
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Saints & Relics Presentation: St. Pius X Church, 10/31/2031

This evening was a blessing for this author for many reasons.  This ministry was invited to speak about Saints and Relics at a parish I have never been to before ... and where one of my former pastors from St. Anthony of Padua Church - Fr. Nick - who I haven't seen in years, is now residing.  It was nice to see this beautiful church in quaint Manoa Town, and to see Fr. Nick again; to share this ministry's relics ... and to also have the privilege of adoring and consoling our Eucharistic Lord on a night when diabolic deeds are so prevelant.

The Holy Persons who were discussed, and whose relics were present, were Bl. Bartolo LongoSt. Bernadette of LourdesSt. Catherine of GenoaSt. Damien of MolokaiSt. Leopoldo Mandic, Bl. Miguel Pro, St. Peregrine LaziosiSt. Padre Pio, and St. Pope Pius X.  Relics of Our Lady's clothing ("Ex Camisia") and the Scourging Pillar of our Lord were also brought to the church.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament
Divine!  All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine!

Immediately after the talk concluded, Fr. Nick exposed the Blessed Sacrament for a period of adoration and prayer.  It was surreal to think we had actual Saints and Blesseds physically with us before the altar; just imagine - inhabitants of Heaven and earth were united for a brief time in adoration of our precious Lord!  POWERFUL.

Relics of the holy Faith-Heroes whose lives were shared during the presentation.

After the Eucharist was reposed in the Tabernacle, parishioners were then invited to come forward to venerate the relics, which was also a special encounter with the holy.

So a big MAHALO to Fr. Nick and to the parishioners of St. Pius X for their warm welcome of this ministry.  God's continued blessings and the guidance of the Saints be with them always.

Fr. Nick set an example by starting the
veneration of relics.  Parishioners followed,
including this young mother with children.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: October 2023

October 25, 2023 (Monthly Message given through Marija):

  "Dear Children!  Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness are blowing through the earth to destroy lives.  That is why the Most High sent me to you, to lead you towards the way of peace and unity with God and people.  You, little children, are my extended hands: pray, fast and offer sacrifices for peace - the treasure for which every heart yearns.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

October 20, 2023 (Special Message given through Ivan):

  "Dear Children!  Today I invite you to pray for peace.  At this time, peace is threatened in a special way, and I ask you to renew fasting and prayer in your families and to encourage others to pray for peace.  Dear children, I want you to understand the seriousness of the situation and that much of what will happen depends on your prayer and perseverance.  Dear children, I am with you and I invite you to seriously start praying and fasting.  Thank you for responding to my call!"

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saints & Relics Presentation: Sts. Peter & Paul Church, 10/20/2023

Last night was a wonderful night; time well-spent with our Lord amd His Saints at Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Honolulu.  A good-sized group turned out, including entire families, which I was happy to see because it meant more people got to "encounter" the Saints in a direct and personal manner through relics.

The Saints and Blesseds who this ministry featured at the event and, whose relics were displayed, were: St. Bernadette of Lourdes, Bl. Carlos Manuel Rodriguez SantiagoSt. Dymphna of Gheel, Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin, Bl. Mattia NazareiSt. Peregrine Laziosi, Padre PioBl. Rolando Rivi, St. Therese the Little Flower... and there were also relics from Our Lady's dress and the True Cross of our Lord.

Parishioners lined up to honor the 12 rare
relics that were present in the church.

I also recognized many people in the pews who were present at the Marian Apparitions Presentation this author did at this parish two weeks ago ... so the Saints are evidently touching hearts and drawing people to our Lord, present in the Tabernacle.

In fact, one thing this ministry tries to emphasize during presentations is how the Lord is truly present in the Eucharist; how the Eucharist, along with the other Sacraments Jesus gifted us, gave our Saints the grace to become the Saints we honor today ... and we can become Saints, too, if we diligently live similar sacramental lives.

Expressions of the parish's devotion to
our Saints - fantastic banners and people
kneeling as they pray for their needs.

And finally, my heartfelt thanks to the parish youth group who invited this ministry to speak at Sts. Peter & Paul Church.  May the Saints continue to inspire them, as well as, guide and intercede for their worthy endeavors.

This author with the young adult event
organizers and other youthful members
of Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Honolulu.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

For Discernment: Is this a Message from Jesus and Mary?

There’s something going on in our Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace; an ongoing blessing that's unusual ... beautiful ... relevant ... and even prophetic, in light of current events.  I'm posting about this occurrence because I now feel prompted to do so, given its visible nature.

On Monday, 10/2/2023, during the Noon Mass, I noticed a strange formation on a pillar near the Sanctuary - it closely resembles a classic representation of the Madonna and Christ Child ... and it's an uncanny likeness.

