Yesterday morning this ministry conducted a presentation at St. John Vianney Church - it was another Saints & Relics talk tailored for the parish's CCD kids and their parents/adult sponsors; I've been conducting this talk for this group every February since 2021 and it's always well-received. This year there was a different vibe, though, but in a very good way - the audience was larger than usual and seemed extra-receptive to what was being shared.
First off, I like it when parish's include parents in their children’s CCD journey because I strongly feel that some parents could use a Catholic education, too. As with prior talks I've done, I emphasized the fact that "church begins at home"; the importance of praying together as a family outside of Mass for the general and spiritual well-being of the family ... especially for the protection of the children against negative worldly influences. I also use the example of the virtues of the Holy Family or St. Therese of Lisieux, her canonized parents (Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin), and her four holy nun-sisters to drive the point home. That part of the talk is usually received with a lukewarm response from some of the adults, but at this year's presentation, most adults and children were really paying closer attention throughout the entire talk; I sensed there was a deep "thirst" for the message.
Relics of the Holy Family on display. Other Holy Persons/Relics featured were the Servant of God Nina Ruiz Abad, Bl. Carlo Acutis, St. Damien of Molokai, St. Germaine Cousin, and St. Giuseppe Moscati, and Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati.
As confirmation, after the presentation this author received positive feedback that made me hopeful that people got a measure of satisfaction from the message shared about our Spiritual Heroes, and faith-seeds had also been planted - one father approached me and commented: "Thank you for doing this. I really enjoyed it. This was inspirational. I didn't know much about the Saints." ... and a young mother had the following feedback: "Thank you for coming. I enjoyed your talk. I brought my older kids along to listen and your presentation addressed questions they had about Saints and how relevant they are to our faith."
... and to see the parents and their children up at the relic display - discussing the Saints; praying together; and touching the reliquaries with awe and reverence - is always priceless. Again, one could sense the thirst for a personal connection with God, and the Saints/Relics were providing something tangible to satisfy that need. May the Lord, Our Lady, and the Saints continue working on these families to help them grow in their Catholic Faith.
The children and parents making personal connections with our Saints and Blesseds through their precious and holy relics.
And speaking of Our Lady, I commend every presentation to her maternal intercession before conducting them. This presentation was no exception - I asked our Heavenly Mother to obtain graces for a successful talk; for all the attendees to open their hearts to Jesus's message, especially the parents. After the event, shortly after reaching home and parking my car, my attention was strongly drawn to the sky, which was immediately followed by an inner voice telling me to "take a picture". Although I didn't discern anything specific in the clouds I immediately obeyed and snapped two pics.
Later, when I reviewed the photos, I was amazed to discover the luminous figure of the Blessed Virgin in both photos - I understood that she had shown herself to affirm her maternal solicitude and blessing upon the families, which made yesterday's event all the more special for me. Below are the photos ...
ABOVE: The Blessed Virgin appears in
these photos taken after the presentation.
BELOW: My visual interpretation of the
holy figures I discern in the two photos.
* * * A T E S T I M O N I A L * * *
"I had so many wonderful comments and words of gratitude from the families. The mom of Annabelle pulled me aside with tears slipping down her face thanking us and yourself for the wonderful affirmations. Annabelle was so full of joy. Her mom was touched by her faith in God's power and a desire to be more like the saints herself. Aren't we all drawn closer to Jesus through these children who believe wholeheartedly? May God continue to bless you through your ministry."
- Joan H., CCD Youth Coordinator
All Thanks and Praises be to our Lord, to His most Holy Mother Mary, and all the Saints who touched lives today. GOD IS GOOD.
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