"Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call."
A Roman Catholic Pilgrim Statue & Sacred Relics Lay-Ministry in Oahu, Hawaii
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.
~ Peter, Ministry Administrator
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Monday, January 20, 2025
Saints & Relics Presentations, 1/18 & 1/19/2025: St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Kapa'a (Kauai)
This past weekend, this author conducted two talks/relic exhibits that were a major milestone for this ministry, as well as a prayer fulfilled. It was because they took place on Kauai, and I've always dreamed of taking the Saints to the neighbor islands to give communities there the blessed opportunity of encountering Saints through their relics.
Well, after waiting years, God's Divine Providence manifested itself in a remarkable series of events and it finally happened this past weekend - I was invited and sponsored by a parishioner, and welcomed by Fr. Nick Apetorgbor of St. Catherine of Alexandria Church in the quaint town of Kapa'a ... and it was AWESOME!
First off, in the 14 years that I have been doing these talks, I've never met a group of people so full of ALOHA as the ones I met in Kapa'a. I flew to Kauai to minister to them, but it ended up that they also ministered to me through the overwhelming blessing of their hospitality, love, generosity, and gratitude that they expressed during my short stay on their island ... and I'll never forgot it.
I brought 26 relics with me to St. Catherine Parish: Our Lady's Veil, St. Anthony of Padua, Bl. Bartolo Longo, St. Bernadette of Lourdes, Bl. Carlo Acutis, Bl. Carmen of the Child Jesus, St. Faustina Kowalska, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, St. John Paul II, St. Joseph, Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin, Luisa Piccarreta, St. Margaret of Citta-di-Castello, St. Mary Alacoque, Maria Domenica Lazzeri, Bl. Maria Restituta Kafka, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Peregrine Laziosi, St. Padre Pio, Bl. Rolando Rivi, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Therese the Little Flower ... and the community responded with an enthusiasm beyond my expectations!
Over a hundred parishioners showed up to pay their respects to the Saints/Relics and to learn about the Church's beautiful teaching on the Communion of Saints. What was nice to see was several people attended the first presentation then returned for the second talk with family and friends in tow; the general comments I received were: "We've never had something like this on Kauai." ... "I learned so much." ... "I'm glad I came." ... "Thank you for doing this."
decorated tables, courtesy of the
Kapa'a Parishioners.
One testimonial that particularly stood out for me was from a young woman who is currently in the process of becoming a Catholic (the only one in her family) - she told me that learning about the Saints confirmed for her that she had made the right decision to convert to Catholicism - thanks be to God!
Based on the positive feedback, I left the island yesterday with the joyful certainty that Our Lady and the Saints had once again touched many souls ... and that faith-seeds were planted that are already beginning to produce good fruits in Kapa'a - again, all thanks and praises be to God!
Kauai parishioners venerating our
dear Saints, our Spiritual Heroes!
In closing, this ministry gives a special shout-out to Auntie Carol Aki for her invitation and for generously sponsoring the trip; Fr. Nick for hosting me in the parish rectory; Terry for being my gracious driver; and Carmen, Victoria, Tom, and Sr. Rachel for doing a fantastic job in setting up the hall and providing a worthy display for the Sacred Relics ... and best regards, too, to the rest of my other Spiritual Ohana I met over the weekend. Thank you and God bless you ALL, over and over, for your assistance and blessings upon me and my ministry!
And now, Lord, what island is next?
Monday, January 13, 2025
Eucharistic Saints Presentation, 01-12-2024: St. Elizabeth Church, Aiea
Once again, this ministry was invited to speak to the young people in the Edge Group at St. Elizabeth Church ... and the organizer let me pick the topic! Being that the Church in America is still in "Eucharistic Revival" mode, this author chose to speak about the exemplary Eucharistic Devotion of our Saints.
I recall reading somewhere that only about 33% of Catholics believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Imagine it - out of every group of 100 parishioners sitting with us in the pews during a Mass, only 32 others actually believe that the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Consecration! It's disturbing and sad to me ... but how can this happen?
