"Dear children! In this time of the grace of expectation, I desire to call you to prayer for Advent to be prayer of the family. In a special way, little children whom I tenderly embrace, I encourage you to prayer for peace in the world; for peace to prevail over peacelessness and hatred. Thank you for having responded to my call."
A Roman Catholic Evangelization & Sacred Relics Pilgrim Visitation Ministry in Oahu, Hawaii
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.
~ Peter, Ministry Administrator
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Sunday, November 24, 2024
In the Holy Face Devotion is Power!
Restore us, Lord God Almighty;
make your face shine on us, that
we may be saved.
‐ Psalm 80:19
Lately, I've been extra-focused on the Holy Face Devotion. After the November 2024 election ended, I committed myself to praying more diligently for my country: for blessings on the incoming presidential administration and for the defeat of radical politicians, especially those with Communistic/Socialistic-leanings, who push their erroneous and atheistic ideologies in the US. I've come to understand more clearly that their growing influence is a root problem in our present society and is actually the fulfillment of one of the Virgin Mary's predictions given at Fatima in which she stated that Russia will spread her errors [Communism] throughout the world if her requests weren't heeded; apparently, not enough people responded to Our Lady of Fatima and, as a result, history has abundant examples of how Communism has left a wake of misery in its path; America, too, despite professing to be a staunch democratic government, has not been immune from the infection of Marxist teachings.
But even way before Fatima, in the mid-1800s, our Lord had already warned us of the advent of Communism and its evils through the French Carmelite mystic, Sr. Marie of St. Peter (d. 1848). In October 1846 she recorded this:
"What filled my soul with sadness was an interior light which Our Lord granted me, by which I saw that God’s justice was preparing to send us still other chastisements. Our Lord communicated to me that this time he would use as the instruments of punishment, not the elements, but the malice of revolutionary men."
On March 27, 1847, the nun documented yet another encounter with Jesus:
"Our Lord commanded me to make war on Communists because he said they were the enemies of the Church and of her Christ. He told me also that most of these wolfish men who are now Communists had been born in the Church whose bitter enemies they now openly declare themselves to be."
As a way of combating this godless philosophy and its adherents, Jesus revealed the Holy Face Devotion to Sr. Marie, along with the "Golden Arrow" prayer, as a means of spiritual combat. So following Sr. Marie's lead, I am now saying the prayer daily - specifically during the Elevation at Mass - for the express intention of having the USA experience a renewed spirit of morality and for all our government leaders, especially the Marxist, to be given the grace of conversion and to peacefully work for the common good of all Americans.
Heavenly affirmations have since followed, which correspond with Scriptural prophecy:
"And I will show wonders in heaven
above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood,
and fire, and vapour of smoke ..."
- Acts 2:19
- Acts 2:19
For example, just yesterday - Saturday, 11/23/2024 - I received a remarkable sign directly related to the Holy Face Devotion. It was in the form of a photo I snapped after again spending time in prayer at the outdoor Marian Shrine on the grounds of St. John Vianney Church in Kailua.
God looks down from heaven on the
children of man to see if there are any
who understand, who seek after God.
- Psalm 53:2
For me, the Holy Face is clearly discerned in the clouds. I didn't initially see the image at the time I aimed my cellphone towards the sky, but only noticed the face after. How personally relevant and also encouraging for all of us to know that Jesus pays attention to our prayers!
This ministry invites all readers to also invoke the power of the Holy Face Devotion against the forces of darkness operating in our/your country; to frequently utilize the Golden Arrow Prayer to combat their destructive works. As the US transitions from one administration to another in January 2025, there will undoubtedly be challenges but I firmly believe that if more people practice this devotion, our country will ultimately be better off.
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.
- Psalm 105:4
Monday, November 11, 2024
Saint of the Month - November 2024: Saint Giuseppe Moscati
The "Holy Doctor" - Feast: November 16th
St. Giuseppe Moscati was born on July 25, 1880, in Benevento, Italy. His parents were descended from noble lineages, and his father was a successful and well-respected judge in the region; Giuseppe was the seventh child (of 9) born to the large Moscati family.
