
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday, July 13th - Celebrating the Feast of Maria Rosa Mystica!

Maria Rosa Mystica,
Ora Pro Nobis!

At the heels of the Vatican's recent approval of the Rosa Mystica Marian Apparitions of Montichiari-Fontanelle ... our Holy Mother was celebrated this morning at St. John Vianney Church in Kailua.

The event was organized by members of the FIAT Prayer Group (with approval from the priest) to comply with Our Lady's request to the late visionary - Pierina Gilli - that July 13th be observed in honor of the "Mystical Rose".

Attendees venerating the statue &
a relic of the Blessed Virgin's veil.

In keeping with the theme, this ministry's 3-foot-tall Rosa Mystica pilgrim statue was displayed for public veneration, along with a genuine relic from Our Lady's veil.  After the Mass, the Rosary was prayed followed by the Litany of Loreto and the official Rosa Mystica Prayer.

A large golden flake of escarcha that I
saw appear above this woman's eye.

I have no doubt many graces were showered upon all who participated and these appear to be confirmed by tangible signs reported to this author: escarchas and the fragrance of roses, which I personally smelled in intermittent waves during the Rosary.  Most definitely, the Rosa Mystica was fulfilling her words to Pierina:

"I have an abundance of graces ready
for all those children who hear my voice
and take my wishes to heart."

~ Words of the Rosa Mystica,
December 8, 1947

More information about the Rosa Mystica apparitions can be found here.

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