
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Lent 2025

“By the sweat of your brow you shall
eat bread, until you return to the ground,
from which you were taken; for you are
dust, and to dust you shall return.”

- Genesis 3:19

“So submit yourselves to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from
you.  Draw near to God, and he will draw
near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you
sinners, and purify your hearts, you of
two minds.  Begin to lament, to mourn, to
weep.  Let your laughter be turned into
mourning and your joy into dejection.
Humble yourselves before the Lord
and he will exalt you.”

- James 4:7-10

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Saint of the Month - March 2025: Venerable Maria Costanza Zauli

Ven. Maria Costanza Zauli
A Handmaid of the Eucharist

Although not yet Canonized, the life of this lofty Italian mystic is worth reflecting upon, especially for the upcoming Lenten Season.  Like many authentic mystics, her life was filled with many sufferings, patiently and generously endured for the love of God and in atonement for the sins of others ... yet compensated with sublime heavenly visitations and abundant graces.

Born in Faenza, Italy, on April 17, 1886, she was baptized on the following day - a Palm Sunday - by her highly devout parents.  Thus, they named her Palma Pascua ("Easter Palm").  She reportedly smiled sweetly and laughed as the baptismal waters flowed over her head prompting the priest to exclaim: "This little girl is singular! Usually little ones cry, while she smiles so much!"

Indeed, Palma was special in many ways. Being that she was the only daughter with 6 brothers, she was doted upon by her entire family - the girl was said to have been exceptionally affable, and displayed a deep piety from her earliest years.  In fact, in her diary Palma recounted how her father, Giuseppe, taught her to love the Blessed Virgin and how she often heard the Lord clearly "speaking" to her heart (interior locutions); teaching and guiding her, which she initially thought was common to all children.

A pivotal experience occurred when Palma was only about 3-years-old - her father took her to Mass with him during which she witnessed the Host brilliantly illuminated by a supernatural light. From henceforth she was enamored by the Eucharist and when Giuseppe asked her what she wanted to do when she grew up, Palma decisively replied: "I will become a nun."

Throughout her pre-adolescent years, Palma amazed all who knew her with her admirable conduct, the aura of sanctity she exuded, and the special gifts God was clearly manifesting in her - she seemed to read souls and possessed a mature level of spiritual insight.  Of this period in her life, the Venerable once wrote: "The Lord, from then on, made himself known to my soul as a great light that enveloped me, permeated me, centered me in Himself, and I lived in that celestial atmosphere.  I preferred to remain in silence, in contemplation... In everything the Lord attracted me with an irresistible force and filled me with Himself."

At 9-years-old, Palma received Confirmation followed by her First Holy Communion, which was an earlier age than usual during her time. On both occasions she felt herself "alight" with presence of God, but it was during Communion that she heard Jesus say to her: "Will you be all mine as I am all yours, and forever? I have chosen you as my bride."  To this invitation Palma replied: "I will be yours forever."

In 1895, at the age of 20, Palma left home for Bologna to pursue her goal of becoming a nun.  Her vocation was at first opposed by her mother, but the young girl's firm resolve and Giuseppe's support managed to convince the woman.  So Palma entered the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart (a teaching and nursing congregation) on August 15th, the Feast of Our Lady's Assumption ... and after proving herself sincere and capable, she was admitted into investiture during which she was given the religious name of Sr. Maria Costanza (referred to as simply Sr. Costanza).

Sr. Costanza as a young nun.

In the convent, Sr. Costanza's mysticism escalated.  Frequent apparitions of our Lord occurred as He revealed to her profound heavenly mysteries and was apparently preparing her for a very special mission.  In her diary, she wrote these words concerning what the Lord was asking of her:

  "A great and luminous idea dominated my spirit from then on: the sanctity that the Lord demands of those consecrated to Him, priests, and religious: demands of love not sufficiently satisfied, for which the lament of the Divine Heart committed me to take the utmost care of my perfection, and to pray and offer for the sanctification of the chosen portion. With the consent of the director, I offered myself for this purpose so desired by God."

