
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, July 24, 2021

More unusual images from Lourdes...

Since the pandemic lockdown began back in March 2020, I've been on YouTube alot.  One channel I visit regularly is the official Lourdes Sanctuary live webcam and I love it.  I've never been to Lourdes so viewing the webcam feels as though I have an open window in my home that overlooks the Grotto of the Apparitions - it's beautiful and I like offering my daily Rosary looking at the shrine, united with the priests and pilgrims praying there.  Plus, the immense sanctity of the place is quite tangible even through the screen.

Beginning this past March 2021, a friend who also frequently views the webcam, has observed unusual orbs or "dancing" light formationat the grotto - see here.  Recently, I started seeing them too, along with holy figures in the grotto. Interestingly, the lights are always concentrated in the main cave, around the altar, or in front of the niche where Our Lady's statue is situated.  It doesn't happen all the time but, when it does, we both find it bewildering.

Light - like balls of fire - erupt from the
altar located in the sacred grotto of Lourdes (definitely NOT bugs on the camera lense!)

At other times the sunlight will reflect off the rock in different parts of the grotto to form luminous images, which at first glance, oddly resemble the Blessed Virgin ... sometimes with a baby!  In fact, just yesterday, I saw this phenomena happen again - see the photo below.

A silhouette appears in the grotto -
behind and above the altar - resembling
the familiar figure of Our Lady covered
by her trademark veil.

And what about the image below that I recently discovered from a clip I filmed this past May 2021?  If you look behind the priest on the left, there seems to be a transparent human-like figure.  It's faint, but a somewhat golden luminosity ... and again, it's a silhouette that could reasonably be interpreted as Our Lady.

Is that the Blessed Virgin Mary in
the Holy Grotto of Apparitions?

Of course the lights and the figures seen above could simply be of natural causes and merely coincidental - "spiritual serendipity" - along with pareidolia on my part.  I don't actively look for them, but on the rare occasions when seemingly holy personages do unexpectedly show up on the webcam during my prayer time, I can't help but feel it's a spiritual treat.  It's exciting and inspires more fervent devotion.

So go on YouTube and search "Lourdes live webcam" to bring up the webcam.  While you're at it, take out your Rosary and pray!  You never know what you'll end up seeing in Our Lady's grotto ... and, even if nothing extraordinary happens, our Blessed Mother still bestows other signal favors for honoring her through her favorite prayer - click here for the list of her 15 Rosary Promises, which are much, much greater graces than seeing lights in the grotto.

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