Inheriting his father's intelligence, the young Giuseppe developed an interest in medicine after an older brother named Alberto fell from a horse in 1892, during a military exercise, and developed epilepsy. He helped to care for this sibling and it apparently inspired him to further assist those who suffered from illness.
"The sick are the faces of Jesus Christ."
- St. Giuseppe Moscati
After graduating from secondary education in 1897, the Saint pursued his goal of becoming a doctor, which was further fueled by the sudden death of his father from a cerebral hemorrhage that same year. Giuseppe successfully completed med-school with honors in August 1903.
Deeply pious - a trait he also got from his father - the young doctor viewed his job not as a lucrative profession, but moreover as a vocation to sanctify himself and as a way of leading souls to the Lord. Through the grace of God, he managed to seamlessly blend his training in science and medicine with his profound faith; exercised an active spiritual life of daily Mass attendance and Rosary Prayer despite having a demanding schedule ... and he consciously perceived the person of Christ Crucified in the sick he treated. In fact, he often waived his fees for the poor and freely dispensed medication to them; sometimes asking his patients to go to confession as an alternative form of payment ... not to mention that he frequently and discretely slipped envelopes of money into the hands of the less fortunate or at their hospital bed-sides.
By the time he hit his mid-30s, Giuseppe was an in-demand and much-loved doctor and professor who enjoyed tremendous success in the city of Naples (and beyond) for his medical research and private practice. He impressed many with his uncanny ability to quickly and precisely diagnose illnesses, no matter how difficult. Witnesses at his Canonization tribunal testified as to how he sometimes closed his eyes as if in an otherworldly state before suddenly "knowing" exactly what was wrong with a patient and what the best course of treatment would be. Impossible cures sometimes resulted, which it's speculated was due to Giuseppe being mystically gifted because of his virtuous living.
Other examples of the doctor's heroic virtue include his exceptional charity and courage during an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in April 1906. He volunteered to oversee the evacuation of incapacitated patients from a hospital and, despite the danger to himself, he personally helped to carry many of the sick out of the facility; the building collapsed not long after the last patient was transported out!
"Let us never forget to offer every day,
nay, every moment, our actions to God,
doing all things for love."
- St. Giuseppe Moscati
When a cholera epidemic hit Naples in 1911, Dr. Giuseppe was front and center in treating the afflicted; working fearlessly and with an aura of peace that calmed those around him. His research into the spread of cholera and its treatment are credited with directly stemming the spread of the contagion.
... and lastly, being highly devoted to the Blessed Virgin, he was prompted to imitate her purity by making a private vow of celibacy and chastity. This also allowed him a total and unhindered dedication to his personal ministry. He particularly loved the miraculous image of Our Lady of Pompeii of the Holy Rosary and was a friend of Bl. Bartolo Longo (d. 1926), the founder of the Pompeiian Sanctuary and a modern Apostle of the Rosary. Another friend and advisor was St. Caterina Volpicelli (d. 1894), a stigmatized mystic and foundress of the Servants of the Sacred Heart. Without a doubt, birds of a feather flock together!
ABOVE: The Saint's tomb in the church of
Nuovo Gesu, Naples.
BELOW: A relic of fabric and thread from
the Saint's clothing in this author's custody.
Dr. Giuseppe Moscati - the "Holy Doctor", as he came to be nicknamed - died unexpectedly on April 12, 1927. After assisting at Mass that morning then tending to patients, he was suddenly overcome with fatigue at around 3pm so sat in an armchair to rest. He passed away not long after from a heart attack (other accounts say it was a stroke) at just 46-years-old.
Not surprisingly, the good doctor's funeral was well-attended and there was a spontaneous devotion to him that arose amongst his former peers and patients. Pope St. John Paul II was the Pontiff who declared Dr. Giuseppe Moscati a Saint during a Canonization Ceremony in October 1987. His relics are today conserved and venerated in a side-chapel in the Neopolitan church of Gesu Nuovo.
St. Giuseppe Moscati, pray for us!
Sunday, November 3, 2024
European Pilgrimage, October 2024 - Part III: Signs & Signal Graces
“You are the God who
performs miracles; you display your
power among the peoples.”
