
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Our Lady of Guadalupe Presentation: Dela Cruz Residence, 8-31-2024

What a beautiful, blessed event this presentation turned out to be!  My host - my "Auntie Z" - is a long-time devotee of Our Lady of Guadalupe and was a regular member of this ministry's now-defunct Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Group in Kailua back in the 1990s.

Praying the Rosary

Feeling nostalgic over her past experiences with our former group, she invited this author to speak to her family and friends about the story and significance of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which I was happy to oblige.

After prayer, our fellowship luncheon

The talk included a history of the famous Mexico apparitions; detailed scientific confirmation of the Guadalupe image's supernatural origin; subsequent miracles related to the Virgin of Guadalupe; and personal testimonies (including photos) of special graces and signs experienced by our prayer group.

The presentation was well-received by the attendees after which we prayed the Rosary to honor the Holy Mother.  The gathering then concluded with a delicious luncheon courtesy of our host who was thrilled at the successful outcome of her endeavor for our illustrious Patroness.

This author with our host and some
of the presentation attendees

As an added blessing, 6 past participants of our former prayer group, including me and Auntie Z, were in attendance at this event, which made for a heartwarming reunion and reminiscing of fond memories of our weekly meetings together - Praise the Lord!

A photo taken right before Mass at
St. John Vianney Church, just a few hours
before the presentation.  Notice the bright
 silhouette to the upper-right?  (Note: I had
asked Our Lady's special blessing for the
event just moments before snapping the
above photo - incredible!).

* * T E S T I M O N I A L S * *

"Peter, thank you so much for leading us
again to Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Everyone
was so thankful and asking if it's possible
to have a group prayer for OLGuadalupe
each month.  You inspired us all."

- Auntie Z 

"Mahalo for sharing your precious
fellowship, Peter; it was inspiring to know
more about our Lady of Guadalupe."

- Myrna

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: August 2024

  "Dear children!  Today, my prayer with you is for peace.  Good and evil are fighting and want to prevail in the world and in the hearts of people.  You be people of hope and prayer and of great trust in God the Creator to Whom everything is possible.  Little children, may peace prevail in you and around you.  I am blessing you with my motherly blessing that you, little children, may be joy for all those whom you meet.  Thank you for having responded to my call."

Thursday, August 8, 2024

If you're having a bad day, read this

This blogger had a really long and stressful day at work today, but I came home to this unexpected sight above my home ...

A sky aflame with the golden glow from the setting Hawaiian sun and her in the midst of it.

Suddenly the day's worries were forgotten; it just didn't matter any more.  Instead, I just looked at her and the magnificent beauty of God's creative love reflected in nature.  Again, nothing else from my day seemed to matter - I was at PEACE ... and my heart swelled with JOY and GRATITUDE.

"The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace."

- Psalm 29:11

WE are all loved and blessed.  Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, Blessed Mother.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Saint of the Month - August 2024: Blessed Maria Pilar Izquierdo Albero

Bl. Maria Pilar Izquierdo Albero
Submissive to the Way of the Cross
Memorial: August 27th

This August I feature another little-known mystic named María Pilar Izquierdo Albero – she was a founder of a religious congregation who suffered much to fulfill a mission for the poor tasked upon her by God.  Although she experienced one setback after another, she managed to turn the many “lemons” thrown her way into a large batch of the sweetest lemonade for Jesus!

Maria Pilar (or simply “Pilar”, as she was called) was born in 1906 into a large family from Zaragoza, Spain.  Raised under impoverished but devout circumstances, she grew up unschooled but with a highly pious and generous disposition.  At 12, she contracted a mysterious illness that often left her debilitated.  When she recovered sufficiently after four years of intermittent poor health and hospital stays, she worked in a shoe factory until a fall at 20-years-old resulted in a broken pelvis, which lead to her becoming partially paralyzed a year later.  This paralysis soon spread throughout Pilar’s body, leaving her bedridden and barely able to speak.  To make matters worse, she developed skin ulcers (likely bedsores); went completely blind; and became hearing impaired, too!  Due to these circumstances, her entire family also suffered and was forced to move to a small attic, while sometimes relying on charity to get by.

