
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Messages from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: December 2024

Message given to Marija on December 25th, 2024:
  "Dear children!  Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Message given to Jacov during his annual Christmas Day apparition:
  "Today, on this day of grace, in a special way I am calling you not to live a life striving for earthly goals and not to seek peace and joy in earthly things, because in this way darkness takes over your life and you do not see the meaning of your life.

  Little children, open the doors of your hearts to Jesus, permit Him to take over your entire life so that you may begin to live in God’s love and mercy.

  My children, only with Jesus in your hearts will you come to know the true goal of your life and long for eternal salvation.

  I am blessing you with my motherly blessing."

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Rosa Mystica Pilgrim Statue Visitation: Dela Cruz Residence, 12/8/2024

My "Auntie Z" has a strong and tender devotion to the Virgin Mary.  She recently contacted me to ask for help in planning a special celebration to honor Our Lady for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception ... and since the Rosa Mystica is closely connected to this premier Marian Feast, through the "Hour of Grace", it was agreed upon that this ministry's Rosa Mystica pilgrim statue had to be included.

Praying the Rosary, the Litany of Loreto,
and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

The end result was a most memorable afternoon, well-attended by family and several of my Auntie Z's co-members from the Sodality of Mary.

The gathering, itself, turned out to be a seamless blend of meaningful PRAYER, joyful FELLOWSHIP, and delicious FOOD as seen in the posted photos.

... and, at the end of the event, we were unexpectedly treated to an extraordinary grace - the appearance of escarchas! (I haven't seen them for a while).

The escarchas - in the form of fine, golden flakes - were manifested on my aunt's forehead and no where else ... and there was no mistaking it for ordinary craft glitter, either.  We watched in amazement as the first sparkles spotted began multiplying out of nowhere before our very eyes; spreading across our host's brow then onto her hair and even into her scalp! We interpreted the manifestation as a sign of Our Lady's spiritual presence with us, as well as, her gratitude to Auntie Z for having opened her home for the prayer meeting.

Some of the gold escarchas that appeared
on our host's forehead.

The escarchas immediately prompted questions from those who weren't familiar with them, which I then explained; attributing the grace to the intercession of our Heavenly Mother and as a spiritual grace often associated with the Church-approved Rosa Mystica apparitions, represented by the statue.  After all, the Virgin Mary did say to the seeress - Pierina Gilli - that wherever her Rosa Mystica statues are venerated she will be present with angels ... and today she kept her word, and affirmed our devotion to her.

Judging by how the people excitedly crowded around the statue, after, with reverence and affection, I do believe most went home very impressed by all that transpired.  In fact, another prayer gathering was asked for - for March 2025 - to honor Our Lady's Feast of the Annunciation ... and, of course, the Rosa Mystica statue is again invited.

O Mary, the Mystical Rose,
Immaculate Mother of the Church,
pray for us!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Saint of the Month - December 2024: Padre Domenico of Cese

The Servant of God
Padre Domenico of Cese
An Apostle of the Holy Face

For December 2024, this ministry features another little-known Servant of God - a modern miracle-working Capuchin Priest not unlike the popular St. Padre Pio of San Giovanni Rotondo.  In fact, he was a spiritual son of the Saint and was also marked with the Stigmata of our Lord.  He was born Emidio Petracca on March 27, 1905, in the Italian town of Cese, but is today known more widely in his country as Padre Domenico of Cese.  I have a particular admiration for him because of his great love for the Holy Face Devotion, which I follow, too ... and which I highly value as both a timely light and a powerful weapon in our uncertain times.

Similar to his sainted spiritual director, Padre Domenico experienced extraordinary graces from early childhood. In his case, Heaven first touched him at age three when Our Lady of Graces cured him of polio through the fervent prayers of his mother, Caterina.  Then, on January 12, 1915, the 9-year-old Emidio mysteriously announced to his classmates and teachers that an earthquake was about to hit them.  Not surprisingly, no one took him seriously ... but a devastating quake did indeed occur the very next day, killing over 30,000 people in the Abruzzo region, including Emidio's two younger sisters and many other townsfolk from Cese.  The boy and his father, Giovanni, were in the parish church when the disaster struck, and were partially buried under rubble when it collapsed; fortunately, a man - a stranger to them - pulled them out of the debris before suddenly disappearing.

After hearing a sermon preached by visiting Capuchin Priests, the 12-year-old Emidio asked his parents for permission to join their Franciscan Order.  Giovanni objected, citing he was the sole-remaining child, but the boy turned to prayer and our Lord spoke to him, directing the youngster to inform his parents that if they allowed him, they would be blessed with additional children.  They consequently relented and things turned out as Emidio relayed - Giovanni and Caterina soon welcomed a new daughter followed by two boys!