There were also encouraging appearances from the Madonna, whom Costanza loved dearly, and other visitations not so wonderful, as they involved the devil.  The enemy came in the form of a large menacing black dog to intimidate the young novice.  This infernal animal was also witnessed by the other nuns, but Sr. Costanza wasn't afraid - she simply invoked Our Lady and her guardian angel and it was usually sufficient to dispel the devil.

The profusion of extraordinary graces this Venerable experienced was so numerous, it will take too long to explain them all in a short blog.  So below is just a summary of some of the more significant ones:

  • In separate successive visions, the Lord showed Sr. Costanza Purgatory, then Hell, and finally Heaven in 1911.

  • During Holy Week of 1913, she experienced the suffering of the pains of Christ's Passion, via the Stigmata.  The Stigmata were repeated frequently, per witnesses who saw the wounds on her limbs.

  • Also during Lent of 1913, on Good Friday, she underwent the Mystical Marriage with Jesus in the presence of His Holy Mother who placed her finger into a ring with three precious stones.

  • The Eucharist was for her the summit of her spiritual life, triggering many of her visions, revelations, and outward signs such as ecstasies and a fiery glow on her face after Holy Communion or Adoration.

The nun, despite the unusual graces and sufferings she was living through, was able to fulfill her religious duties and was generally well-liked by her companions for her faith-example and the contagious joy she exuded; a smile was ever on her face ... and the students under her care loved her like a mother.  Furthermore, everything that God revealed to her, she entrusted to the guidance of her Confessor.

Beginning in 1923, Costanza came down with a mysterious and painful malady that mostly left her bedridden.  Our Lord had forewarned her of this trial, which He described as a participation and preparation for a great work.  In a series of revelations, He informed Costanza that she would leave her congregation to found another; Jesus wanted a new contemplative group of nuns who would  dedicate their lives to Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration for the specific purposes of praying for the sanctification of priests and religious; making reparation for their sins; supporting their work through prayer and sacrifices; and praying for spiritual vocations.

The sick nun sought discernment and approval from her Confessor and Cardinal Giorgio Cusmini, who unknown to her was the spiritual director to another reputable privileged soul, Elena Rocca (d. 1919 - read about her here).  Elena and Costanza were strangers to one another, but in September 1917 the Lord directed Elena to write to the Cardinal to urge him to support Sr. Costanza's initiative.  She did as instructed and was instrumental in setting into motion the establishment of the new congregation.

It wasn't until 1933 that the Handmaid Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament was finally founded amidst providential circumstances, in the face of many obstacles, and supported by the prayerful sacrifices on the part of Sr. Costanza and Elena Rocca.  On the day of the inauguration of the new monastery the foundress was miraculously healed of her illness and was able to join her spiritual daughters as their Mother Superior; she changed her name to Maria Costanza of the Sacred Side.  It was a name Jesus, Himself, had once called her because the work, He explained had sprung from his side-wound; hence, from the Sacred Heart, itself.

The Handmaid Adorers of the Blessed
Sacrament (Madre Costanza sits in the
front row to the left of the Cardinal).

Now a founder, Madre Costanza spent the rest of her life in complete dedication to the charism of her congregation and in intimate union with her Divine Spouse, via an intense Eucharistic Devotion.  Miracles and revelations also continued - she was reported to heal illnesses with her touch and foresee future events ... and demons still harassed her.

In July 1938 she was warned by Christ of an upcoming second World War.  Consequently, the founder transformed her monastery's cellar into a shelter, which she wisely stocked with necessary supplies.  When WWII erupted the year after in September 1939, her foresight greatly served not just her nuns, but also the local community.  Furthermore, God protected the Handmaids against the ravages of the war - bombs that fell on their monastery grounds failed to explode and bullets shot at their chapel missed the worshippers inside!  

Given that she had offered herself as an expiatory victim soul to mitigate the evils and ravages of the war (along with other mystic souls of her time) Madre Costanza suffered greatly.  By the time the war abated in Italy in the Spring of 1945, it had taken a toll on the nun; she began a slow decline.  In fact, Jesus appeared to her in August of that year bearing a magnificent jeweled crown for her, which she sensed was a happy foreshadowing of her eternal reward.  She lived until April 28, 1954, being 68-years-old at the time of her passing.