In 1929, the poor patient's state of decline was so bad, after a bout of severe chest pains, she lapsed into a coma.  Doctors pronounced her case hopeless and her priest administered the last rites.  All expected her to die, but the Lord had other plans for her ... and she woke up six months later.

Bl. Maria Pilar in her bed of suffering

Despite the onslaught of illnesses and misfortunes, Pilar displayed admirable faith and calm.  Rather than wallowing in misery and self-pity, or falling into despondency, she instead resigned herself to God's will; embracing her physical and moral suffering as a way of attaining closer union with Christ.  In fact, the Beata began experiencing mystical encounters with our Lord, who invited her to become a “victim soul” for sinners - especially Priests and Seminarians - to which she generously consented.  Not surprisingly, other spiritual charisms followed:

  • frequent Ecstasies during which she had visits from Jesus, the Blessed Virgin, and Saints
  • Reading of Souls and Prophetic Insight
  • Bilocation

For the next ten years, Pilar patiently suffered and her reputation for sanctity became widespread throughout the region, attracting pilgrims to her humble sickroom.  During the Spanish Civil War that raged between 1936 to 1939, she was inundated by visitors seeking her prayers and clamoring to get divine insight about loved ones fighting in the war.  

On December 8, 1939 – the Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Pilar was totally healed.  Months earlier Jesus had actually expressed his desire for a charitable work to be established in Spain to uplift the people from the misery left behind by the recently ended war ... and he foretold to the invalid her imminent healing since he apparently wanted her to be the person to accomplish it.  So upon her miraculous recovery, Pilar immediately set about the task of establishing a new congregation "to reproduce the active life of the Lord on earth through works of mercy".

Bl. Maria Pilar after her miraculous cure

Pilar moved to Madrid with a group of collaborators and there started the Missionaries of Jesus and Mary, which the local bishop approved as a Pious Union.  Things were going well, at first, until the following year when calumnies surfaced accusing her of vile things such as being mentally ill; diabolically possessed; or even an outright fraudster aiming to gain personal wealth to escape poverty.  As a result of the negative press, her bishop withdrew his approval and ordered that the Missionaries be dissolved.  Pilar again submitted to God’s will.

In spite of this setback, Pilar and her companions continued their ministry as laywomen serving the poor in the slums of Madrid and their work thrived.

The Beata (center) with her original
companions in ministry

A second review in 1942 of the Beata's work resulted in the approval of a revamped association - the Pious Union of the Missionaries of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph - but in 1944, the foundress was forced out of her own community after new slanders were spread against her.  Pilar left with nine loyal spiritual daughters, offering her humiliations and sufferings to God for the survival of her mission.  They moved to San Sebastiano to start all over again and there Pilar was diagnosed with stomach cancer.  Almost simultaneously with the diagnosis, the Beata suffered a broken leg from another accident leaving her bedridden again!  She succumbed to her maladies on August 27, 1945 being only 39-years-old.

Pilar’s many, many sacrifices eventually proved to not be in vain, as her small group of spiritual daughters persevered.  While the pious union floundered, the women who remained with her managed to reestablish themselves in May 1948 as the Missionary Work of Jesus and Mary; it was officially recognized as a new congregation of the Church in 1961.  Thus, their founder's legacy lived on and today flourishes through 24 houses scattered throughout Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Mozambique, and Venezuela.

For her holy example of faith; charitable service to the poor and needy; humility and patience in suffering; and submission to God’s divine will, Maria Pilar Izquierdo Albero was Beatified in November 2001.  One more miracle is still needed to raise her to Sainthood.  Please join this ministry in praying for its realization.

Bl. Maria Pilar, pray for us!