
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Friday, September 26, 2014

Rosa Mystica Pilgrim Visitation & Speaking Presentation3: Young Residence, 9/25/2014

Last night, I was re-invited to the Young Residence in Hawaii Kai to give another faith-sharing presentation to their Basic Christian Community (BCC) cell group.  The topic was on the Rosa Mystica Devotion - as revealed in the Montichiari-Fontanelle apparitions - since it was their group's turn to host the BCC Rosa Mystica pilgrim statue (the smaller image pictured at right).  The evening turned out to be a great night of grace and  spiritual edification, as  participants welcomed Our Lady's message with enthusiasm, faith, and their own personal insights into Marian Apparitions.
For those not familiar with the Rosa Mystica apparitions, which occurred in Italy from 1947 to the 1980s, Our Lady delivered a series of messages to a woman named, Pierina Gilli, that were heavily focused on praying and making sacrifices for priests and other consecrated religious.  It was a message that was highly prophetic in light of what's happened in past years concerning decreased vocations and the many priest-abuse scandals.  The devout audience easily understood the urgency of the message and seemed to take it to heart, too, which left me with a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had successfully passed on Mary's requests.
Before concluding this posting, I have one quick testimonial to share in regards to the evening... and it concerns me, personally.  I had fractured a toe on my right foot almost two weeks ago and it's been a painful healing process, but throughout yesterday I felt spiritually urged to bring my own large Rosa Mystica statue to the presentation.  So prior to leaving my home, I debated on whether, or not, I would bring the heavy statue (pictured above) since I would have to hand-carry it, and my foot was giving me problems.  In the end, I followed my soul's promptings, and I'm glad I did, because many people were very touched by Our Lady's aura of presence through the statue.  But that wasn't the end of it...
During the talk, I was unexpectedly "slain in the spirit" and awoke from it to find myself lying on the floor.  I picked myself up and continued with the presentation with no other apparent manifestations from the Holy Spirit.  What I did realize after the talk ended was that the pain in my foot had gone!  I was able to pack-up my electronic equipment and carry my statue with no discomfort.  It was a remarkable blessing and I give complete credit to our dear Blessed Mother, the Rosa Mystica.  It all just goes to show what a loving and caring mother we have in Our Lady.  Thanks and praises be to God for her!
With that said, my gratitude and prayers also goes out to the Young's and their BCC members.  God bless them all... and may the Rosa Mystica continue to guide, bless, and inspire them.


  1. Hi,I am Angeline.I do not know whether u still remember me..I was the one who asked you where can I obtain a Pilgrim Statue of Mystical Rose.I finally found the statue in my country.I manage to place an order on the 7th of November 2017.The lady told me that it might take 1 month for the statue to arrive so I had to wait but on the 10th of November 2017,the lady called and told me that the statue of Mystical Rose had already arrived.She was surprised that the statue arrived so fast.I would like to thank you for all your prayers that made it possible for Our Lady's statue to arrive safely.The statue is so beautiful.Do you have an email address so that I can email you the picture?

    1. Aloha Angeline, what blessed news! I would love to see a photo of your new Rosa Mystica statue. My ministry's email address is guadalupe_house@yahoo.com. may Our Lady's presence through her image bring you and others abundant graces!

    2. Hi Angeline, Where did you get your Rosa Mystica pilgrim statue from? I am also interested in getting one. Thanks

  2. Thanks a lot.Will send the image of Our Lady Mystical Rose to you..

  3. Hello it’s me Manuja I just woundaring do you have any rosamistica statue for sale?

    1. Aloha Manuja, my ministry does not sell Rosa Mystica statues. You may want to contact the 101 foundation in New Jersey, where I purchased my own Rosa Mystica statues. God bless you.


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