
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Friday, May 19, 2023

Marian Apparitions & Saints Speaking Presentation, 5/19/2023: Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Honolulu

The messages given at all the Marian Apparitions in the history of the Church can essentially be summarized by the following bulletpoints:

  • PRAY (especially the Rosary and "from the heart")
  • CONVERT (return to God)
  • DO PENANCE (i.e. weekly fasting)
  • FREQUENT THE SACRAMENTS (Eucharist and monthly Confession)
  • PROPHECIES/WARNINGS (i.e. possible future chastisement depending on the world's response)

The above list is what this author expounded on and  emphasized to the group of youth and adults who gathered in the social hall of Mary, Star of the Sea Parish.  I also highlighted several Church-approved apparitions, such as the world-famous miracles at Lourdes and Fatima... as well as, little-known apparitions such as, Cuapa (Nicaragua) and Ngome (South Africa); all while sharing many interesting photos, as part of a slideshow.

Sharing stories and messages from
Our Lady's approved apparitions.

In addition, I displayed relics of St. Catherine Laboure, St. Bernadette of Lourdes, and the three Fatima Seers for the edification of the participants... and I'm happy to relate that people were, indeed, edified!  In fact, I later learned from the youth group coordinator that her cousin - a woman who attended despite having left the Catholic Church for a large local evangelical Christian church - had declared on their ride home together that she wants to return to the Catholic Faith!  Talk about an awesome testimonial to our Blessed Mother's intercession - Praises be to the Lord!

Relics of Canonized Marian Visionaries
on display (L to R): St. Catherine with
Miraculous Medals, the Seers of Fatima,
St. Bernadette with Lourdes Water.

Another interesting signal grace was reported by one of the young people in attendance (she looked about 12-years-old), who believes she may have briefly seen a "shadow" of the Virgin Mary standing beside the relics display.  When I asked the girl if she looked like my Fatima statue, she immediately answered "no" and proceeded to stretch her arms out at waist-level and said, "She had her arms like this, like wanted to give a hug." 

Other items on display were a Rosary
Escarchas in frame, and rose petals that
fell from the sky in Lipa, Philippines.

Given the straightforward way the child answered my questions, her unique description of what she saw, and her unpretentious demeanor, I got the sense that she really did see something; the group's coordinator shared the same impression.  Was it Our Lady of Grace?

Participants venerating the relics.

So, overall, it was a successful and highly unusual night, thanks to the remarkable experiences of several audience members.  This is one talk that I, for sure, won't soon forget.

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