In the early morning hours of Wednesday, 9/16, I had a terrible dream that was accompanied by an even stranger occurrence. Even now, as I write this post, I can still clearly remember the details of it ... and it has me worried because the Pope featured prominently in it.
In my dream, I saw a person's left forearm - definitely a man's arm, but with no other physical features (face, torso, etc.) - and in his hand he held a photograph of a Pope. The photo looked soiled and a little crumpled, as though it had been trampled on or exposed to the elements for a while. At the same time, the surreal surroundings appeared very dark and gloomy, and the wind was blowing hard; I could tell because there was small debris flying by in the background. It seemed as though the person holding the photo was in the middle of a brewing storm.
An illustrated representation of what I saw in my dream. |
I looked at the photo in the man's hand, and although I recognized that it was a Pope, the picture was so worn it appeared a little blurred, which made it somewhat hard to determine whether it was Pope Francis, or the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, in the photograph ... but the strong impression I had was that it was the current Pontiff - Pope Francis.
As I continued watching the scene, I was suddenly struck with an overwhelming sense of dread. So much so that my heart began racing and it escalated to an anxiety attack within the dream. It was then that I heard a loud crashing sound and immediately awoke; still in a state of panic. Right away I reached for a small crucifix that I keep on a side-table next to my bed and blessed myself several times with it; praying to our Lord to take away my fear ... and to protect me from any spiritual harm.
I listened for more noise but everything was quiet and still in my dark room. My anxiety eventually subsided and I managed to fall back asleep, but it was just a few hours later, after my alarm clock went off, that I realized something weird had also happened in my home.
After I woke again and started getting ready for work, I saw that a large painting had fallen off my living room wall, which was probably the loud crash I had heard in my dream. I have to admit that I was more than a bit unnerved when I saw the painting laying on the floor because it had been securely fastened to the wall. It was just too coincidental and strange; as though the blustery wind in my dream had somehow blown through the inside of my home!
I pondered this entire experience all throughout yesterday and today, and I am still not 100% certain as to what it all means ... but based on the dark imagery in the dream, I am convinced that it signified something bad. Now I am wondering if it could be a possible forewarning of something dangerous that may be in store for the Pope (or even the Pope Emeritus, too) in the near future. I wouldn't have thought so, if not for the painting falling off my wall; the exclamation point (!) to the events of that early morning.
... but let me make it clear that I am not trying to make myself out to be some sort of prophet of doom by sharing this story. The truth is - I have had a few dreams come true in the past, which is why I felt strongly compelled to share about this one because of its serious implications. I love our Holy Father and my hope is that those who read this blog will be moved to offer a few prayers for his safety and protection, perhaps an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be ... and, more so, since he'll be coming to the United States in a few days and I'm sure there are many in this country who are not particularly fond of Pope Francis. Someone who is fanatical and bold enough, may try to harm him, which has me deeply worried ... but I hope this experience proves to be nothing more than what it was - just a really bad dream.
Whatever the case, may God, through the intercession of Our Lady and the prayers of the Faithful, surround the Pope and the Church with Divine Protection; provide heavenly guidance to him during his period of papacy. Please keep Pope Francis in your daily prayer.