- Psalms 77:14
This Part III and final installment about my October 2024 European Pilgrimage is my personal testimonial to the power of prayer and the signal graces received by myself and others during our journey. The truth is - from the moment I signed on, I had faith that Jesus and Our Lady would bless us. There was even a wonderful event that happened in early October that seemed to foretell that we would have a grace-filled pilgrimage (see it here).
What this author didn't expect was the abundance of the graces and signs I witnessed ... and it started on the very first plane ride! Let me start there ...
During our flight from Hawaii to Los Angeles, one of the members of our group - "Don" - suddenly lost consciousness and turned pale. His wife's distress attracted flight attendants who attempted to revive the man using an oxygen mask, but he remained unresponsive despite their efforts. It was then that our chaplain, Fr. Paul, turned to me saying "You need to pray", after which he, myself, and a few others in our group immediately began offering intense prayers for Don (I even stood up in the central aisle with hands extended towards him) ... and amazingly, within about a minute, he opened his eyes on his own and slowly began regaining color! One may not think this significant, except for the fact that I later overheard a flight attendants telling our priest: "Father, I thought we were gonna lose him - he wasn't breathing and he had no pulse. I think it was a miracle."
Don went on to complete the entire trip with no further adverse episodes ... and, per his own words to me, he had the most unforgettable experiences of his life in Fatima and Lourdes. His "recovery" set an enthusiastic and supernatural tone for the entire pilgrimage for me ... and for Don, his wife, and several others. I sensed then that tremendous things were in-store for us and the Lord didn't disappoint.
At the Fatima Sanctuary, there were a few unusual incidences that I'd like to share about. The first occurred on October 9th, during the first night we were there. Our Hawaii Group was gathered at the sanctuary beginning at 9:00 PM praying the Rosary with hundreds of other pilgrims. At the beginning of the final Glorious Mystery it started raining steadily, forcing people without umbrellas or raincoats to shelter tightly under the roofing of the Chapel of the Apparitions. However, no sooner was the processional statue of Our Lady of Fatima wheeled outside the chapel at the end of our prayer then the rain immediately stopped! The timing couldn't have been more perfect ... and the rain did not resume for the duration of the 45 minutes, or so, that it took for us to walk the procession. We then returned to our hotel dry and comfortable.
I also witnessed two visible manifestations on my second night at the sanctuary, while I watched the candlelight procession from the steps of the older basilica. As the procession moved along in the plaza below, I unexpectedly heard the Lord’s voice say to me: "Pray for Fr. Shenan Boquet." (Note: Fr. Boquet is the current President of Human Life International, a pro-life/pro-family apostolate, and an acquaintance of mine.) No other words were heard and I was immediately concerned for the priest so offered a prayer, as directed ... then glancing up at the sky I was struck by the sight of the moon mysteriously transforming itself into a human fetus up above the front of the procession! The likeness was so uncanny I had to snap a photo, which I post below ...
I'm not certain what the full significance of this occurrence was, but I have no doubt it's all connected to the Pro-Life Movement and the urgent plight of the Unborn (God preserve them!) ... and keep in mind - October is Respect Life Month.
Bottom-Left: A candle flame resembling
a silhouette of the Virgin Mary.
Bottom-Right: A second mysterious
silhouette above the flame.
The other incident involved a friend/fellow pilgrim named "Lita". During the same procession, we took a selfie together and upon later reviewing the photo, we both noticed that the flame on her procession candle was unusually big ... and was in the familiar form of a silhouette of the Virgin Mary, of all things! It may have just been a coincidence except that above the flame was another discernible human-like figure (the Fatima "Angel of Peace"?). What's the odds of two seemingly holy images appearing in one pic?! Plus, it needs to be mentioned that it was also Lita's Birthday that day and she had prayed to Our Lady for a special blessing. We have no doubt she got it.
This next remarkable grace was granted at Lourdes during that sanctuary's candlelight procession. It was our first night there and I snapped a few pics of the massive crowd as we started to follow the shrine's large Marian statue. Later, while viewing the photos in the hotel, I was stunned to discover that one of them inadvertently captured the Blessed Virgin carrying her Divine Son! The luminous figure was strongly reminiscent of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in the Capelinha and it just so happened to be October 13th, the anniversary of the final and most significant apparition at Fatima. Readers, I can't make this up!
to the left; enlarged below and compared
to the famous Marian statue at Fatima.
