
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Messages from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: March 2023

Monthly Message received by Marija, 3/25/2023:
  “Dear Children!  May this time be a time of prayer for you.”  **

Special Message received by Mirjana during her annual apparition, 3/18/2023:
  “Dear Children, I am calling you, through prayer and mercy, to come to know my Son all the better; to learn to listen with a pure and open heart; to listen to what my Son is saying to you in order to come to see spiritually.  That, as one people of God in communion with my Son, you may bear witness to the truth with your life.  Pray, my children, that, together with my Son, you can bring only peace, joy and love to all your brothers and sisters.  I am with you and am blessing you with a motherly blessing.”

** A commentary on the 3/25 message: This author has been closely following the messages from Medjugorje for over 30 years now and this particular one is highly unusual.  The fact that it's very brief and abruptly ends without Our Lady’s customary, "Thank you for having responded to my call..." raises personal concerns.

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