I personally believe the main root of the problem is the lack of thorough and continuing education at the parish level, starting with our children. Hence, the reason why this ministry is always willing and happy to faith-share with our youth about the Truths of our great Faith.
Bl. Benedetta Bianchi Porro
So last night I tried to kill two birds with one stone: I emphasized knowing and loving Jesus in the Eucharist, and encouraged imitation and devotion to our Saints ... and most of the kids responded positively, especially to the presence of the relics. Just look at the photos posted to see their reactions. Priceless.
The holy persons present tonight, via their relics, were: St. Angelo of Acri, Bl. Benedetta Bianchi Porro, Bl. Carlo Acutis, Servant of God Louise Lateau, St. Paul of the Cross, and St. Padre Pio. May these Saints pray and intercede for our young people.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
New Year Blessings to All
This ministry wishes its readers a prosperous 2025 filled with the good Lord's presence and benedictions!
... and speaking of divine presence and blessings, this author unexpectedly witnessed another unusual manifestation above my Kailua parish of St. Anthony of Padua Church shortly before a New Year's Mass - it was in the form of an uncanny image of a veiled woman carrying a baby. The figures looked like a white statue nestled amongst the clouds, of which I managed to snap a couple of pictures although they turned out disappointingly inadequate compared to what I actually saw in-person ...
Still, the pics manage to convey a glimpse of the figures I saw and how appropriate they were since today the Church is also celebrating a sublime Marian Feast ... and let's not forget it's the Jubilee Year of Hope! What a great way to start the new year off!
Happy Solemnity of Mary,
Mother of God!
Saint of the Month - January 2025: Blessed Juana of the Cross
A Mystic of the Cross - Memorial: May 3rd
Madre Juana of the Cross Vazquez Gutierrez - who was she? This obscure Franciscan nun was suddenly thrust into the limelight last November 2024 when the Vatican officially confirmed her cultus, effectively raising her to the status of a "Blessed". She was a prodigious mystic and a ground-breaking spiritual figure of her time. This is her story.
Juana was born May 3, 1481, to well-to-do farmers in Toledo. Her remarkable experiences began when she was just a 4-year-old toddler - having fallen off a horse she was knocked unconscious but was revived shortly after by a private apparition of her guardian angel and the Virgin Mary. The experience was pivotal because, from henceforth, she had a strong devotion to both ... and began living an intensely faithful and ascetic lifestyle.
As she approached her 15th year, Juana's beauty attracted suitors from whom her father chose a knight from a noble family for her future husband. Upon learning of the plan to marry her off, the pious teen, with the direct assistance of her angel, escaped from home disguised in a male cousin's clothing. Juana fled to the "Beaterio" (beguinage/hermitage) of Santa Maria de la Cruz in Cubas de la Sagra (built on the site of a 1449 Marian apparition) where a group of Franciscan Tertiaries were living in community. Her father eventually found her but his efforts to retrieve her were firmly rebuffed by his daughter, forcing him to give up. Thus, began this Blessed's life as a consecrated soul on May 4th, 1496.
In the Beaterio, Juana donned the habit and professed private vows under the name of Sr. Juana de la Cruz (Joan of the Cross), which later proved to be prophetic since her religious career was marked with much suffering heroically endured in union with Christ Crucified: she fasted strictly, slept very little, and practiced the discipline. Her mystical experiences also gradually escalated with visions and ecstasies involving Jesus, the Blessed Virgin, and her angel, that sometimes lasted for hours. The phenomena that surrounded the young nun was initially met with skeptism by some of her companions and she was subjected to mockery and outright hostile treatment from most of her peers ... but Sr. Juana submitted to their ill-treatment with unfailing patience and humility, refining her virtues in the face of adversity.
with her guardian angel
Successive and significant events were further recorded concerning the mystic's early, formative years:
- In 1506, at age 25, Juana became mute for a 6-month period between February 10th until August 11th (the Feast of St. Clare of Assisi). It was a period of preparation and purification as Jesus explained to her, "do not speak, because I will speak instead" ... because he desired to "reveal secrets and great wonders" to the people. After Juana regained her voice, she began falling into ecstatic trances during which she "preached" about various spiritual topics that were simultaneously revealed to her in visions.
