
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Photo Album of Little Signs: 2020 - 2023

-  Photo Album #4 (of 5)  -

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and
in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
the sea and the waves roaring ..."

- Luke 21:25

This unique set of photo albums are a collection of unusual photographs/videos related to my prayer group that used to gather weekly when I lived in Enchanted Lakes (Kailua) from 1994 to 2004. Also included are more recent images pertaining to my current Guadalupe House Ministry that show what I personally believe to be "little signs" of the presence of our Lord and our Blessed Mother in this work.

I'm a strong believer that God is very close to us and speaks to us often through the most ordinary of things such as a beautiful tree on the side of the road; an unusual cloud formation that reminds us of something dear or holy; perhaps even through certain circumstances that occur in our day-to-day lives. His presence is truly all around us, waiting to be recognized and affirm our beliefs, if we but see through the eyes of Faith.

I testify that none of the images on this page have been falsified... and they're certainly NOT intended to convince anyone that there's divine intervention going on in my home, or that I'm some sort of seer or miracle-worker. I'm really just an ordinary guy who simply happens to have deep faith in the notion that our God has a willingness and desire to express his immense Love and Divine Will to every one of us - sometimes, even through signs.

... but the more important signs are the ones which remain unseen - the Peace, the Love, the Healing, and the positive Spiritual Conversion that occur in peoples' lives as a result of prayer uniting us intimately with God. I hope the viewer finds the photos/videos edifying, or at the very least, interesting and thought-provoking.

- Peter, Ministry Administrator

~ Visible grace on a statue... ~

Escarchas manifested on the face of this
Marian statue of Our Lady of Lipa.

On 2/1/2020, our First Saturday Rosary group at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Kailua, was surprised by another manifestation of Escarchas.  This time around, the heavenly dust appeared on my pilgrim statue of Mary, as the Mediatrix of All Grace from Lipa, Philippines.  I had a strong sense, after, that Our Lady was drawing special attention to this most beautiful title of hers; to her unique role as intercessor before her Son's throne, which many Marian devotees have experienced firsthand.  To read more about this event, click here.

~ God sees us ~

I had another experience of witnessing a face in the sky and captured it somewhat in a photo (look to the upper-right) - this time it was of an older man, that prompted me to exclaim, "Daddy God" because of the kind, fatherly expression on the face.  It happened on Thursday, 7/23/2020, just a few days ahead of the scheduled landfall of Hurricane Douglas.  I felt reassured that God is always watching over us.  To read more about this occurrence, click here.

~ Our Lady reemphasizes Fatima ~

On Wednesday, 9/16/2020, I witnessed another visual manifestation of the Holy Virgin - this time around, I saw her represented as Our Lady of Fatima and managed to snap the photo shown above.  The Virgin Mary can be seen in the sky above the roof.  I sensed she was again drawing attention to her urgent message given at Fatima.  For details concerning this event, click here.

~ A sign from St. Michael ~

The Covid-19 pandemic has made a lot of us uneasy.  For me, I've been doing my best to stay strong and safe by exercising my spiritual life and putting sacramentals at my disposal to good use, among them "St. Michael relic stones".

The stones are from the Holy Grotto of Mt. Gargano, in Italy, where St. Michael the Archangel appeared centuries ago.  The shrine custodians encase the stones in gold-colored thecas for distribution and I have 2 thecas in my personal custody.  Recently, one of the thecas mysteriously changed from gold to a silver color - within a day or two - while the other remains gold, as seen above.

At this point, I don't know why the theca changed.  I can only speculate on a reason behind this latest manifestation from Heaven... but to read more about this occurrence, click here.

~ The Light of Lourdes ~

Fiery orbs erupt from the altar in the holy
grotto of the Lourdes shrine. 

This video clip has a somewhat long and fascinating backstory, which can be read by clicking here and here.  In short, what is seen above are unusual orbs of light in the famous Lourdes Grotto, that was captured on the shrine's livestream webcam in July 2021.