What's more remarkable is that, a few days later, I noticed another image on the same pillar, near the original figures - a profile of the face of Jesus looking downcast and sad.  See the photos and illustrations below ...

... and let me make this clear - I wasn't looking for these figures; they just happened to one day be there and I saw them.  I've sat regularly in that part of the church for years now, and have looked at that very pillar countless of times, but I've never noticed the seemingly holy personages before ... and I know it's not just my imagination because I pointed out the figures to several other regular parishioners, and they all see the same thing - their consistent reactions are: "I see it!" or "When did that happen?"  None of them have seen it before, either, but they do now.

But what does it all mean? I prayed to discern the significance of it and the answer finally came 5 days later on Saturday, 10/7/2023 - the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the day Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel.  The timing of this manifestation couldn't be any more striking ... so, given the circumstances, my interpretation of this event is, as follows:

Parishioners looking at the figures.

🕊 the formation of the Blessed Mother with her Divine Son are representive of Our Lady of Peace, after whom the Cathedral Basilica is named.  Is she is asking for prayers for peace?  Absolutely - particularly inviting us to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and to pray the Rosary.

🕊 the profile of the Holy Face of Christ looking grieved is clearly a sign of the Lord’s deep sorrow over the turmoil in the world; over people killing one another rather than working towards love and peace.  Are we also being asked to offer reparation?  Definitely - to console Jesus who is saddened and offended by our sins.  Again, through Eucharistic Adoration and prayer.

Although I don't profess it's a full-fledged miracle, I do view the dual-images of the Holy Mother and her Son as a genuine sign (again, the timing of their appearance with the attack is just too coincidental).  But a nun-friend of mine who saw it in person remarked to me, "It is a miracle." and Jesus is sad because mankind has "embraced evil"; her choice of words express profound spiritual insight.

Whether it's a miracle, or not, shouldn't really matter.  What's important is that we pray for the peaceful resolution to what's going on in the Middle East.  It is an event that has the potential to become a war that'll spread, and I believe we're being given the immediate opportunity to help end it, or stem its growth, through our collective prayers and voluntary sacrifices.

Please join this ministry in responding "YES" to this call from Jesus and Our Lady - we begin with a simple prayer ...

Lord Jesus, King of Peace,
have mercy on us.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace,
pray for us!
We ask for a speedy and
peaceful end to the
war in the Middle East ...
as well as, all other wars
raging in the world.
Help us to also amend
our lives.  Amen.

NOTICE: The images in our cathedral have not been evaluated by the Honolulu Diocese, nor will they likely be.  What this blogger and others see on the pillar, and how I interpret them are strictly my personal opinions.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pilgrim Statue & Holy Relics Visitation: Vargas Residence, 10/14/2023

I always looks forward to October.  For Fatima Devotees, like myself, we understand that this month - particularly October 13th - commemorates Our Lady's last apparition in Fatima, as well as, the great Miracle of the Dancing Sun that convinced 70,000+ pilgrims of the truth of the Fatima apparitions.  But, for me, this month also means it's time for Auntie Patty's annual America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally!

About 25 people came together to pray for
our country at this year's Rosary Rally.

So, this year I was again asked by Auntie Patty to speak a few words in the beginning and, being somewhat  unprepared, I did a little something different - I took inspiration from my pilgrim statue and directed the people to look upon the image on display; to meditate on the following details concerning our Holy Mother's appearance and mannerism at Fatima:

*  first off, the star at the hem of her dress, which recalls to mind Our Lady's beautiful titles of "Morning Star" and "Star of the Sea".  How she is for us a guiding star - an example to follow - leading to her Divine Son.

*  her pure white dress and veil, signifying our Mother Mary's simplicity and purity ... and her desire for us to live with a simple, childlike faith and pure hearts.

*  the golden ball pendant - symbolic of the globe - hanging down her neck to the area of her heart; an indication of her maternal love and concern for all the world.

*  her hands joined together in prayer with the rosary hanging down from them, clearly representing Our Lady of Fatima's call to prayer, especially the daily Rosary.

*  her sweet, yet serious expression, which emphasized the urgency of her messages and dire warnings given at Fatima.

It was a different approach to the Fatima Message compared to my past talks at these rallies ... but thankfully, it all came together and added a new level of understanding to the occasion, especially to those not so familiar with the apparitions.

Little Auntie Patty, standing before this
ministry's beautiful Fatima statue and
the relics of all three Fatima Seers.

Then, after our prayers finished, the usual fellowship time commenced along with a feast of delicious Chinese food, courtesy of our gracious Auntie Patty.