As I wrote in the first blog, the presence of our Holy Mother is strongly felt at Lourdes but to have this heavenly affirmation captured on camera is simply a priceless gift from her ... and I am humbled.
There were a couple other photos taken while we were in procession at Lourdes that appear to reveal unusual figures ... but unlike the above photo, I can't say for certain that they are actual signs, versus the natural effects of light. Nonetheless, they are quite thought-provoking ...
🌹 IN ROME ...
Lastly, in my hotel room in Rome, there was another anomaly that had me scratching my head. I wasn't looking to see anything else unusual in Rome but - BOOM - there it was on a conspicuous part of the door: a figure that looked notably like the Virgin Mary! I took a photo and showed it to several friends and prayer group members - they all see "Mama Mary" ... and some say there's even the Holy Face of Jesus on the door, but I'll let the viewer discern that.
Again, with this particular incident, I'm not claiming it's supernatural ... but what does strike me about the whole scenario is the figure's close resemblance to the statue honored at the Roman Marian apparition site of Tre Fontane that I also visited on this trip, and for which I have an affinity for. Not to mention that a similar figure was on a wall in my hotel room in Mexico City when I was on a prior pilgrimage back in April 2023 to see the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe (see the other image here).
Our Lady of Tre Fontane in Rome.
Given my prior experiences, I can't help but believe that Our Lady had a hand in arranging this moment of "spiritual serendipity", as I like to refer to it; that she was simply signaling that she was watching over me and the rest of the travel group, which is very reassuring. I love that about our Blessed Mother.
... and so ends this blog about my incredible European Pilgrimage. My heart will forever be grateful to Jesus and Mary, and the Angels and Saints, for everything I saw and experienced in Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy. God never fails to exceed our expectations when we surrender everything to His Divine Will - all Thanks and Praises be to Him!
“Who is like You, O Lord,
among the gods? Who is like You,
majestic in holiness, awesome in
glorious deeds, doing wonders?”
‐ Exodus 15:11
** To view Part I of my European Pilgrimage Blog: Apparition Shrines, click here.
** To view Part II of my European Pilgrimage Blog: Saints & Relics, click here.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Saints & Relics Presentation: Hawaii Scouts Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk Event
On this evening of the Feast of All Souls 2024, this ministry had the honor of participating in a special event sponsored by the Diocese of Honolulu Catholic Committee on Scouting (DHCCS). The event - called "Back from the Dead Cemetery Walk" - was a combination of a presentation on the Church's teaching about the Communion of Saints, a relic exhibit, and a drama production. Over 70 youngsters and their parents from local scout troops signed up, including non-Catholic families.
This ministry kicked off the night with its Saints and Relics Presentation, after which, the participants were taken in small groups to "stations" in the Oahu Cemetery to see and listen to actors portraying various Saints, Angels, and other characters; each station had a specific theme for the audience to reflect on, e.g. "Stay awake for you know not the day nor the hour." (Matthew 25:13) and the importance of praying for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
The featured lineup of Saints portrayed by actors and represented by their respective relics included Bl. Carlo Acutis, St. Cecilia, St. Damien of Molokai, St. Martin de Porres, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), St. Therese the Little Flower, and the Ven. Domenica Lazzeri.
After the groups completed their walks, many returned to the chapel to venerate the holy relics. It was highly affirming and hopeful to see many families praying together (some on their knees) ... and individuals touching their various sacramentals to the relics.
Clearly, the Holy Spirit and the Saints were hard at work at tonight's event ... and the DHCCS Organizers and cast of actors need to be commended for all their successful hard work. Overall feedback was highly positive, sparking interest for a repeat event in 2025!
All thanks and praises be to God!
* * * T E S T I M O N I A L * * *
Well done, everyone! We were blessed with a very comfortable evening. The saints were definitely with us - mahalo, Peter!
‐ Stephanie C.