Madre Maria Costanza Zauli's Cause for Canonization is in progress; she was declared Venerable in June 2024.  Her body was discovered incorrupt during the ritual examination of her remains.  Please join this ministry in praying for her speedy Canonization.  Madre Costanza, pray for us!

A prayer leaflet w/a relic from Madre Maria
Costanza's veil, "Particella del Velo".

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: February 2025

  "Dear Children, may this springtime be an encouragement for personal conversion for you, that with your lives you may pray and love God above all, for all those who are in need.  Little Children, be my hands of peace and prayer; be love for all those who do not love, do not pray and do not want peace.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Sunday, February 9, 2025

A Presentation and a Special Blessing from Our Lady

Yesterday morning this ministry conducted a presentation at St. John Vianney Church - it was another Saints & Relics talk tailored for the parish's CCD kids and their parents/adult sponsors; I've been conducting this talk for this group every February since 2021 and it's always well-received.  This year there was a different vibe, though, but in a very good way - the audience was larger than usual and seemed extra-receptive to what was being shared.

First off, I like it when parish's include parents in their children’s CCD journey because I strongly feel that some parents could use a Catholic education, too.  As with prior talks I've done, I emphasized the fact that "church begins at home"; the importance of praying together as a family outside of Mass for the general and spiritual well-being of the family ... especially for the protection of the children against negative worldly influences.  I also use the example of the virtues of the Holy Family or St. Therese of Lisieux, her canonized parents (Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin), and her four holy nun-sisters to drive the point home.  That part of the talk is usually received with a lukewarm response from some of the adults, but at this year's presentation, most adults and children were really paying closer attention throughout the entire talk; I sensed there was a deep "thirst" for the message.

Relics of the Holy Family on display.  Other Holy Persons/Relics featured were the Servant of God Nina Ruiz Abad, Bl. Carlo Acutis, St. Damien of Molokai, St. Germaine Cousinand St. Giuseppe Moscatiand Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati.

As confirmation, after the presentation this author received positive feedback that made me hopeful that people got a measure of satisfaction from the message shared about our Spiritual Heroes, and faith-seeds had also been planted - one father approached me and commented: "Thank you for doing this.  I really enjoyed it.  This was inspirational.  I didn't know much about the Saints." ... and a young mother had the following feedback: "Thank you for coming.  I enjoyed your talk.  I brought my older kids along to listen and your presentation addressed questions they had about Saints and how relevant they are to our faith."

... and to see the parents and their children up at the relic display - discussing the Saints; praying together; and touching the reliquaries with awe and reverence - is always priceless.  Again, one could sense the thirst for a personal connection with God, and the Saints/Relics were providing something tangible to satisfy that need.  May the Lord, Our Lady, and the Saints continue working on these families to help them grow in their Catholic Faith.

The children and parents making personal connections with our Saints and Blesseds through their precious and holy relics.

And speaking of Our Lady, I commend every presentation to her maternal intercession before conducting them.  This presentation was no exception - I asked our Heavenly Mother to obtain graces for a successful talk; for all the attendees to open their hearts to Jesus's message, especially the parents.  After the event, shortly after reaching home and parking my car, my attention was strongly drawn to the sky, which was immediately followed by an inner voice telling me to "take a picture".  Although I didn't discern anything specific in the clouds I immediately obeyed and snapped two pics.

Later, when I reviewed the photos, I was amazed to discover the luminous figure of the Blessed Virgin in both photos - I understood that she had shown herself to affirm her maternal solicitude and blessing upon the families, which made yesterday's event all the more special for me.  Below are the photos ...


ABOVE: The Blessed Virgin appears in
these photos taken after the presentation.

BELOW: My visual interpretation of the
holy figures I discern in the two photos.

* * *  A  T E S T I M O N I A L  * * *

  "I had so many wonderful comments and words of gratitude from the families.  The mom of Annabelle pulled me aside with tears slipping down her face thanking us and yourself for the wonderful affirmations.  Annabelle was so full of joy. Her mom was touched by her faith in God's power and a desire to be more like the saints herself. Aren't we all drawn closer to Jesus through these children who believe wholeheartedly?  May God continue to bless you through your ministry."

