
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Photo Album of Little Signs: 2024

-  Photo Album #5 (of 5)  -

"And I will show wonders in heaven above,
and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and
fire, and vapour of smoke ..."

Acts 2:19

This unique set of photo albums are a collection of unusual photographs/videos related to my prayer group that used to gather weekly when I lived in Enchanted Lakes (Kailua) from 1994 to 2004. Also included are more recent images pertaining to my current Guadalupe House Ministry that show what I personally believe to be "little signs" of the presence of our Lord and our Blessed Mother in this work.

I'm a strong believer that God is very close to us and speaks to us often through the most ordinary of things such as a beautiful tree on the side of the road; an unusual cloud formation that reminds us of something dear or holy; perhaps even through certain "coincidental" circumstances that occur in our day-to-day lives. His presence is truly all around us, waiting to be recognized and affirm our beliefs, if we but see through the eyes of Faith.

I testify that none of the images on this page have been falsified... and they're certainly NOT intended to convince anyone that there's divine intervention going on in my home, or that I'm some sort of seer or miracle-worker. I'm really just an ordinary guy who simply happens to have deep faith in the notion that our God has a willingness and desire to express his immense Love and Divine Will to every one of us - sometimes, even through signs.

... but the more important signs are the ones which remain unseen - the Peace, the Love, the Healing, and the positive Spiritual Conversion that occur in peoples' lives as a result of prayer uniting us intimately with God. I hope the viewer finds the photos/videos edifying, or at the very least, interesting and thought-provoking.

- Peter, Ministry Administrator

~ For Discernment: a Dark Horse ~

I was reluctant to post about this recent experience, but a friend's advice urged me to do it ... so here it is.

On Saturday evening, 1/20/2024, after praying the Rosary and serving the Vigil Mass at my parish church, this witness seemed to hear the Lord’s voice say to me: "I will show you something - take a picture."

Not long after, I was surprised to see in the sky ahead of me - a clear figure of a dark horse, that seemed to be running in the firmament alight with flames. The sight of it took me aback for several moments, and filled me with concern, as there was something ominous about the entire scene. I took the photo shown above before the image completely faded, but it doesn't do justice to what I saw in person.

I've had similar personal experiences before of mysterious voices and uncanny images that seemed to foreshadow significant Church and/or world events ... so I've been praying about this latest occurrence ever since.  I leave it to each reader's discernment as to how one wants to respond this post, but my hope is that many others will also respond with prayer.  May God bless us all. 

~ What or "Who" is this? ~

For a couple of days prior to a scheduled Saints & Relics Presentation at a young girls retreat, this author had been suffering from a sudden onset of back and leg pains.  I was worried if I could even do the presentation.

On the night before the event, a brilliant full moon illuminated the Hawaiian sky and I took several photos to capture the moment; not expecting anything unusual.

Imagine my relief and excitement when I awoke the next morning with my back pain almost completely gone ... then also discovered a luminous "figure" in two of the pics!  I didn't see the image in the sky when I first snapped photos, but in hindsight, I believe it was Our Lady coming down to help me so I could conduct the presentation.  Thanks and Praises be to God and to our Blessed Mother Mary!

~ The Holy Spirit lights the way ~

As a result of a recent series of Life in the Spirit seminars being held at my parish, this author has been praying more to the Holy Spirit ... to know Him in a deeper, personal way.

On 2/3/2024 - the First Saturday of February ‐ while at Mass and Eucharistic Adoration at St. John Vianney Church in Kailua, I pleaded the gifts of the Holy Spirit to descend upon my fellow parishioners and myself who were going through the seminars.  While leaving the church, I heard a "voice" directing me to take photos of the monstrance - I snapped two.

In one photo, look at the beautiful rays descending from the ceiling!  Note how the Light of the Holy Spirit is directing attention to Jesus's true presence in the Blessed Sacrament, as well as, upon the Altar where it all takes place during every Mass!  I understood from the pic above that the Eucharist is the ultimate channel from which the Gifts of the Holy Spirit flow - Come, Holy Spirit, come!