~ Affirmation from Our Lady? ~

The photo above was taken on 9/1/2021 from the parking lot of St. Anthony of Padua Church in Kailua.  This author snapped the photo and a couple others a few minutes prior to the start of the parish's FIAT: Faith In Action Today Meeting because of the extraordinary beauty of the sky that evening.  On the following day, upon reviewing the photos, the one shown above was found to show what appears to be a luminous figure in the sky above the church.  Is it Our Lady descending from Heaven to bless us?  Click here for additional details.

~ Our Lady manifests again... ~

For the second time in a month, our Blessed Mother visibly manifested herself above my parish church of. St. Anthony of Padua, as a silhouette of brilliant light... and, this time, she had something to say.  To read more about this latest event, click here.

~ This time it was Jesus... ~

The last few unusual manifestations recorded by this ministry have involved Our Lady, but this time around - it's Jesus.  He again revealed his Holy Face suffering in agony.  It was sad.  To read more about this latest occurrence, click here.

~ Heaven's blessing descends ~

Working with members of the Cohort of St. Michael the Archangel - an affiliate prayer group - this ministry recently launched an initiative to have each parish priest in the Honolulu Diocese "spiritually adopted" by individuals willing to recite a special daily prayer for their randomly selected priests.

This author created spiritual adoption certificates for this purpose, which I placed at the foot of one of my Marian statues, prior to distribution.  I then commended this project to Jesus and the Blessed Mother, asking for their special blessing upon the certificates and upon the people who'd be participating.  I took a photo to show others involved that the certificates were ready and the resulting pic showed something unexpected and unusual - note the large sphere of light descending from above. Is it a visible manifestation of a blessing captured on camera (it wasn't there when the pic was taken)?  Whatever the case, the light is definitely odd.

~ My Angel at work... ~

Literally just a minute before I snapped the above photo, I had asked my Guardian Angel to go to the angels of my fellow FIAT Prayer Group members to request their help in reminding them about a scheduled meeting that night... as well as, to inspire zealous faith in each person.  No sooner had I stepped out of my house, I happened to glance up to the sky and was struck by a bright cloud, resembling, of all things - an angel! Talk about a coincidence... or what I like to call "spiritual serendipity".

~ Demonic Tactics ~

This ministry/author, along with a small group of like-minded individuals, started the Cohort of St. Michael the Archangel in August 2021.  Our goal: to spiritually fight evil.

Occasionally, during our meetings, strange occurrences have been observed that we've come to believe are diabolic intimidations: lights suddenly turning off then back on; unusual static sounds coming through a Bluetooth speaker while we're listening to YouTube videos about various holy topics (usually when Our Lady's name is mentioned).  So, when odd things happen, I simply sprinkle holy water and the problem is resolved.

The video clip above is a sign of a different sort compared to the others on this page - it was filmed at the very start of our 4/27/2022 Cohort Meeting.  We had just started the Rosary Prayer when a light fixture directly above us suddenly went dim and began flickering.  We simply continued praying and, after a short while, there were faint sounds coming from the roof like clawed feet scrambling off; like an animal of some sort had been chased away!  We gave special thanks to St. Michael and our guardian angels for their protection!

~ The Eucharist in the Sky?  ~

On the Feast of Corpus Christi 2022, I was inspired after the Mass to snap a photo of the sky above my parish church - the resulting image showed the sun appearing as an unusually large white disc - a perfect representation of the Host, the Body and Blood of Our Savior - which the day's feast celebrated.

~ After the Rosary Prayer... ~

After leading the Rosary at my Kailua parish, I went to visit an aunt and was surprised to see the above-shown figure of Our Lady in the sky over her house.  The brief message I heard during the sighting gives us an affirmation of the tender love our Blessed Mother has for each of us, especially towards those devoted to the Rosary.  Click here to read more about this particular manifestation of the Holy Virgin.

~ Mexico Pilgrimage 2023 ~

This author went on a pilgrimage to Mexico in April 2023, particularly to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It was simply an amazing and life-changing experience, which will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Additionally, Our Lady, in her maternal kindness, granted us ample affirmations of her presence to let us know she was with us every step of the way in Mexico.  Many signal graces were granted, including these visible signs...