- Joan H., CCD Youth Coordinator

All Thanks and Praises be to our Lord, to His most Holy Mother Mary, and all the Saints who touched lives today.  GOD IS GOOD.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Are you Battle Ready?

Stand with St. Michael and the
Angelic Army of Heaven!

  "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."  - Ephesians 6:11-17

An unusual cloud formation above 
Town in February 2025.  Are we being prepared
for spiritual warfare?

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

For Discernment: What's up with the Planet Venus?

For those not aware, there's been an extraordinary astronomical event unfolding, even at this very moment, as I'm writing this blog - a rare planetary alignment of all 7 planets is underway that will be visible at the end of this month.

I first started noticing something was up when I began seeing an extraordinarily bright light from my home, directly above the Waikiki area, beginning in November 2024.  I initially thought it was a large drone but changed my mind when it continued to quietly appear nightly in the same spot without any blinking lights.  I later learned from a friend that it was the planet Venus ... and not long after a faint reddish light was seen beside it, which I understood to be the planet Mars.

I know what's taking place is a natural occurrence, but can't help but wonder if there's also a spiritual undertone to it all.  The reason being is because several photos I took of Venus, on consecutive nights back in November, unexpectedly showed mysterious images in place of the planet.  Three of the clearest photos are shown below in the successive order they were snapped, and just a few days apart:

Seen together, could these be interpreted
as a message from Heaven?

I've been praying about these photos for the past two months - about whether I should share them - but I finally decided to post them because I now feel there's a relevant message that's being given, at least to me.  But I'm hoping there are others out there who will discern the same and spiritually profit from this blog.

Essentially, I believe our Lord is trying to draw attention to His True Presence in the Eucharist; urgently conveying a wake-up call for souls to open up to His LOVE being poured out through the Eucharist, and for us to respond with love; that the Eucharist must be central in our present and uncertain times.  This is a reasonable assessment and relevant, given that these occurrences coincide with the US Church's ongoing "Eucharistic Revival", which was initiated in mid-2024.

A normal photo of Venus - its that brilliant
white spot way above the moon.  Waikiki city
lights shine brightly below.

And what was a final "nudge" for me to post the pics was an exciting discovery I made a couple weeks ago - I researched the Biblical significance of Venus and was surprised to learn that the planet was called the "Morning Star" in ancient times, and early Christians referenced it as a symbol for our Risen Lord!  In fact, Jesus proclaimed this, Himself - take a look at this passage from the Book of Revelation, 22:12-16:

  "Look, I am coming soon!  My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

  Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.  Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

  I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.  I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Talk about a seriously pertinent Scripture Passage for our times, and note the very end where Jesus identifies Himself as the "Morning Star"; the entire passage resonated with me.  Now tie that all together with this series of unusual photos of Venus I took.  Doesn't it somehow go together?  Personally, I totally get it.

Another view of Venus (captured from
Kailua Town - beautiful!).

Today these photos continue speaking to me about the importance of the Eucharist and the urgency of our present times. Jesus is ringing an alarm, so it seems - "Look, I am coming soon!" - and it's time for the world to wake up!  Irregardless, whether one discerns the unusual images, a message ... or nothing at all ... we Catholics still need to continue recognizing; partaking of; appreciating; loving; and defending the Eucharist.

... and what about this strange photo?
Is Heaven saying something?

And finally ... about the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope - I think these photos may also serve as a prophetic reminder for the Jubilee: JESUS - TRULY PRESENT IN THE EUCHARIST - IS OUR UNFAILING HOPE!  Amen.

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and
in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
the sea and the waves roaring ..."

- Luke 21:25

Saint of the Month - February 2025: Blessed Eustochio of Padua

Bl. Eustochio of Padua
She conquered the devil!
Memorial - February 13th

The Italian city of Padova (Padua) is known all the world over today thanks to its famous Patron Saint - St. Anthony of Padua.  In the 20th Century, it was graced by the presence of yet another holy figure - the Franciscan Priest/Confessor, St. Leopoldo Mandic ... but how many people are aware that there is another revered spiritual figure in the city?  A female Beata (or Blessed) baptized as Lucrezia Bellini, but more commonly invoked as Eustochio of Padua.  This ministry is pleased to feature her bio this month.

