
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, September 29, 2024

For Discernment: MARY the QUEEN OF PEACE

The glowing figure captured in the photos below appeared in my home very early this morning.  This is my personal testimony:

It all started from yesterday, 9/28 - I had a challenging day juggling attendance at morning Mass; exercising my daily prayers; preparing things for an upcoming overseas trip; refurbishing two statues for a Pilgrim Madonna initiative that my parish is doing in October; ironing out details for the Pilgrim Madonna scheduling and guidelines; serving at the Altar at a Saturday evening Vigil Mass; dealing with a disgruntled parishioner over a chapel Sanctuary candle that inadvertently gone out; then clearing up a misunderstanding with one of my priests. By the end of it all, I was deflated and exhausted and, after getting home, fell fast asleep.   Ever had one of those days?

Fast forward several hours to about 2:40AM this morning - I awoke and shortly after was shocked to discover a light formation on a wall in the uncanny likeness of the Virgin Mary.


It goes without saying that, as I gazed upon the sight with awe, I felt the stress and anxiety from the prior day immediately lift.  At the same time a sensation seemed to well-up inside of me ‐ a warm presence and a voice - and it pronounced a single word, almost like a command:


... and I felt the peace, along with heightened joy, gratitude, and a deep sense of being loved; I was also convinced that everything I was worried about was going to be OK ... and abundant blessings would be granted for my parish's Pilgrim Madonna initiative.  GOD IS GOOD.

St. Anthony of Padua Parish's two
Pilgrim Madonna statues

So thanks and praises be to our Lord Jesus Christ ... and of course, thanks, also, to our dear Holy Mother Mary.  She is, indeed, the QUEEN OF PEACE.

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