Several Saints and Blesseds made a positive impact today at the 2016 Faith Formation Conference sponsored by the Diocese of Honolulu at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa (the Little Flower). The powerful theme of this year's conference, which was attended by 300+ catechists and parish staff from all over Oahu island, was "Mercy Overflowing"; a theme in line with the Church's ongoing celebration of the Year of Mercy that was implemented by Pope Francis, beginning on December 8, 2015, and lasting until November 20, 2016.
During the two-day conference, the participants were given the opportunity to choose from several courses related to the topic of Mercy, that were facilitated by religious and lay people from local parishes. This year, I was given the honor and privilege of participating as a conference facilitator with a course I titled, "Faces of Mercy: Modern Saints and Their Relics".
I spoke to a full classroom of over 35 individuals of various ages with whom I shared about the Church's Sainthood Process; the relevance of Saints in our faith-lives; and especially featured the following Saints/Blesseds (with their corresponding relics) whose lives exemplified the overall theme of the conference: Bl. Aniela Salawa, St. Pope John Paul II, Bl. Bartolo Longo, St. John Vianney, St. Maria Goretti, Bl. Maria del Carmen of the Child Jesus, and Bl. Speranza of Jesus. Other relics that I presented for my audience's veneration were my ministry's relics of the True Cross of our Lord and Our Lady's Veil; relics from St. Louis & Zelie Martin, along with their famous daughter, St. Therese the Little Flower; and finally, St. Philomena, an early-Church Martyr.
I spoke to a full classroom of over 35 individuals of various ages with whom I shared about the Church's Sainthood Process; the relevance of Saints in our faith-lives; and especially featured the following Saints/Blesseds (with their corresponding relics) whose lives exemplified the overall theme of the conference: Bl. Aniela Salawa, St. Pope John Paul II, Bl. Bartolo Longo, St. John Vianney, St. Maria Goretti, Bl. Maria del Carmen of the Child Jesus, and Bl. Speranza of Jesus. Other relics that I presented for my audience's veneration were my ministry's relics of the True Cross of our Lord and Our Lady's Veil; relics from St. Louis & Zelie Martin, along with their famous daughter, St. Therese the Little Flower; and finally, St. Philomena, an early-Church Martyr.

The relic display altar with 14 relics
(1st & 2nd Class) on exhibit for veneration
... and several devotional items offered to
those present as free take-aways.
After the presentation, it was satisfying for me to see many individuals approaching the display altar to pay their respect to our Saints/Blesseds and to touch the reliquaries with small pieces of fabric I provided to make souvenir 3rd Class Relics. Several people also took the time to fill-in prayer intention slips to the Saints, which were dropped into my ministry's petition box that is always kept in front of my home-shrine to our Blessed Mother and the Holy Relics.
Overall, it appeared the presentation was very well-received by my audience members. Evaluation sheets submitted by the participants were, for the most part, completed with high scores and included favorable feedback, as to how the lives and sacred remains of the Saints/Blesseds had deeply impressed them; a goal I was hoping and praying for with my team of prayer supporters.
Overall, it appeared the presentation was very well-received by my audience members. Evaluation sheets submitted by the participants were, for the most part, completed with high scores and included favorable feedback, as to how the lives and sacred remains of the Saints/Blesseds had deeply impressed them; a goal I was hoping and praying for with my team of prayer supporters.
Conference participants awaiting the start
of the presentation... then venerating relics
and completing prayer intention slips to
the Saints and Blesseds after the talk.
I also got to personally speak with several individuals who expressed their gratitude over being able to connect with the Saints/Blesseds in this special manner. One particular comment that stood out was from an elderly woman who approached me to tell me that she had considered herself a "devoted" person for most of her life... but after hearing the stories of the lives of the Saints/Blesseds I shared, she wanted to be even better. Praise the Lord!
May our holy spiritual heroes continue to lead us all to a closer walk with Jesus Christ who is, indeed... Mercy Overflowing.
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