
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: November 25th, 2012

  "Dear Children!  The Most High has sent me to you to teach you prayer.  Prayer opens hearts and gives hope, and faith is born and strengthened.  Little children, with love I am calling you: return to God, because God is love and your hope.  You do not have a future if you do not decide for God; and that is why I am with you to guide you to decide for conversion and life, and not for death.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Monday, November 21, 2022

The "real" face of St. Catherine of Genoa?

Here is yet another example, I just discovered, of a forensic reconstruction of a Saint's face using the relic of a skull - this time the subject is St. Catherine of Genoa, a great lay-mystic and advocate of the Poor Souls (click here to read her biography).

Above: An old portrait of St. Catherine
Below: The facial reconstruction

When comparing the forensic results with the painting done of her, it's pretty close in my opinion... and it's nice to see what our Saints may have actually looked like in life compared to their popular, stylized depictions in works of art and holy cards; one can better see the humanity of Saints which reminds us that we, too, have a chance at holiness.  At least that's how I personally see it.

To view startling forensic reconstructions of other faces of Saints, click here.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Marian Apparitions & Saints Presentation: Medeiros Residence, 11-11-2022

Last night's presentation could not have gone any better - EVERYTHING fell into place, as only God could arrange it.

Relics of the Marian Visionaries discussed
at tonight's event: St. Bernadette of Lourdes,
the Fatima Seers, & St. Catherine Laboure.

About 40 people ‐ including a priest, young adults, and a few non-Catholics - came to the Medeiros home from within Kailua and other parts of Oahu... and many left inspired!  One lady even grabbed this author by the hand, as she was leaving, and told me she was going to start praying the rosary daily - praises be to God!

Guests arriving at the event.

And the escarchas!  It's been a while since I last saw them... but tonight fine flakes of gold were observed scattered on the floor to the joy and excitement of "Auntie Gloria" (our host), her family, and guests.

I can't help but feel that this particular story isn't over yet - Auntie Gloria had shared that she felt strongly and personally urged by the Blessed Virgin to host this event and I believe her.  God has a plan here and I sense a ripple effect of grace has just begun, which I can’t wait to see play out.

This author with some of the young
adults who attended.

So thanks be to God and to Our Lady for tonight's event... and for the blessings that are coming!  Amen, Amen!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Saint of the Month - November 2022: Blessed Carmen of the Child Jesus

Bl. Carmen of the Child Jesus
Wife, Widow, & Foundress
Memorial: November 9th

Born in Antequera, Malaga (Spain), on June 30, 1834, this Beata was baptized the following day with the name Maria Carmela Gonzalez Ramos... but she was simply called Carmen by her large and deeply religious family.

From her earliest childhood, Carmen displayed a mature intelligence along with a generous and compassionate disposition; admirable traits that were nurtured in a household that actively exercised devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Virgin... and which motivated the young Carmen's frequent visits to the poor and the sick.

At 22-years-old, believing that she was inspired to do so by the Lord, Carmen accepted a marriage proposal - against her parent's advice - from a Joaquim Munoz del Caño.  The union was a disaster or a great blessing, depending on one's perception.  This author believes the Beata was correct in her discernment of God’s will for her, given the abundant positive fruits that eventually resulted.

As it turned out, Joaquim was a violent and unfaithful spouse.  He not only verbally and physically abused his wife but he also engaged in extramarital affairs.  It was, however, Carmen's heroic and virtuous response to this wretched man that actually propelled her to a high level of personal sanctity - rather than allowing anger, bitterness, or resentment to get the best of her, she instead consciously chose to be a good wife and repeatedly forgave her husband's deplorable behavior despite her personal anguish.

Carmen consistently offered her situation to God for Joaquim's conversion and prayed diligently for him to come to his senses.  In addition, her husband's lack of attention gave her leave to continue her works of mercy with the needy, which increased her virtue and brought her a measure of joy and fulfillment that her childless marriage was lacking.

After 20 years of patiently enduring cruel treatment and indifference, along with offering countless prayers and sacrifices, Joaquim fell ill and was cared for by the only person who was willing to put up with him - Carmen.  Perhaps because he was faced with his own mortality, the sick man finally saw the error of his ways, leading him to repent and sincerely apologize to his wife, which Carmen accepted.

For the next 4 years the couple lived in peace until Joaquim passed away, leaving Carmen a widow at age 47.  Her husband had died a changed man to the credit of his wife's persistent prayer and excellent example.

Now free of any obligations, Carmen threw herself headlong into full-time public ministry.  With the encouragement of her spiritual director, she converted her home into a much-needed school/clinic in service of the poor.  Needless to say the work quickly grew and thrived, attracting other women who also wanted to be of service to God and neighbor.  In due time the group became a formal religious congregation affiliated with the Franciscan Order called the Franciscan Tertiary Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.  As its foundress Carmen took the religious name, Carmen of the Child Jesus.

Madre Carmen (standing) with an
early group of her nuns

Religious life was not without its own struggles, though, as biographies recount that Mother Carmen still had to contend with challenges such as misunderstandings and slander, sometimes from within her own congregation.  But the foundress expertly weathered them all having been well-prepared against adversity through the difficulties of her marriage.

Furthermore, Mother Carmen's constant example of Faith, Love, Humility, Forgiveness and holy tenacity resulted in a productive ministry that saw the establishment of 11 houses from where her congregation taught children and adults; nursed the sick; and took in orphans.

The foundress died in Antequera at 65-years-old on November 9, 1899, after succumbing to typhus.  Her enduring legacy of Christ-like love and service prompted a spontaneous, local devotion to her, and favors were reported at her tomb.

The tomb-chapel of Bl. Carmen

A miraculous healing of a nun in her own congregation from a deadly tumor - through the direct intercession of Mother Carmen - culminated in her Beatification on May 7, 2007.  May the Lord see fit to grant the Church her speedy Canonization!

Blessed Carmen of the Child Jesus,
pray for us!