
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Saints & Relics Presentation: St. Ann Parish Girl's Retreat, 1/27/2024

The Church's teaching on the Communion of Saints was highlighted yesterday during a presentation at St. Ann Church, Kaneohe.  The event was a retreat arranged for 32 girls from various parishes, ranging in ages between 12 to 17 ... and what a spiritually fruitful event it was!

The lineup of holy persons featured at this talk included the Servant of God, Charlene Richard of Louisiana; Ven. Anne de Guigne; Bl. Rolando Rivi; St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin; Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin and their famous daughter - St. Therese the Little Flower ... and the Virgin-Martyr, St. Maria Goretti. In addition, I also brought along clothing relics from Our Lady and St. Joseph.

Relics of Ven. Anne and Bl. Rolando

This ministry's relics of St. Joseph and
the Blessed Virgin Mary

Relics of St. Maria and Sts. Louis & Zelie

Relics of St. Therese and St. Gabriel

Based on the demeanor of girls during the talk, it was clear most of them were engaged as this author recounted stories of the spiritual heroes whose relics were present.  All showed their enthusiasm for what they learned by lining up to honor their respective relics after the talk ended.

Participants touched the reliquaries;
applied sacramentals to them; took photos
& scanned the QR codes to view softcopy
"Bio-Cards" of each holy person.

I left the event feeling certain and hopeful that the message of the Saints had found a place in the youngsters' hearts.  May our good Lord, Our Lady, and all the Angels and Saints inspire and protect these precious souls!

* *  Help from Heaven * *

On a side note, this author wants to testify to a grace granted in regards to this presentation:

Two days prior to the event, I was hit by a sudden episode of back and leg aches.  The pain was so bad, I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to conduct the presentation.

On the night before the talk, a brilliant and stunning full moon illuminated the sky and I took a handful of photos to capture the moment; not expecting anything special.

Well imagine my relief and excitement when I awoke the next morning with my pain almost completely gone ... and then also discovered a mysterious "figure" in two of the moon pics - see above!  I don't recall the figure when I was snapping photos, but in hindsight, I believe Heaven - specifically our Blessed Mother - had come to my aid so I could proceed with the presentation for these children.  Thanks and Praises be to God and to Our Lady!


  1. I like to pray to Anne de Guidne... how did you get her relic?

    1. Aloha Alex, you can inquire with the official promoters of the Cause for Canonization of Anne de Guigne: https://annedeguigne.fr/. Best wishes!


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