It goes without saying that it was a spiritually meaningful and enjoyable time, made all the more special after golden flakes of escarchas were later discovered on a cement walkway - what a blessing from Heaven!

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Marian Apparitions Presentation: Sts. Peter & Paul Church, 10/6/2023

Last night, on the eve of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, as well as the eve of a First Saturday, this ministry had the privilege of speaking about the messages delivered by Our Lady throughout the world.

This author spoke to parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Honolulu about approved apparitions such as Fatima, Kibeho, Pontmain, Champion, Akita, Tre Fontane, Betania, Cuapa, and Ngome; emphasizing Heaven's call for Conversion, Prayer, Reparation, Peace, and Eucharistic Devotion.

Relics of Marian Visionaries on display.

The group that attended was smaller than hoped for, but those who showed up were, overall, responsive to the message they were hearing, based on feedback this author received.  Furthermore, I encouraged those new to Marian Apparitions to consider taking advantage of tomorrow's Feast as an opportunity to begin living the message (i.e. praying the Rosary daily, monthly confession, frequent Mass attendance, etc.).

Relics of Marian visionaries - St. Bernadette of Lourdes, St. Catherine Laboure of the Miraculous Medal, and the Fatima Seers were also displayed for the edification of the Faithful, adding to the overall impact of the presentation.  In addition, Miraculous Medals were freely distributed to further promote devotion to our Heavenly Mother.

Parishioners lining up to pay their
respect to Marian Saints who modeled
Our Lady's messages.

I left the church especially hopeful after one woman remarked to me: "We'll spread the message." 

This author with youth organizers of
this evening's presentation ... and look at
the banners they had made - awesome!

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Saint of the Month - October 2023: Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos

Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos
A Model Priest & Mystic
Memorial: October 5th

Born on January 11, 1819, Fussen (Bavaria), Germany, this Blessed was baptized Francis Xavier Seelos after St. Francis Xavier, the prolific Jesuit missionary.   His choice of name may have been providential because as a child he was remarked to his mother, “I’m going to be another St. Francis.” 

Drawn to the priesthood, Francis entered the diocesan seminary in September 1842.  There, he came across an article in a Catholic newspaper describing the plight of German immigrants in the United States and the efforts of the Redemptorists to minister to them.  Moved by what he read, the seminarian applied with the Redemptorists, was accepted, and sent to America, per his request.  Francis arrived in New York in April 1843, then went on to Baltimore, Maryland, to complete his novitiate and studies; he was ordained in December 1844.

Initially, Fr. Seelos was assigned to a parish in Pittsburgh where he had the blessing of working as an assistant to Fr. John Neumann who, like him, was a German missionary and would later be appointed a Bishop ... then canonized by the Church after his death.  Fr. Neumann proved to be a holy influence on the new priest, mentoring him through word and example on how to be an effective, Christ-like pastor to his flock.

The interior of St. Mary of the Assumption
Church where Bl. Seelos ministered, and the
location of his national shrine.

Because of his ability to speak German, English, and even French, Fr. Seelos was able to offer Mass and administer the Sacraments to a wide range of people. Consequently, many came from great distances to see him, particularly to confess their sins.  His simplicity in speech; his kindness towards all; his cheerful disposition; and his innate piety impressed many, and the priest was highly sought-after as a spiritual advisor.

It wasn't long before people came to realize that Seelos was a genuine mystic who had the gifts of discernment, foresight, and healing.  One particular story recounts how a man with crutches walked into the priest's office confidently asking to be healed.  When Fr. Seelos protested that he had no such power, the man threw his crutches out the window while replying that he wasn't leaving until he was cured (talk about faith!); he soon walked away completely healed after the priest prayed over him.

During his fruitful career as a missionary, the Redemptorists assigned Fr. Seelos to minister in at least 10 different states.  His final home was St. Mary of the Assumption Parish in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he was transferred to in 1866.  There, he not only served his flock but was also energetic in working to relieve the poor and sick of the city.

When an outbreak of Yellow Fever started in New Orleans in 1867, Seelos courageously attended to the spiritual and temporal needs of its afflicted citizens.  Exhausted by his efforts, he contracted the disease and succumbed to it on October 4th of the same year; it was a manner of death he mysteriously predicted the year before.

Fr. Seelos was only 48 years old when God called him to his eternal reward.  In death his corpse took on a beautiful, lifelike appearance ... and there was no rigor mortis in his limbs.  Cures were also reported through prayerful contact with his body and later at his grave.

A relic from the bones of Bl. Seelos
in this ministry's custody.

