
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Marian Apparitions Presentation, 7/27/2024: St. Philomena Church, Honolulu

All thanks and praises be to God!  This morning's presentation at St. Philomena Church was, by all indications, a success with many faith-seeds being planted.

Approximately 100 parishioners came to hear this ministry's talk about Our Lady's approved apparitions and messages throughout the world - words of maternal love and concern, inviting all Humanity to return to God through Repentance, Conversion, Prayer, Reparation, and Peace.

This ministry's precious relics of the Blessed Virgin's veil and several Marian visionaries and Saints were also displayed for the veneration of the attendees ... to encourage their devotion: St. Bernadette of Lourdes; St. Catherine Laboure; the three Fatima Seers (Francisco, Jacinta, Sr. Lucia); St. Maximilian Kolbe; St. Padre Pio; and St. Simon Stock of the Brown Scapular.

Above & Below:
Attendees lined up to venerate the
relics prior to the presentation

The talk ended with relic veneration and a special anointing with holy myrrh from Hawaii's myrrh-streaming Theotokos of Iveron icon (a gift to my ministry from the icon's Orthodox Priest-Guardian).  The church was filled with the scent of roses! 

Prayers and anointing with fragrant myrrh
from Hawaii's Theotokos of Iveron icon

Fellowship with participants

... and, as seen above, a manifestation of Escarchas occurred - it was when the relics of the Holy Virgin and the Saints were unpacked and prepared for public viewing.  In addition, a friend unexpectedly captured on camera a luminous "mist" or "smoke" - resembling incense - descending from above during Fr. Paul's opening prayer and the anointing of the participants.  Significantly, it was only seen in photos taken while we were actively praying ... so we discerned it as a sign of the Holy Spirit's presence. All thanks and praises be to Him!  [NOTE: There are no skylights in the ceiling and no incense was used.]

"Let my prayer be directed as incense
in thy sight; the lifting up of my hands,
as evening sacrifice."

Psalm 141:2

A smokey haze hovers, and descends upon,
those being prayed over and anointed

May the intercession of Our Lady and the Saints draw all who attended into a new and deeper faith-life in Jesus Christ!

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