
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, September 29, 2024

For Discernment: MARY the QUEEN OF PEACE

The glowing figure captured in the photos below appeared in my home very early this morning.  This is my personal testimonial:

It all started from yesterday, 9/28 - I had a challenging day juggling attendance at morning Mass; exercising my daily prayers; prepping and packing for an upcoming European Pilgrimage; refurbishing two statues for a Pilgrim Madonna initiative that my parish is doing in October; ironing out details for the Pilgrim Madonna scheduling and guidelines; serving at the Altar at a Saturday evening Vigil Mass; dealing with a disgruntled parishioner over a chapel Sanctuary candle that had inadvertently gone out; then clearing up a misunderstanding with one of my priests.  By the end of it all, I was deflated and exhausted and, after getting home, fell fast asleep.   Ever had one of those days?

Fast forward several hours to about 2:40AM this morning - I awoke and shortly after was shocked to discover a light formation on a wall in the uncanny likeness of the Virgin Mary.


It goes without saying that, as I gazed upon the sight with awe, I felt the stress and anxiety from the prior day immediately lift.  At the same time a sensation seemed to well-up inside of me ‐ a warm presence and a voice - and it pronounced a single word, almost like a command:


... and I felt the peace, along with heightened joy, gratitude, and a deep sense of being loved; I was also convinced that everything I was worried about was going to be OK ... and abundant blessings would be granted for my parish's Pilgrim Madonna initiative.  GOD IS GOOD.

St. Anthony of Padua Parish's two
Pilgrim Madonna statues

So thanks and praises be to our Lord Jesus Christ ... and of course, thanks, also, to our dear Holy Mother Mary.  She is, indeed, the QUEEN OF PEACE.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: September 2024

This is the very first public message received by the visionary, Marija - and approved for release by local Church authorities - since Medjugorje received the Vatican's approval last week on September 19th, 2024:

 “Dear Children, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

For Discernment: PRAY - WE ARE NOT IGNORED

After today's Noon Mass in the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, I went for my usual walk to our Hawaii State Capital building to pray for our local politicians - to ask for much-needed divine guidance on their behalf, and to invoke St. Michael the Archangel's intervention against any demonic influences lurking there.

On the way, I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet and, as I neared the building, I came upon a most unexpected sight - a majestic figure in the sky hovering (significantly!) directly above the Capital!

I snapped several photos - the ones below are the clearest but still do not adequately do justice to what I witnessed in-person.

Was this a lesson that we need
to pray diligently for our elected
officials and for our country?

I'll let the viewer discern what he/she sees.  I ran the photo past members of my prayer group and they all immediately recognized the same blessed personage that I saw over the Capital earlier - the figure of our Holy Mother Mary!  What a great comfort and encouragement it is to know that she prays with us ... and for us!  

For Christians out there, who are like me - concerned over the sad state of our country - continue praying for America.  We are not ignored nor forsaken.

O Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Thursday, September 19, 2024


In a stunning move today, the Vatican has made an official declaration concerning the spiritual phenomena known as the Medjugorje Apparitions - devotion to Our Lady as the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje has been APPROVED by the Pope!  This is a rare approbation given the apparitions are still ongoing.  The main reason cited are the sanctuary's abundance of good fruit in the lives of pilgrims - read the details here.

This ministry celebrates the news with the countless people around the world who have experienced the grace of this highly prophetic Marian Devotion!

O Mary, Queen of Peace,
pray for us!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Put on the Armor of God!

"Be sober-minded; be watchful.
Your adversary the devil prowls
around like a roaring lion,
seeking someone to devour."

- 1 Peter 5:8

Dear, Fellow People of God - WAKE UP!  In this present era of growing darkness and turmoil, Heaven continues to remind us to be vigilant and prepared ...

(Note the date of this occurrence)

"Put on the full armor of God,
so that you can take your stand
against the devil’s schemes.  For our
struggle is not against flesh and
blood, but against the rulers, against
the authorities, against the powers
of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realms.  Therefore put on the full
armor of God, so that when the day
of evil comes, you may be able to
stand your ground, and after you
have done everything, to stand."

- Ephesians 6:11-13

Be not afraid - the Lord's special anointing of strength and protection will be upon those who stand with Him. Thanks and praises be to God!


NOTE:  This statue of St. Michael is in the personal custody of this author and used by the Cohort of St. Michael Prayer Group during our spiritual warfare meetings at St. Anthony of Padua Church.  My spiritual director is kept informed of the phenomena.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Marian Apparitions Presentation, 9/8/2024: Blessed Sacrament Church, Honolulu

On this Feast of Our Lady's Nativity this ministry had the privilege of honoring our Blessed Mother through a speaking presentation about her approved apparitions/messages throughout history.  The venue was at Blessed Sacrament Church in Honolulu, and the turnout was great with people from the parish attending, as well as guests from other churches (including a visitor from California and a woman who flew in from Kauai Island specifically for the event!).

A relic of Our Lady's clothing and a copy
of Hawaii's streaming Iveron Icon displayed
next to this ministry's Fatima Pilgrim Statue
(the icon was discussed during the talk).

