Prior to our catch-up session, we prayed together and venerated our Saint of the Month - St. Leopoldo Mandic (d. 1942) - a Capuchin Priest (see below). He was small in stature (only 4.5' tall) but was a giant of a priest who often heard confessions up to 12 hours a day and was a consolation to countless people who came to him! His presence with us, through his relic (in left photo), served as a reminder that we need more dedicated priests like him; that our priests today require our supportive prayers.
"A priest must die from apostolic
hard work; there is no other death
worthy of a priest."
~ Words of St. Leopoldo Mandic
I also want to mention that our group celebrated a small milestone with this last gathering since it marked the 2nd year that we've been meeting consistently each month. Time really does fly when you're enjoying yourself with good friends, good food, and the good Lord!
And speaking of good food, the spaghetti dinner that followed our prayer time was just awesome. It was a warm, welcomed meal in the cold weather... and the dessert of wine and Red Velvet ice cream was the perfect ending to the evening. I am looking forward to spending another prayerful year with this special group of people who make up Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group. Thanks be to Jesus and our dear Blessed Mother for having brought us all together!
O Saint Leopold, who always had so much
compassion for the suffering mankind, come
compassion for the suffering mankind, come
to our aid, do not abandon those who are in
desperation caused by sin, but bring them
to the heart of God. Saint Leopoldo
Mandic, pray for us!
(Taken from a longer prayer
to St. Leopoldo)