~ The "Dew" of St. Michael ~

This blogger is a member of the Cohort of St. Michael the Archangel, a spiritual warfare prayer group/ministry on Oahu.  Since its establishment in August 2021, our members have collectively gone through occasional unusual experiences, of which the above is the most notable.

On December 2022, liquid "manna" - resembling droplets of dew - was observed on the Cohort's statue of St. Michael, which is in this author's custody; the phenomenon happened again in December 2023.  Unexpectedly, during a Cohort Meeting on 2/28/2024, the manna was witnessed for the third time.  The gif shown above was made using cellphone footage filmed after the meeting.

We interpret the appearance of St. Michael's dew as a sign of the Archangel's spiritual presence and protection ... and I decided to share this to testify to the power of God and St. Michael, and the reality of spiritual warfare.  For additional info about St. Michael's manna, click here.

~ Our Lady sends down graces ~

This photo of the sky above St. John Vianney Church in Kailua, was snapped on 3/16/2024.  It was taken from the parish's outdoor shrine dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  In it can be discerned the luminous figure of the Holy Virgin radiating light - "rays of grace" - down to our Hawaiian Islands.  I believe it's a prophetic sign.  Details behind this remarkable photo can be read here.

~ A Mother's closeness ~

This blogger recently committed himself to doing the full 20 decades of the Holy Rosary daily (versus the 5 decades that I've been praying for years) ... and this sign happened on the third day after starting it.  To learn more about the backstory, click here.

~ Another Eucharistic Sign ~

With the US bishop-sponsored "National Eucharistic Revival" currently in full swing in our country, and the Eucharistic Congress coming to Indianapolis in July 2024, I think the Lord is trying to draw our attention to this Eucharistic initiative with this photo ...

It's clear resemblance to a Host and Chalice are simply spot on.  I posted its backstory here.

~ The Lady of Peace ~

Our Lady truly is the Queen of Peace.  She desires Peace for us; prays for Peace for us; and she abundantly showers graces on those who heed her words to pray for PEACE.

This author can once again testify to the veracity of these words with this latest photo, which was snapped on the afternoon of June 1, 2024.  It was the First Saturday and I was at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Kailua to help lead our parish's ongoing monthly Rosary for Peace.

Upon setting foot in the courtyard of the church and glancing up, I immediately spotted a white human-figure hovering above - it was our dear Blessed Mother!  It had to be her - the clear and familiar silhouette ... the day of the month ... the holy place ... the devout occasion.  There were too many factors going on for it to be just a random cloud.  It was her, and she had come to join us in prayer.  What a tremendous blessing!

~ A Visit from St. Damien ~

After our FIAT Prayer Meeting on the night of 6/19/2024 ended, I went out to my car to load up meeting equipment.  I then felt "prompted" to take a photo before driving home so I snapped two of the sky.  The next day I was amazed to discover that one photo showed an uncanny, but familiar figure that wasn't seen at the time ...

Our FIAT Members recognized the figure standing in our church courtyard as being Hawaii's very own, St. Damien, wearing his trademark hat and long black cassock!  

Incidentally, there are no trees or bushes in that area that could've cast that shadow-like image ... but, interestingly, a relic of St. Damien is enshrined and honored inside our parish church.  It's a comfort to know he's watching over us - St. Damien of Molokai, pray for us!

~ Our Lady of Grace ~

Taken on 7/3/2024, I had just attended Mass in the Honolulu Cathedral and was doing my daily walk (exercise) while praying my Holy Face Chaplet in reparation for sin.  Just a few blocks away, the Holy Virgin unexpectedly manifested herself in the sky as Our Lady of Grace.

I understood the Blessed Mother was dispensing graces upon the world in response to all our prayers being sent up to Heaven.  So keep praying!

(To view Photo Album #1, click here;
to view Photo Album #2, click here;
to view Photo Album #3, click here;
to view Photo Album #4, click here)

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