To read details about the above-shown photos, click here.  To read about my overall impressions about my pilgrimage, start here.

~ Mother of the Church ~

The intriguing photo shown above was taken from the parking lot of St. John Vianney Church in Kailua on Monday, 5/29/2023 - it was the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church.  To read the details about it, click here.

~ A Sign in the Moon ~

On the night of August 1st, 2023, after wheeling out my recycle bin, I stopped to gaze at the full moon directly above my Honolulu home.  It wasn’t just beautiful but it seemed to me that I could discern the Blessed Mother’s face in the moon.  So I got my camera and took several pics - the one below showed up with an unusual image, one any Catholic should easily recognize.  Awesome!

An beautiful image of a Host & Chalice
photographed above Honolulu.

~ Come, Holy Spirit! ~

I never grow tired of testifying over and over again that our God is ALIVE and His loving presence is in the very midst of our daily, mundane routines; listening and responding with "little signs" and "God moments".  We just need to look at this material world through eyes of FAITH and we'll recognize Him.


On the morning of 7/12/2023, I had another such moment.  I was driving to work and praying while doing so ... and was particularly prompted to call on the Holy Spirit to pour Himself upon us in a new Pentecost ... and when I turned a corner not long after, the cloud pictured above was ahead of me.  Amazing!  Note its uncanny resemblance to the Holy Spirit image on the right commonly found online.  Talk about relevance.  Come, Holy Spirit, come!

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our
weakness.  We do not know what we ought to
pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes
for us through wordless groans."

‐ Romans 8:26

~ In the Cathedral... ~

Observed on 9/11/2023 - a significant date in US history! - during a Mass in the Honolulu Cathedral,  this pic shows a small stain on the floor noticed by this author.  I usually sit and kneel at that spot and, a closer look at it during the Consecration, revealed something remarkable - facial features resembling a likeness of the Holy Face of Jesus.  Click here for more details.

~ Holy Images in our Cathedral... ~

This pic was taken on 10/3/2023, in the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace (Honolulu), after the noon Mass.  During the Noon Mass, the day before, I spotted the unusual formation on the pillar, and it closely resembles a representation of the Madonna and Christ Child.  To read details about its appearance, click here.

~ A Security Alert ~

On occasion, my home security camera sends "motion detected" alerts to my cellphone.  99.99% of the time it's usually nothing concerning; bright light coming through my windows into my oratory ... but on a few rare occasions, I've caught momentary glimpses of unusual things.  Nothing bad, but things I simply can't explain.  The photo seen below is one such example ...

It's still-footage sent to my cellphone early one morning in November 2023 after motion was detected; I was away from home at the time and I can't think of anything that could've caused that luminous figure.  It sure looks familiar, though, and whatever it was, was floating near the reliquary cabinet housing my ministry's Fatima statue and many relics.

Again, unusual but nothing to worry about.  In fact, it's comforting to know she's watching over Guadalupe House when I'm away.

~ Our Lady of Gratitude ~

This photo was taken on Thanksgiving Day 2023.  Hence, the reason for the title above.  I really do believe that the bright figure in the center represents the Blessed Virgin descending from Heaven right before the morning  Thanksgiving Mass at my Kailua parish.  To learn more about this occurrence, click here.

~ From our King... ~

The photo above was one of three this blogger snapped on November 25th, 2023, the eve of the Feast of Christ the King of the Universe.  It was supposed to be a photo of a full moon, but instead, it shows what I discern to be an uncanny, luminous image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  To read the story behind the photo, click here.

(To view Photo Album #5, click here;
to view Photo Album #1, click here;
to view Photo Album #2, click here;
to view Photo Album #3, click here)


  1. Thank you for sharing! It’s amazing! For the past three years I have had very unusual spiritual / physical experiences, so I’m comforted to see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your life and in your parish. My journey has been (continues to be) an incredible one.

    1. We have an awesome God! Thanks for visiting Guadalupe House and for your kind words. Let us pray for one another - God bless you!


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