Friday, November 1, 2024
European Pilgrimage, October 2024 - Part II: Saints & Relics
"Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his saints."
- Psalm 116:15
Just in time for the Feast of All Saints is this Part II blog of my European Pilgrimage in which I feature the Shrines/Relics of various Saints I was blessed to visit. For those who have a strong devotion to them, one may understand that praying before the tomb and/or relics of a Blessed or Saint is a deeply personal encounter with the holy person; the spiritual experience is intensified by the presence of something materially tangible that's closely linked to the Blessed/Saint. I felt this special connection at the shrines we visited. Let's begin in Portugal ...
In the older Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary at the Fatima Sanctuary, one can find the tombs of the three Seers. Up front to the right of the Sanctuary is the tomb of St. Francisco while directly opposite are the tombs of his sister, St. Jacinta, and their cousin, Sr. Lucia. Be prepared and patient if one wants to get close to their tombs to pray and take photos - depending on the timing of your visit, the church could be filled with pilgrims. The popularity of the Fatima Seers was evident from the many people who gathered to get close to their tombs.
Compostela and its grand plaza.
On the way north from Fatima to Lourdes, we stopped to tour this major Spanish pilgrimage site. It's been a famous destination for pilgrims since medieval times, and for secular adventurers in our present times.
For those not familiar with the history of the shrine, according to ancient tradition, St. James the Apostle once preached in what is now the Galicia Region of Spain before being martyred in Jerusalem in 44 AD. After his death, two of his disciples returned bringing with them his bodily relics for safekeeping from the Jewish persecution. The bones were enshrined in the area but with the passing of time, the site was forgotten until the 9th Century when shepherds were drawn to the vicinity by a miraculous star that streamed brilliant rays of light onto a specific plot of land in a field. Hence, the name "Compostela" (field of the star).
The main altar where the relics of the
Apostle St. James are preserved within.
A Bishop named Teodomiro was alerted to the phenomenon and he subsequently unearthed the Apostle's hidden tomb and established the first sanctuary to the Saint. Miracles abounded, which resulted in the rapid expansion of the shrine and leading it to become a premier pilgrimage destination. It was considered highly sacred and a spiritually beneficial undertaking to make the long and dangerous trek to Santiago de Compostela, which originated the practice of the "Camino de Santiago" (the Way of St. James).
To this day, pilgrims still walk the journey from different starting points in neighboring countries and to see their jubilation, firsthand, as they completed their travels in the grand square of Santiago de Compostela was an inspiration! Made me want to consider doing the Camino some day.
Still further north in the Asturias Region of Spain, we stopped in the city of Oviedo to visit its magnificent Cathedral of San Salvador and prayed at the "Camara Santa (Holy Room)", which is an ancient chamber housing many treasured relics and holy objects collected and donated by the Asturian Monarchs.
From its large collection of relics, what stands out is the Santa Sudarium - a rectangular linen that wrapped the Holy Face of Jesus when he was taken down from the cross and while his corpse was prepared for burial. A replica was on view but the actual relic, itself, is in the chamber in a designated case called the Arca Santa. Because of its delicate state, the Sudarium is only publicly exposed for veneration in the cathedral on three occasions each year ... and only for a short duration each time.
Studies conducted on the Sudarium revealed it coincides perfectly with another famous relic of Christ's Passion - the Santa Sindone, better known as the Holy Shroud of Turin. Although it doesn't bear a mysterious image like the Shroud does, both cloths share similarities:
- There is actual blood on both fabrics - Type AB (same blood type of Eucharistic Miracles!) - and their respective bloodstains align with each other!
- The material used to weave both cloths are the same.
- Similar pollen found on both fabrics confirm the Palestinian origin of the Sudarium and Shroud.
Another prominent relic in the Camara Santa is a jeweled cross called the "Cross of the Angels" because it was believed to have been made by angels for King Alfonso II in the 800s. The cross was so revered it became the official symbol of the Asturias.
Oviedo's much-loved Cross of the Angels
(pictured in the top case).
