Before our prayer began, I shared about this blog's featured Saint of the Month, St. Riccardo Pampuri; an ordinary man who expressed extraordinary Love and Charity towards poor, suffering souls... and because of it, eventually ended-up a Saint. What was his secret to sanctity? St. Riccardo recognized and served Jesus in everyone, especially the sick he came into contact with on a daily basis. It's a positive habit that all of us can learn to do and put into effect in our personal lives... and not just with the sick, but with all people we cross paths with daily. It just takes practice.
The above story is exactly why this ministry exists - to help people personally connect with the Saints and to find inspiration in their lives and achievements; so long as one person's soul is touched for the better at each meeting, I hope to continue doing what I'm doing for a long while more.
The next Rosary for Peace at St. Anthony of Padua Church will be held on Saturday, June 6th, beginning at 4:25pm. We invite you to pray with us and to find inspiration in the lives and faith-examples of our spiritual heroes - the Saints. 'hope to see you there!
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