After careful investigation and the recognition of a cure worked through his intercession, the Church Beatified Fr. Francis Xavier Seelos on April 9, 2000.  His relics are venerated in the National Shrine dedicated to him in St. Mary of the Assumption Church in New Orleans.

Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos,
pray for us!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

For Discernment - Prayers Needed for the Church

The Synod of Bishops is starting in Rome ... and I can't help but feel a little uneasy.  This author senses change.  I acknowledge that change can sometimes be beneficial, but when it comes to matters of Faith, I'm always cautious.

The Church has implemented lots of changes in the past 50 years, and frankly, it wasn't all positive; that's my personal take on it and I'm sure there are many reading this who agree ... just look where we've ended up - dissension among our leaders; mostly empty pews; and a German church that's spiraling out of control ... and please don’t misunderstand me as bashing our Church - I'm not.  I LOVE THE CATHOLIC FAITH, but the Church is made up of fallible human beings who can sometimes make mistakes.

Part of my concern is because about two months ago - on August 14th - I had an unusual experience.  It impressed and haunted me so much, the next morning I wrote it down in my smart phone's Notes app, as my priest-spiritual advisor recommended for my spiritual anomalies.  Today, I felt very strongly that I needed to share it and, rather than re-writing it, below is a screenshot from my phone of what I recorded on 8/15/2023.

And here's a rough sketch I made of it...

Let me make another thing clear - I make no claim to being a seer or prophet of any sort, no do I desire to be one; I simply don't need the responsibility, but I've had similar personal experiences in the past that happened to come true.

At this writing, I'm not exactly sure what to make of what I experienced back in August - whether it foretells an actual event or symbolic - but what I do know for certain is that it's not good; it was ominous, but I have yet to work up the courage to talk to my spiritual advisor about it.

... and have you read Our Lady's latest message from Medjugorje?  She warned against "Modernism", which is significant, as far as Medjugorje goes - click here to read it.

So with the unprecedented Synod kicking off, there's a lot of potential for good fruit... but also the possibility of the devil sneaking in to sow bad seeds.  The fact is - there are "dissenters" invited to the Synod.  Wrong decisions coming out of this event could be disastrous for the Church.  Hence, the destruction and tremors imagery in the "vision", and this subsequent request for prayer.

If I'm mistaken, great; I actually want to be wrong ... but I'm not taking any chances.  Again, I love the Catholic Church and I don't intend to jump ship.  I'm choosing to stay and pray.

So, please, join this ministry in offering daily prayer and sacrifices for the Synod; for the Holy Spirit to triumph.  Pray to our Lord ... to our Heavenly Mother ... and to St. Michael and St. Joseph, too.  God is still in control!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Saints & Relics Presentation: St. Elizabeth Church "Edge" Group

Saints were the main topic of discussion at tonight's presentation for St. Elizabeth Parish's Edge Group (Edge is a nationwide Catholic ministry especially geared towards middle schoolers).  What was great was several parents also attended the event, which made for more opportunities for this ministry to plant faith-seeds in families.

The lineup of holy persons featured this night included the Servant of God, Charlene Richard of Louisiana; Ven. Anne de Guigne; Bl. Carlo Acutis; St. Margaret of Castello; Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin ... and their daughter - St. Therese the Little Flower whose Feast also happened to be today.

In addition, I also brought along a relic of the True Cross of Jesus, which awed the audience based on gasps I heard when I announced it.

Relics of Ven. Anne and Bl. Carlo

My ministry's relic of the True Cross

Relics of St. Margaret of Castello,
Sts. Louis & Zelie, & St. Therese.

Based on the intermittent laughter, cheers, and comments, it appeared the kids were engaged in the games we played, and enthralled by the stories of the featured Saints, who I emphasized as heroes of the Catholic Faith; positive role-models to look up to and imitate.

Can you spot the 7 differences between
the two drawings shown above before the
answers are revealed in 30 seconds?

After the presentation ended, all the children showed their enthusiasm for the remarkable people they learned about by lining up to honor them; the adults did the same.

Adults & children touched the reliquaries;
applied sacramentals to them; took photos
& scanned the QR codes to view softcopy
"Bio-Cards" of each holy person.

Overall, I believe it was a successful presentation, particularly because of a singular moment I witnessed: after the kids and adults all converged at the snack table, a lone girl returned to the relics display.  She put her hands together and laid them on the table ... closed her eyes ... then quietly began praying.  She was motionless for quite a while, obviously in total "connection" with St. Therese (see the photo below).  PRICELESS.

It's moments like this that keep this ministry - this author - going.  Faith-seeds were definitely planted and it's all well-worth the work that goes into prepping and conducting a Guadalupe House Presentation.