Near the entrance to the left is a small chapel (see below) dedicated to Oviedo's Patron Saint - St. Eulalia. The Saint was a youthful, virginal Christian from Merida who was martyred during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Her bones are enshrined in an ornate case under a beautiful gothic dome. St. Eulalia, pray for us!
In the Basque Region of Northern Spain lies the verdant municipality of Loyola and its Basilica and Museum of St. Ignatius, the illustrious founder of the Jesuits. I did not have an active devotion to this Saint but after visiting this place, I was impressed by his holiness - the spirit of St. Ignatius is very much alive here.
The museum is actually the Saint's family castle (they were minor nobility) where he was raised and, more importantly, it's where he experienced a profound conversion leading up to him becoming the lofty spiritual figure he is today.
In May 1521, Ignatius the soldier was severely injured in his right leg by a cannonball and was incapacitated for months in a room on the third floor. After reading devotional books about the lives of Christ and the Saints, he was spiritually awakened, repented of his past sins, and resolved to serve God; the rest is history.
Today, that room is a special place of prayer and reflection - a relic in itself - appropriately named the Chapel of Conversion and part of the Saint's remains are enshrined under the altar.
of Loyola built next to his family home.
Readers familiar with the "15 Magnificent Prayers" of St. Bridget of Sweden might be interested to know that the crucifix that miraculously came to life and dictated the prayers to the Saint is found in a chapel in this basilica (see below). I did these year-long prayers once, many years ago, so being in the presence of this special image was personally meaningful.
I have to say - this visit to Santa Maria Sopra Minerva was more powerful and moving than the last trip. I felt as though both Saints somehow had a direct hand in guiding our group there and arranging this grace for me. Sts. Dominic and Catherine, pray for us!
The highlight of my visit to Loyola was being able to have the unforgettable experience of serving our chaplain at the altar during the Mass we celebrated in the Chapel of Conversion. I keenly felt the presence of the Saint with us - St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us!
Just outside of the Sanctuary of Lourdes is a quaint museum dedicated to St. Bernadette, the celebrated visionary of the shrine. Here, historic photos and a few relics tell the life-story of the Saint and chronicle her 18 apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the nearby Sacred Grotto. It was definitely worth the time to have visited this attraction and to have venerated her second class relics displayed there. St. Bernadette, pray for us!
This next Saint needs no introduction - nearly every Catholic knows who Padre Pio is and I was also profoundly moved by our stop at this holy place. San Giovanni Rotondo is forever intimately linked with his life - the Saint is simply all over the town: in the basilica; in the friary; and out on the streets.
The confessional where St. Pio spent 14
to 17 hours reconciling sinners to God (Left)
... and his cell in the Capuchin Friary.
The Saint's habit and Mass vestments he wore.
ABOVE: The crucifix of the stigmatization
in the friary's choir loft.
BELOW: St. Padre Pio's incorrupt body - POWERFUL!
Needless to say, I left this sanctuary with greater admiration for St. Padre Pio's life and legacy. St. Pio, pray for us!
Our dear St. Philomena is one of a handful of my personal go-to Saints. In fact, she has been so responsive to me, I chose her to be a Patron of this ministry. As such, visiting her shrine was one of my bucket list items and it didn't disappoint.
ABOVE: The three tiles of St. Philomena.
BELOW: The miraculous statue of the Saint,
which dripped fragrant manna for three
days beginning on August 11, 1823 (a large
cabinet enclosing relics of other Martyrs
stands beneath it).
At Mugnano, I had the joy of praying at St. Philomena's tomb and venerating other relics connected with her devotion: the ampule with her blood and the three grave tiles decorated with Christian symbols and the words "PAX TECUM FILOMENA" (Peace to you, Philomena) that were recovered with her remains.
As a bonus, I also had the privilege of serving Mass in her Sanctuary (Thanks be to God!) ... and the Shrine Rector - Padre Giuseppe Autorino - later personally greeted us and blessed us individually with the Sanctuary's bone-relic of the Saint - talk about signal graces! St. Philomena, pray for us!
In the Eternal City we visited the four "Major Basilicas" and other pilgrimage churches - not surprisingly, Saints and Relics were everywhere! But Rome, after all, is the central hub of the Catholic Church! Below are things that stood out for me in this city ...
