The Saint we honored tonight -
St. Genoveva Torres Morales - was
represented by her 2nd Class Relic.
A few of our regular members were sidetracked by work or other obligations so were unable to attend, but for the rest of us who participated, we had the joy of adding a new friend to our prayer circle tonight... and welcomed back a couple of old time members who we hadn't seen during the holiday months.
As always, the Rosary Prayer was offered for various intentions - general and personal - and tonight, with a heavy heart, I specifically offered my personal prayers for the protection of the unborn in conjunction with several pro-life events that were taking place nationwide over the weekend. I couldn't help but feel sadness at the thought of how much the pure hearts of our Lord and our Blessed Mother are deeply grieved at the lost of so many innocent lives; we hoped to console them with our humble prayers.
Our customary potluck dinner followed our prayer time, which lightened our hearts and filled us with gratitude for all the delicious dishes that were served by our gracious host or brought by other participants. We even celebrated a birthday tonight and sang "Happy Birthday" to a 73-year-old participant we affectionately call "Auntie Feliza". Chocolate Chantilly cake topped off our night of Christian fellowship and prayer. Thanks and praises be to God Almighty!
UPDATE (1/29/2013): Our host and prayer leader, Dre', asked me today to share a beautiful testimonial to our Blessed Mother involving our friend - Wyatt - who attended the prayer meeting for the first time this past Saturday.
After the meeting ended and others had left, Wyatt stayed behind to socialize with Dre' and her mother. During their conversation, he stopped and commented on a strong scent of flowers - Puakenikeni ("Sampaguita", in Filipino) - that he suddenly became aware of. The two women, trying as hard as they could, could not detect the fragrance that Wyatt was referring to... but he insisted that he could smell the distinct floral scent, although Dre' confirmed that there were no Puakenikeni bushes on the property.
The ladies then surmised that the fragrance was a little sign from our Blessed Mother, herself, to thank Wyatt for his attendance at the prayer meeting. What really makes this testimonial all the more remarkable is the fact that Wyatt is a Pentacostal and not a Catholic... but it just goes to show what a truly loving mother we have in Our Lady, who welcomes and accepts all peoples without prejudice, as her spiritual children through Christ!
The tasty dishes we enjoyed tonight
were from various ethnic backgrounds:
Chinese, Filipino, and baked fish inspired by
the spicy flavors of the exotic Seychelles.
UPDATE (1/29/2013): Our host and prayer leader, Dre', asked me today to share a beautiful testimonial to our Blessed Mother involving our friend - Wyatt - who attended the prayer meeting for the first time this past Saturday.
After the meeting ended and others had left, Wyatt stayed behind to socialize with Dre' and her mother. During their conversation, he stopped and commented on a strong scent of flowers - Puakenikeni ("Sampaguita", in Filipino) - that he suddenly became aware of. The two women, trying as hard as they could, could not detect the fragrance that Wyatt was referring to... but he insisted that he could smell the distinct floral scent, although Dre' confirmed that there were no Puakenikeni bushes on the property.
The ladies then surmised that the fragrance was a little sign from our Blessed Mother, herself, to thank Wyatt for his attendance at the prayer meeting. What really makes this testimonial all the more remarkable is the fact that Wyatt is a Pentacostal and not a Catholic... but it just goes to show what a truly loving mother we have in Our Lady, who welcomes and accepts all peoples without prejudice, as her spiritual children through Christ!