
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: June 25th, 2020

O Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

   “Dear children!  I am listening to your cries and prayers, and am interceding for you before my Son Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Return, little children, to prayer and open your hearts in this time of grace and set out on the way of conversion.  Your life is passing and, without God, does not have meaning.  This is why I am with you to lead you towards holiness of life, so that each of you may discover the joy of living.  I love you all, little children, and am blessing you with my motherly blessing.  Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Monday, June 1, 2020

Saint of the Month - June 2020: Blessed Marie of Oignies

Bl. Marie of Oignies
Lay-Mystic & Spiritual Revolutionary
Memorial: June 23rd

This month I feature a humble Flemish Beata - Bl. Marie of Oignies (pronounced "whan-nee") - who has the distinction of being an early pioneer, if not the actual foundress, of the Beguine movement.  The "Beguines" were basically laywomen who lived alone, or in community, observing a monastic lifestyle but not strictly bound to any religious order.  Members did not profess formal vows, but they committed themselves to celibacy and chastity, as well as to a daily regimen of prayer and good works.  The movement was highly active in the 13th through 16th centuries, mainly in northern Europe, and produced many holy women - most notably Bl. Marie and the stigmatics, Bl. Christina of Stommeln (d. 1312) and Gertrude van Oosten (d. 1358).

Marie, herself, was born in 1177 in the Belgian city of Nivelles. Her family was wealthy and her parents were quite concerned when their daughter, from an early age, displayed an unusual aversion to their affluent lifestyle. Rather, the young Marie was inclined to solitude, preferring the practice of prayer and self-denial to the lavish customs and events that were the norm for her high social status.

Hoping to stave off a religious vocation, Marie's parents forced her into an arranged marriage at age 14 with a youth named Jean ("John") from another rich family in Nivelles. As it providentially turned out, the groom was also disposed to piety so Marie was able to persuade her new husband to live a chaste life alongside her. The couple then dedicated themselves to good works, especially to the care of leprosy patients in neighboring Willambroux where Jean's brother was the chaplain.  The duo remained there for 15 years.

During this early period of service and formation, Marie was not only a clear example of a Good Samaritan, but she endeavored to deepen her personal union with Christ through intense prayer and by performing extreme corporal mortifications: she abstained continuously from meat and frequently fasted from all food for extended periods of time (one such fast miraculously lasted 53 days!); deprived herself of sleep through prolonged evening prayers and, when she did partake of rest, it was on a wooden plank; plus, she wore a coarse rope around her waist under a simple white tunic she habitually wore.  Marie had a marked devotion to the Eucharist, to Our Lady, and St. John the Evangelist.

Bl. Marie often enjoyed the visible
presence and help of angels.

In due time, the holy penitent began exhibiting an abundance of extraordinary charismatic gifts that included ecstasies, visions, apparitions (she had frequent visits from her guardian angel and souls from Purgatory), foresight, the reading of hearts, levitations, and the ability to heal through touch and prayer.  Additionally, she also had... the gift of tears, which manifested through copious weeping whenever she prayed or meditated on the Passion; the fragrance of sanctity, which was noted as a constant aroma of incense emanating from her person; and her body was said to be so abnormally warm (the effect of the Divine Love that burnt within her heart) she never required the use of a coat or blanket even in the dead of winter!

As a result of her apparent virtue and alleged mystical powers, people regarded Marie as a living saint - countless visitors from the surrounding regions, from every background, sought her guidance and counsel... and she effectively led souls back to God.  In fact, many dedicated themselves to Marie's care as her spiritual children. In particular, her laywomen followers imitated her brand of spirituality, which gave rise to the very first Beguine communities.

Circa 1207, desiring to live in a solitary manner, Marie obtained her husband's permission to retire to a hermitage next to the church of the Augustinian Priory of St. Nicholas in Oignies, France.  There, her reputation for sanctity and wonders followed her, which despite Marie's efforts, still attracted pilgrims.  It was here, the priest, Jacques de Vitry (later a Cardinal), met her in 1208 and became her confessor, confidant, and disciple; de Vitry, incidentally, later wrote the earliest biography of Marie of Oignies, based on his firsthand knowledge of her life, spirituality, and miracles of which a variety of details are mentioned in this blog.

The ornate reliquary/urn that encloses the
bodily remains of Bl. Marie of Oignies.

Marie died on June 23, 1213, exhausted by her penitential practices and after being encouraged by a vision of her future place in Heaven; she was only 36-years-old.  Mourners clamored for her relics and a popular cultus developed around her memory soon after her death.  The Church officially recognized the public's devotion to Marie, which designated her as a Blessed.  Her relics are still preserved and honored in the church of St. Nicholas in Nivelles, her birthplace.

Bl. Marie of Oignies,
pray for us!  Inspire our modern
Laity to live charitably
hearts open to the inspirations
of the Holy Spirit.