Lucrezia was the illegitimate daughter from the adulterous union of a married nobleman named Bartolomeo Bellini and an unworthy nun, Magdalena Cavalcabo.  Before continuing any further, it should be noted that the monastery where her mother resided - the Benedictine establishment of San Prosdocimo in Padua - wasn't noted for piety, rather it was gossiped about by the townsfolk because of the rumored widespread abuses of its Rule perpetrated by the occupants.  This was the dissolute environment that little Lucrezia was born into sometime in 1444.

Soon after her birth in the monastery, Lucrezia was discretely spirited away to be raised by Bartolomeo.  In the Bellini home, Bartolomeo's lawful wife, not surprisingly, resented the girl's presence and treated her with contempt. Things worsened when Lucrezia began exhibiting bizarre behavior starting at age 4, which was attributed to bouts of demonic possession.  Normally a well-behaved child, she fell into states of uncontrollable rage and violent behavior that lead to her being returned to the monastery as a "boarding student" at 7-years-old.  It was hoped that her condition would improve but just the opposite occurred - her symptoms of possession worsened so priests were summoned and exorcisms conducted.  The ritual brought a measure of relief to the child.

In the meantime, a new Abbess was installed who sought to reform the monastery but her efforts met with strong resistance from the community, with the exception of Lucrezia, who matured into a highly devout young woman. Perhaps because of her traumatic experiences, she was exceptionally prayerful and reflective; often seeking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, St. Luke, and St. Jerome for the general good of her soul.

When the Abbess died under mysterious circumstances (suspected poisoning), the local Bishop intervened by personally implementing greater discipline among the nuns of San Prosdocimo.  Rather than comply, the nuns chose to pack up and returned to their respective homes, which spoke volumes as to their degenerate spiritual disposition.  Again, the exception was Lucrezia, who was the only resident who chose to stay.

An old print of Bl. Eustochio (Note
the demon under her feet)

The Bishop brought in more-observant Benedictines to take over San Prosdocimo and the 17-year-old Lucrezia applied with this new group.  Given her condition, the nuns hesitated until the Bishop ordered them to admit her.  Hence, she was clothed in the habit on January 14, 1461, under the religious name of Sr. Eustochio.  The event triggered another full-blown possession, which figures prominently for the rest of her life.

This time around, the Beata was also subjected to other forms of diabolic vexations: she came down with mysterious illnesses that caused intense bodily pains and fits of vomiting; suffered blows from invisible attackers who sometimes also lifted her into the air only to throw her to the ground or against walls; she was choked and even burned.  Needless to say, Eustochio was often left bruised or wounded after each episode.  Her spiritual director - a Fr. Girolamo Saligario - performed repeated exorcisms on her, which provided temporary respite.  It became clear that the Lord had a special purpose for Eustochio's sufferings and she responded heroically.

The brave nun intensified her prayers, voluntary mortifications, and fasting to combat the evil forces; consciously accepting her sufferings as a way of closer conformity with her Crucified Spouse; the constant contemplation of the Cross was a source of both solace and strength in the midst of her terrible ordeals.  Some of her biographers have even speculated that the mysterious scourge wounds that appeared on her limbs were actually a form of mystical participation in the Passion of Christ.  Thus, she could reasonably be ranked amongst the rare group of mystics marked with the Stigmata.

To add to her troubles, Sr. Eustochio also suffered from her own community.  When the Abbess fell ill, some of her companions accused her of poisoning the woman; she was imprisoned for a period of three months during which she was chained to a pillar and fed only bread and water.  When the citizens of Padua heard of the strange events surrounding Eustochio, they accused her of witchcraft and threatened to burn her at the stake.  Fortunately, Fr. Girolamo staunchly defended her and he managed to convince the other nuns that she was indeed an innocent victim of the devil's wiles; not a willing perpetrator of evil.