Feedback afterwards was highly positive with many expressing their appreciation for all the information that was shared and also the presence of several great Marian Saints, via their relics, which were publicly displayed for veneration.

Relics displayed for veneration (L to R):
St. Simon Stock, St. Bernadette of Lourdes,
the Fatima Seers, Our Lady's garment, St.
Catherine Laboure, St. Maximilian Kolbe,
and St. Padre Pio.

At the end, this author was invited to speak on Kauai by the neighbor-island participant ... so it's exciting to know that Our Lady's urgent messages are being heard and taken to heart by the attendees ... and spreadingHappy Feast Day to our Holy Mother Mary!

Attendees venerating the relics; praying and
touching their sacramentals to them.

* * T E S T I M O N I A L S * *

"Thank-you so much Peter,
for bringing your love of our Blessed
Mother and the saints, and making it
a remarkable event.  I know many were
touched and I was glad to see many
from the parish.  That's enough
to set the flame on fire. 🔥

- Lei (organizer)

"I was just thinking of what a
very special morning it was.  It truly
was all arranged by our Lord and
blessed by our Blessed Mother! 🌹
The gold dust on your hands was very
special.  Thank you, Peter, for giving
me the opportunity to experience all
of the blessings of this morning."

- Gaye

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saint of the Month - September 2024: Santina Campana

The Servant of God
Santina Campana
The Angel of Pescina

September's featured holy person died at just 21-years-old, but despite of her youth, Santina Campana achieved a level of spiritual and mystical maturity rare for one so young.  She was born on February 2, 1929, in the Italian town of Alfedena to a highly devout Catholic family; the 7th child of Giuseppe and Margherita Campana.

To the credit of Santina's worthy parents, she had 2 older brothers who entered the priesthood and 3 sisters who became nuns!  Santina, herself, from a tender age was unusually prayerful, taking as a role-model St. Therese the Little Flower (d. 1897).  By the time she made her First Holy Communion at 7, she was already fasting and performing acts of voluntary mortification (she wore a cilice during Lent); even going so far as to offer herself to Jesus as a "victim soul" for the sanctification of her consecrated siblings.  She was recorded as once stating: "Where there is a vocation, there cannot be a lack of a victim".

In 1943, when the Servant of God was just 14, she was reportedly stigmatized in an invisible manner.  At around this time the Campana Family was forced to relocate to Abruzzo and then to Molise because of bombings in the wake of World War II.  Santina was not only undergoing the pain of the wounds of Christ, but she was also afflicted with chronic respitory issues caused by pleurisy, which only worsened over time due to inadequate care.

In the face of her moral and physical challenges, the teenager displayed admirable calm and peace; consciously offering her pains for the spiritual benefit of the Pope, bishops, priests, and the Missions.  She was also a source of consolation for those around her and was once quoted as saying: "Courage, it will be what the Lord wants: if He does not allow it, no one will be able to harm us".

Inspite of her precarious health, Santina was a member of the Catholic Action association beginning from her time in Alfedena, and was an active parishioner in her local church.

A somber photo of the Servant of God

In addition to her devotion to St. Therese, Santina also admired the French foundress, St. Jeanne Antide Thouret (d. 1826).  As such, she sought admission with the Sisters of Charity named after St. Jeanne and was accepted in June 1945; she entered the congregation's house in Rome in October of the same year at 16-years-old.  Her goal was simple: "I will be a nun and a saint".

In the convent, Santina's suffering of the hidden Stigmata became somewhat visible in 1946, the year following her entry.  It was reported that on several occasions, she exhibited ecstatic states during which she sweat blood.

The young novice's plans at being a nun did not come to pass as she had hoped.  In 1947, Santina was diagnosed with dreaded tuberculosis after coughing up blood.  She left the novitiate of the Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide Thouret for treatment in a sanatorium in Pescina.  Unfortunately, she never got better.

In the sanatorium, Santina progressively grew worse but continued to minister the best she could to the other patients and visitors.  She even formed and led a Catholic Action club from her bed, which she joyfully referred to as her "white throne" ... while continuing to offer sacrifices for the clergy and souls.  By her example of faith, patience, and resignation to God's will, Santina encouraged the other sanatorium residents in their own trials, often exorting them, as well: "Courage, suffering passes".  She was affectionately referred to as the "Angel of Pescina".

Santina succumbed to tuberculosis on October 4, 1950.  She was lucid in her final hours while being assisted by her brother - Fr. Bruno Campana.  She was 21-years-old when she passed and was initially buried in the cemetery of Pescina. However, because of the reverence for her memory maintained by the locals, her remains were transferred to a tomb in the town's parish church of San Giuseppe in 1967.

Above: Santina in death
Below: Her tomb in the parish
church of Pescina

Santina Campana's Cause for Canonization was officially opened in 1979 and is currently active.  Please join this ministry in praying for her speedy Canonization.

"God alone, as my goal; Jesus as my model;
Mary as my guide; the Angel as my help;
I, always in sacrifice".

- Santina's Personal Motto

A relic of Santina's clothing
in this ministry's custody

Santina Campana, pray for us!