
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Holy Relic Visitation: Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group, 12/27/2014

Tonight our Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group celebrated its last meeting for 2014. Our spiritual family closed our year of prayer with thanksgiving for all God's blessings... and prayed with hope that 2015 will be a better year - filled with Peace, Hope, Joy, and Love - for ourselves and for the rest of our troubled world. It was also an evening of pleasant surprises, as we welcomed back members who we hadn't seen for quite a while.

Since our host recently acquired a 2nd Class Relic of our group's patron, Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa (d. 1955, left photo) - I revisited the life of this great, modern lay-mystic by again presenting her to our members as our Saint of the Month.  I emphasized to the people present that this Beata is truly an appropriate patroness for all of us since her life embodied sentiments that we, as a prayer group, should aspire to cultivate:

+++ Devotion to the Eucharist:  In the last thirteen years of her earthly life, Bl. Alexandrina lived solely on the Blessed Sacrament, taking no food or drink whatsoever. She lived miraculously sustained by our Savior's Flesh and Blood.  [Our Faith-Reminder: Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist... and although we do not live on just the Host alone like how Bl. Alexandrina did, we nonetheless receive the same life-giving grace from our Lord.]

+++ Devotion to Our Lady:  Bl. Alexandrina had a tender devotion to our Blessed Mother, who she frequently saw in visions... and was commissioned by Our Lord to promote the message of Fatima, as well as devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; for her zealous efforts in doing so, she was nicknamed the "fourth seer of Fatima".  [Our Faith-Reminder: We have a loving mother and advocate in Mary, who wishes nothing more than to lead us into a deeper faith in her son, Jesus Christ.]

+++ Intercessory Prayer:  As a victim soul and stigmatic, Bl. Alexandrina's offered her prayers and sufferings for the entire world; interceding for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for sin.  [Our Faith-Reminder: We, too, are called by Christ to participate with him in the work of Redemption; through our prayers of intercession for others, we can help draw people back to the light of God.]

Our Rosary and prayer petitions that followed were offered with particular emotion tonight before our meeting concluded and we broke bread together (more specifically garlic bread and lasagna) for one last time in 2014.  The food, as always, was great... and our fellowship and catch-up sessions, even better!  I am already looking forward to January and our first prayer meeting of 2015.

The real reason for the Season:
Unto to the world a Savior is born
~ Jesus Christ, the King of Peace!

From Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group in Mililani, Hawaii, to the rest of the world:

Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2015!


  1. Hello, I wanted to thank you for making this wonderful website. It’s so great to read about your ministry and how God is working through it. I also have a devotion to Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, and I’m planning on framing a picture of her. I stumbled upon your image on this page and wanted to ask you where you got the picture frame (the rectangular silver one with pearls and flowers). It’s a beautiful frame and very similar to what I was looking for. Do you happen to remember where you got it? I want to get one for myself too.

    1. Aloha! Thanks for your comment. The picture frame shown above was purchased from a Ross Department Store here in Honolulu. Don't know if you have a Ross in the area where you live, but it's worth checking it out if there is one near you. Blessings on your quest.

  2. Ok thank you for telling me. I really appreciate it. Keep up the great work with this fantastic website!

    1. If possible, please email me your name and address to guadalupe_house@yahoo.com. I'd like to send you a brochure of Bl. Alexandrina. Thanks!


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