The reliquary of Bl. Eustochio on display
in the Cathedral of Padua, Italy

Little by little the community came to recognize Eustochio's virtues, as her conduct was consistently beyond reproach during the intervals when she was fully herself ... and, on her part, she never harbored resentment for the way she was mistreated in the past.  The possession and attacks continued until shortly before the Beata's death; despite their horrific efforts, the devil never succeeded in breaking her faith in God.  Instead, Sr. Eustochio broke them and emerged victorious after her long battle, which is why her iconography depicts her stomping on demons!

The Beata was only 25-years-old when she passed on February 13, 1469, but had lost her youthful beauty due to her sufferings and mortifications.  But no sooner did she breathe her last when her corpse was transformed in heavenly beauty and exuded a floral scent, which were outward signs of the great sanctity she managed to achieve within her short life.  Furthermore, as the nuns prepared Eustochio's body for burial, a notable discovery was made - on her chest, directly over her heart were lesions that clearly spelled the name of "JESUS".

Veneration for the dead nun increased as miracles occurred at her grave in San Prosdocimo.  Within a span of six years, the graces attributed to Eustochio's intercession were so numerous, the Paduans popularly acclaimed her as "Beata Eustochio" and the Bishop authorized the translation of her remains into the monastery church.  Upon exhuming her body, it was found incorrupt and a spring began miraculously flowing from the original grave site, which cured the sick!  Pope Clement XIII recognized the validity of Sr. Eustochio's Cultus by making it official in 1760.

For centuries, Sr. Eustochio's relics were highly venerated at San Prosdocimo and the healing water was channeled into a large marble basin for pilgrims to collect.  However, when the anti-clerical government closed the monastery in 1806, the spring abruptly stopped flowing and the Beata’s body (then reduced to a skeleton) was taken by the nuns to a new tomb in the Benedictine monastery/church of San Pietro in Padua.  In 2019, the relics were moved to the Cathedral of Padua due to extensive  renovations at San Pietro Church.

A contemporary rendering of Bl. Eustochio,
based on forensic studies of her skull relic -
she was beautiful!

Today, the Beata's precious bones (enclosed in a simulacrum and wearing a forensically-reconstructed mask of her actual facial features) remain in the Cathedral where they are the destination of local pilgrims.  Monthly prayer services are celebrated in Bl. Eustochio's honor attended by many people from all over Italy - and even beyond - who desire to receive graces from deliverance prayers offered by resident exorcists for the diabolically afflicted and for the general sick.  Spiritual favors continue to be reported and because of her effective intercession against the demonic, Italian exorcists have designated Eustochio their Patroness and the Patroness of Spiritual Warfare.

Blessed Eustochio of Padua,
pray for us against the forces of evil!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: January 2025

  "Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion.  Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Monday, January 20, 2025

Saints & Relics Presentations, 1/18 & 1/19/2025: St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Kapa'a (Kauai)

This past weekend, this author conducted two talks/relic exhibits that were a major milestone for this ministry, as well as a prayer fulfilled.  It was because they took place on Kauai, and I've always dreamed of taking the Saints to the neighbor islands to give communities there the blessed opportunity of encountering Saints through their relics.

St. Catherine of Alexandria Church in Kapa'a

Well, after waiting years, God's Divine Providence manifested itself in a remarkable series of events and it finally happened this past weekend - I was invited and sponsored by a parishioner, and welcomed by Fr. Nick Apetorgbor of St. Catherine of Alexandria Church in the quaint town of Kapa'a ... and it was AWESOME!

First off, in the 14 years that I have been doing these talks, I've never met a group of people so full of ALOHA as the ones I met in Kapa'a.  I flew to Kauai to minister to them, but it ended up that they also ministered to me through the overwhelming blessing of their hospitality, love, generosity, and gratitude that they expressed during my short stay on their island ... and I'll never forgot it.

With some of my new Ohana in Christ
from Kapa'a, Kauai

I brought 26 relics with me to St. Catherine Parish: Our Lady's Veil, St. Anthony of Padua, Bl. Bartolo Longo, St. Bernadette of Lourdes, Bl. Carlo Acutis, Bl. Carmen of the Child Jesus, St. Faustina Kowalska, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, St. John Paul II, St. Joseph, Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin, Luisa Piccarreta, St. Margaret of Citta-di-Castello, St. Mary Alacoque, Maria Domenica Lazzeri, Bl. Maria Restituta Kafka, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Peregrine Laziosi, St. Padre Pio, Bl. Rolando Rivi, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Therese the Little Flower ... and the community responded with an enthusiasm beyond my expectations!