Emidio was accepted by the Capuchins in Avezzano in November 1921; he was then just 16 and chose the religious name of Domenico.  In the course of his training, the novice was moved around to different monasteries and for a while was pulled into mandatory military service.  He was eventually professed a Capuchin on April 8, 1928, before going on to be ordained a priest in October 1931.  10 years after his ordination, the priest was called back into military service, but before reporting for duty he stopped at San Giovanni Rotondo to meet the famous Padre Pio, who he had been hearing so much about.

The young Padre Domenico
as a military chaplain.

Padre Domenico stayed in San Giovanni Rotondo between November 19th - 23rd, 1941, during which he bonded with the Saint who seemed to have been already familiar with him.  It was at this time that Padre Pio either predicted to him his eventual stigmatization or discerned the young priest was suffering invisible Stigmata (this author isn't certain from the biographies I've read).  Whatever the case, during certain periods in his life, the Stigmata were visible, as attested to by witnesses and evidenced by photographs.

After spending time in other monasteries of his Order, in 1966 Padre Domenico found himself assigned to Manopello.  When he arrived, one of his fellow friars took him to see a highly revered relic in one of the local churches - the "Volto Santo" (Holy Face), aka the "Veil of Manopello" - which I won't spend much time explaining (it deserves a separate blog).  For the purpose of this post, it suffices to say the veil is a rectangular piece of delicate near-transparent "sea silk" fabric, on which is visible the slightly bruised face of a bearded man that's interpreted to be Christ, Himself.  Upon seeing the face for the very first time, Padre Domenico exclaimed: "This is the man who saved me from the rubble!" ... and from that instant he was enamored by the image and enthusiastically promoted devotion to it; referring to the face as "a great miracle" and truly that of Jesus.

Padre Domenico with the Veil of Manopello.

Padre Domenico obtained permission from his superiors to remain permanently in Manopello where he became the Rector of the Volto Santo Sanctuary.  In this capacity he arranged for the veil to be scientifically studied, which determined its image isn't a painting, but rather, is inexplicable in origin.  Furthermore, his promotional efforts were instrumental in spreading more knowledge and devotion to the Veil of Manopello, making it a popular object of pilgrimage.

As Rector/Guardian of the Volto Santo, the saintly Capuchin spent his time not just administering the sanctuary and welcoming pilgrims, but he also heard confessions for long hours at a time and was a sought-after spiritual counselor.  Padre Pio, himself, often referred his visitors from Italy's Abruzzo Region to Manopello with the words, "Why did you come all the way here, so far? You’ve got a priest there, my spiritual son - he is like me! The fact is - not only was Padre Domenico stigmatized, but he also read hearts, healed illnesses, and even bilocated ... so he really was like his holy mentor.

A sidenote concerning this priest's gift of Bilocation - Padre Domenico may just be the only mystic whose Bilocation was captured on film!  After Padre Pio died on September 17, 1968, Padre Domenico was asked if he was going to attend his friend's funeral; he responded that he couldn't because of a prior commitment he made with pilgrims coming to the Sanctuary on the same date.  A few days after the funeral, however, a few of Padre Domenico's acquaintances reported seeing him at San Giovanni Rotondo despite the fact that he never left Manopello.  Amazingly, film footage of the funeral aired on Italian TV also showed him walking near Padre Pio's casket during the funeral procession (incredible!) - see below.

A still image from St. Pio's funeral footage
showing Padre Domenico's undeniable
presence at the event although he was back
in Manopello at the exact same time.

Ironically, Padre Domenico met his end after visiting another miraculous relic that bears an image of the Holy Face - the famous Shroud of Turin!  On September 13, 1978, he was in Turin during a rare public exhibition of the Shroud and was hit by a speeding car after he left the Cathedral in the evening.  The impact broke several of the priest's ribs and he was also thrown to the curb where he fatally hit his head.

As the Capuchin lay dying in the hospital, he forgave the remorseful driver who came to see him, and reportedly offered his suffering "for the Shroud of Turin."  He died on September 17, 1978 - exactly 10 years after his dear Padre Pio's passing; Padre Domenico was 73-years-old.

Padre Domenico enthusiastically preaching.

The miracles connected with Padre Domenico during his lifetime did not cease with his passing.  His spiritual children continued to invoke his intercession and graces were reported leading to his Cause for Canonization being opened.  May God grant the Church the gift of his speedy Canonization!

Padre Domenico, pray for us!