on to me - they were genuinely inexplicable escarchas. The Lord could be manifesting a visible grace to you because of your Mass attendance - He is happy - continue to be prayerful and attend Mass as frequently as possible ... and see if it happens again. Blessings!


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