+ St. John Lateran
One of the four Papal Basilicas, this important church is the only Archbasilica in the world; the original residence of the Popes and the historic seat of the Papacy. I would guess it's why inside of it, above a Baroque-style altar and canopy, are prominently displayed two figures representing, arguably, the two most influential Apostles in Christian history - Sts. Peter and Paul ... and within them are kept large fragments of their skulls.
ABOVE: The interior of St. John Lateran.
BELOW: The tomb of the Passionist Priest
& renowned Exorcist, Padre Candido,
who is currently being investigated
for Sainthood.
+ Santa Maria Maggiore
This is another grand Papal Basilica and it is, in itself, the result of a miracle that occurred on August 5, 352. According to the story, the Blessed Virgin appeared in a dream to a wealthy Roman Patrician named John and requested the building of a church. She predicted that snow would miraculously fall on a designated spot where the church was to be constructed. The following morning, snow indeed fell on the Esquiline Hill despite the Summer heat. Pope Liberius was notified and he hastened to the area where he traced the outline of the future church with a hoe, after which the snow melted.
The miracle Salus Populi Romani icon &
the incorrupt body of Pope St. Pius V.
In this basilica are preserved many relics but the most visible are the remnants of Christ's wooden crib; the incorrupt body of Pope St. Pius V (d. 1572); and a miraculous icon of the Madonna and Christ Child attributed to St. Luke the Evangelist, called the Salus Populi Romani ("Safety of the Roman People"). The icon is best known for having saved the entire city from a plague in 593 after it was carried throughout the city. Pope Francis makes it a point to pray before this sacred image before and after each trip he undertakes. I've been to this church before in 1989 and in 2005, but coming back to it again never gets old!
+ St. Paul Outside the Walls
This awesome and historic Papal Basilica was built over the ancient site of the tomb of St. Paul, the great "Apostle to the Gentiles". In fact, the tomb can be glimpsed by walking down a special area directly under the central canopy. Also preserved in this church is the relic of the chains that were used to bind St. Paul during his imprisonment and execution in Rome. My admiration for this Saint's accomplishments grew after praying at his tomb. St. Paul, pray for us!
ABOVE: Two views of St. Paul's tomb.
BELOW: The chains of St. Paul.
+ The Basilica of St. Augustine
I never heard of this basilica before but I'm glad we stopped here. Within this church is the tomb and relics of St. Monica, the patient and prayerfully persistent mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. Her prayers are credited with obtaining the conversion of her son.
At the tomb of this Saint I was prompted to pray for the conversion of my own non-practicing family members and sensed the maternal presence of St. Monica joining me. It was comforting and I felt assured that my prayers would somehow bear good fruit. Sts. Augustine and Monica, pray for us!
+ The Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva
This is another Roman church I visited during my prior trip, but we unexpectedly stopped here for Mass. Being a Dominican-administered church, its central spiritual attraction is the tomb of the great St. Catherine of Siena - a Dominican Tertiary, herself - located under the main altar. This time around I got to do something different - the tomb is now accessible through an opening at the back of the altar. Pilgrims can touch the tomb and write petitions on small squares of paper provided and leave them with St. Catherine. Of course I had to write something and left my note near the ear of the effigy representing her!
Besides being able to again venerate St. Catherine, another highlight - maybe more meaningful - was being able to serve Mass in a side-chapel dedicated to St. Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order. In fact, near the chapel was a bone-relic of St. Dominic, which I also venerated.
The Chapel of St. Dominic & a relic
from the Saint's bones.
... and with that, this blog ends here. I know this was a long one but my trip was nearly 2 weeks long! I was blessed to be able to be at many holy places, in the presence of great spiritual heroes of our rich and beautiful Faith! I will never forget this adventure!
If one ever has the chance to make a pilgrimage, do so ... and do it with a heart totally open and surrendered to whatever God wants to reveal! Trust me - if one does so, He will open doors and fill your journey with new and wondrous experiences!
** To view Part III of my European Pilgrimage Blog: Signs & Signal Graces, click here.
** To view Part I of my European Pilgrimage Blog: Apparition Shrines, click here.
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