This past weekend, this author conducted two talks/relic exhibits that were a major milestone for this ministry, as well as a prayer fulfilled. It was because they took place on Kauai, and I've always dreamed of taking the Saints to the neighbor islands to give communities there the blessed opportunity of encountering Saints through their relics.
Well, after waiting years, God's Divine Providence manifested itself in a remarkable series of events and it finally happened this past weekend - I was invited and sponsored by a parishioner, and welcomed by Fr. Nick Apetorgbor of St. Catherine of Alexandria Church in the quaint town of Kapa'a ... and it was AWESOME!
First off, in the 14 years that I have been doing these talks, I've never met a group of people so full of ALOHA as the ones I met in Kapa'a. I flew to Kauai to minister to them, but it ended up that they also ministered to me through the overwhelming blessing of their hospitality, love, generosity, and gratitude that they expressed during my short stay on their island ... and I'll never forgot it.
I brought 26 relics with me to St. Catherine Parish: Our Lady's Veil, St. Anthony of Padua, Bl. Bartolo Longo, St. Bernadette of Lourdes, Bl. Carlo Acutis, Bl. Carmen of the Child Jesus, St. Faustina Kowalska, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, St. John Paul II, St. Joseph, Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin, Luisa Piccarreta, St. Margaret of Citta-di-Castello, St. Mary Alacoque, Maria Domenica Lazzeri, Bl. Maria Restituta Kafka, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Peregrine Laziosi, St. Padre Pio, Bl. Rolando Rivi, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Therese the Little Flower ... and the community responded with an enthusiasm beyond my expectations!
Over a hundred parishioners showed up to pay their respects to the Saints/Relics and to learn about the Church's beautiful teaching on the Communion of Saints. What was nice to see was several people attended the first presentation then returned for the second talk with family and friends in tow; the general comments I received were: "We've never had something like this on Kauai." ... "I learned so much." ... "I'm glad I came." ... "Thank you for doing this."
decorated tables, courtesy of the
Kapa'a Parishioners.
One testimonial that particularly stood out for me was from a young woman who is currently in the process of becoming a Catholic (the only one in her family) - she told me that learning about the Saints confirmed for her that she had made the right decision to convert to Catholicism - thanks be to God!
Based on the positive feedback, I left the island yesterday with the joyful certainty that Our Lady and the Saints had once again touched many souls ... and that faith-seeds were planted that are already beginning to produce good fruits in Kapa'a - again, all thanks and praises be to God!
Kauai parishioners venerating our
dear Saints, our Spiritual Heroes!
In closing, this ministry gives a special shout-out to Auntie Carol Aki for her invitation and for generously sponsoring the trip; Fr. Nick for hosting me in the parish rectory; Terry for being my gracious driver; and Carmen, Victoria, Tom, and Sr. Rachel for doing a fantastic job in setting up the hall and providing a worthy display for the Sacred Relics ... and best regards, too, to the rest of my other Spiritual Ohana I met over the weekend. Thank you and God bless you ALL, over and over, for your assistance and blessings upon me and my ministry!
And now, Lord, what island is next?
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