Over a hundred parishioners showed up to pay their respects to the Saints/Relics and to learn about the Church's beautiful teaching on the Communion of Saints.  What was nice to see was several people attended the first presentation then returned for the second talk with family and friends in tow; the general comments I received were: "We've never had something like this on Kauai." ... "I learned so much." ... "I'm glad I came." ... "Thank you for doing this."

Relics on display on beautifully
decorated tables, courtesy of the
Kapa'a Parishioners.

One testimonial that particularly stood out for me was from a young woman who is currently in the process of becoming a Catholic (the only one in her family) - she told me that learning about the Saints confirmed for her that she had made the right decision to convert to Catholicism - thanks be to God!

Based on the positive feedback, I left the island yesterday with the joyful certainty that Our Lady and the Saints had once again touched many souls ... and that faith-seeds were planted that are already beginning to produce good fruits in Kapa'a - again, all thanks and praises be to God!

Kauai parishioners venerating our
dear Saints, our Spiritual Heroes!

In closing, this ministry gives a special shout-out to Auntie Carol Aki for her invitation and for generously sponsoring the trip; Fr. Nick for hosting me in the parish rectory; Terry for being my gracious driver; and Carmen, Victoria, Tom, and Sr. Rachel for doing a fantastic job in setting up the hall and providing a worthy display for the Sacred Relics ... and best regards, too, to the rest of my other Spiritual Ohana I met over the weekend.  Thank you and God bless you ALL, over and over, for your assistance and blessings upon me and my ministry!

And now, Lord, what island is next?

Monday, January 13, 2025

Eucharistic Saints Presentation, 01-12-2024: St. Elizabeth Church, Aiea

Once again, this ministry was invited to speak to the young people in the Edge Group at St. Elizabeth Church ... and the organizer let me pick the topic!  Being that the Church in America is still in "Eucharistic Revival" mode, this author chose to speak about the exemplary Eucharistic Devotion of our Saints.

Relics on display at St. Elizabeth Church

I recall reading somewhere that only about 33% of Catholics believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  Imagine it - out of every group of 100 parishioners sitting with us in the pews during a Mass, only 32 others actually believe that the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Consecration!  It's disturbing and sad to me ... but how can this happen?

Young people venerating our Saints

I personally believe the main root of the problem is the lack of thorough and continuing education at the parish level, starting with our children.  Hence, the reason why this ministry is always willing and happy to faith-share with our youth about the Truths of our great Faith.

A boy prays intensely before a relic of
Bl. Benedetta Bianchi Porro

So last night I tried to kill two birds with one stone: I emphasized knowing and loving Jesus in the Eucharist, and encouraged imitation and devotion to our Saints ... and most of the kids responded positively, especially to the presence of the relics.  Just look at the photos posted to see their reactions.  Priceless.

The holy persons present tonight, via their relics, were: St. Angelo of Acri, Bl. Benedetta Bianchi Porro, Bl. Carlo Acutis, Servant of God Louise Lateau, St. Paul of the Cross, and St. Padre Pio.  May these Saints pray and intercede for our young people.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year Blessings to All

This ministry wishes its readers a prosperous 2025 filled with the good Lord's presence and benedictions!

... and speaking of divine presence and blessings, this author unexpectedly witnessed another unusual manifestation above my Kailua parish of St. Anthony of Padua Church shortly before a New Year's Mass - it was in the form of an uncanny image of a veiled woman carrying a baby.  The figures looked like a white statue nestled amongst the clouds, of which I managed to snap a couple of pictures although they turned out disappointingly inadequate compared to what I actually saw in-person ...

Was it the Madonna & Christ Child?

Still, the pics manage to convey a glimpse of the figures I saw and how appropriate they were since today the Church is also celebrating a sublime Marian Feast ... and let's not forget it's the Jubilee Year of Hope!  What a great way to start the new year off!

Happy Solemnity of Mary,
Mother of God!