- In 1507, she experienced the Mystical Marriage to Christ in the presence of Our Lady, who presented the ring of espousal to her Son who then placed it on Juana's finger.
- During Lent of 1508, the Stigmata appeared on her limbs and exuded an exquisite scent that was undeniable.
It was just a matter of time before word of the miracle nun of Cubas de la Sagra spread outside of the hermitage, attracting both the faithful and the curious, alike. In particular, her "sermons" were closely scrutinized by Church authorities and found to be of sound doctrine and highly edifying; her person and sanity were also tested and deemed sincere and healthy. As a result, the local prelate - Cardinal Cisneros - was so impressed, he gave an unprecedented approval to have her publicly preach, a faculty usually reserved only for priests! People from all walks of life - simple folk, royalty (e.g. Emperor Charles V), and Church leaders - flocked to the hermitage to witness her weekly discourses during which the visionary spoke with unusual eloquence and authority while in ecstasy.
As further confirmation of the divine origin of Sr. Juana's gift of preaching two other miracles were recorded about them: firstly, the mystic sometimes delivered her sermons in foreign tongues unknown to her (e.g. Arabic); secondly, a secretary appointed to assist her - an illiterate nun named Sr. Maria Evangelista - miraculously received the ability to read and write after being ordered to transcribe the words of the seer.
In 1509, with the influx of applicants to the Beaterio, Juana was instrumental in having it converted to a Poor Clare Monastery and was elected its first Abbess by her companions. In this capacity, she also proved to be a practical leader, expanding and upgrading the building for the good of the community; establishing a school for girls; and founding three new Clarist Monasteries in neighboring cities. Her own monastery became a spiritual hub for the region, where people came to Madre Juana for advice, prayers, and a blessing (she reportedly cured illnesses with the sign of the cross).
Still, despite the support the seer received from the Church, she continued to have her detractors. In 1517, after the death of Cardinal Cisneros, her own vicaress - a secondary superior named Sr. Eufrasia - with the backing of certain jealous priests, formally accused the Abbess of misconduct to the Spanish Provincial Minister of the Franciscans. Consequently, Juana was replaced by her accuser. In her customary humility, Juana urged the community to peacefully support the decision and was again subjected to a period of ill-treatment instigated by her successor and the hostile clergy who resented her powerful influence.
This new trial lasted for about six years, after which Sr. Eufrasia fell seriously ill. Fearing death was near, the nun confessed that she had falsely accused her former superior, which led to the reinstatement of Madre Juana as Abbess in 1523. The vindicated superior led her community with no further objections for the next 10 years. She died at the age of 53 on May 3rd, 1534, after spending the last years of her life bedridden by illness.
of Santa Maria de la Cruz
During her lifetime, Madre Juana of the Cross was considered by many to be a saint and a true prophetess, and was even nicknamed the "Trumpet of God". After her death the sentiments continued and although she isn't Canonized, she is affectionately referred to by the locals as "la Santa Juana". Her tomb in the church of the Monastery of Santa Maria de la Cruz in Cubas de la Sagra is still frequented by pilgrims.
And finally, in a rare move by Pope Francis, this remarkable Franciscan mystic was declared Blessed Juana of the Cross after the Pontiff officially recognized and approved her cultus on November 25, 2024 (an "Equipollent" Beatification that dispensed of a required official miracle). From her place in Heaven, may she intercede for our personal needs and the needs of the universal Catholic Church.
gifted to this ministry years ago by a Spanish
Franciscan nun.
Bl. Juana of the Cross,
pray for us!
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