Feast Day observances at St. Anthony's Church

As expected, the evening service was beautiful and meaningful. Fr. Clarence again conducted one of his Marian-oriented homilies in which he incorporates the singing of several traditional and time-honored hymns especially dedicated to Our Lady. I always find myself deeply stirred and "chicken-skinned" when I hear the entire congregation united in one voice, lovingly praising our Blessed Mother in song, in a manner that she deserves from us - her adopted children through Christ, her Divine Son.
After the Mass, the festivities concluded with refreshments in our "Friendship Lanai", which was highlighted with lighthearted fellowship amongst our parishioners.
After the Mass, a young family took the
time to visit St. Anthony's reliquary in our
church (left), while young parishioners looked
on with awe at Our Lady's relic (right).
"... All glorious is the King’s daughter
as she enters, her raiment threaded
with gold;
In embroidered apparel she is led
to the King. The maids of her train
are presented
to the King.
They are led in with glad and
They are led in with glad and
joyous acclaim; they enter the
palace of the King."
~ Psalm 45:14-16
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