
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, March 9, 2013

St. Philomena makes another friend!

God and our Saints never cease to astound me.  I've sometimes experienced their assistance  and  signs  of  their  spiritual presence in unusual, but always edifying ways.  However, what happened to me this morning was a first!
A close friend of mine contacted me yesterday to request prayers for his diabetic father who was hospitalized due to a sore in his leg that had developed into gangrene; amputation was being discussed.  So this morning, I spiritually prepared myself  for a hospital visit by attending morning Mass before returning home to pick out a Holy Relic to bring along for the planned pilgrim visitation.  Usually, when I'm invited to pray with the sick in a hospital or private home, I bring a relic of a Saint for the spiritual and moral comfort of the patient, while also invoking the healing intercession of the particular Saint.
Back at home, I stared into the large wood/glass cabinet that houses the relics in my ministry's custody. I had several options in regards to which Saint's relic to bring, but in the end, my choices were narrowed between a bone relic of St. Therese the Little Flower  and  an "indumentis" (clothing) relic of St. Philomena.  I was torn between the two, but finally decided on St. Therese because I thought the meekness of her "little way" would have a calming effect on the sick man, who has a somewhat gruff disposition.  Decision made, I turned to walk away from the cabinet but thought to myself...
"St. Philomena... if it's meant for
your relic to go instead, give me a sign
by knocking like how you're said to
do at Mugnano." **
I don't really know why I second guessed myself and why those words came to mind, but no sooner did I take a step when I heard a gentle and distinct sound... **

"Tap... Tap...."

It emanated from the cabinet beside me!  In complete surprise (and a little fearful, I have to admit), my heart literally stopped beating for a couple of seconds and I quickly turned to face the cabinet to look at the relic of St. Philomena inside. I quietly waited to listen for more tapping noises but that was it - no more sounds followed. I smiled and thought to myself: "Alright, St. Philomena... I guess it's your relic that's going today!"
The hospital visit that followed went very well.  When I arrived, the patient seemed happy to receive me: I was shocked to see that a large area of his lower left leg was completely black because of the progress of the infection. ***

As we prayed, I sensed in the patient's expression that the healing prayers brought him a measure of peace and overall relief.... and when I explained the story of St. Philomena to the man, as well as the incident about the tapping sounds, he actually chuckled and took the little statue of the Saint that I brought with me into his big hands.  He pressed it gently to his lips several times.  St. Philomena had touched him.
I think our dear St. Philomena has gained another fan here in Hawaii and I'm not surprised.  She really is a lovable little Saint and her aid is indeed potent as her nickname - Powerful with God - suggests.  So now, more than ever, I am strengthened in my devotion to her - in ALL Saints, really.  I know they're alive and active in Heaven with God... and they want nothing more than to interact closely with us in bringing souls to the Love and Mercy of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
May God continue to  be praised and glorified through the lives... the works... and the intercession of his holy ones - the Saints!
** NOTE: It has been reported at St. Philomena's official shrine in Mugnano del Cardinale (Italy), that the Saint sometimes makes her presence known to pilgrims through a knocking sound that emanates from her tomb-shrine (above-right photo).

***  UPDATE:  The man's leg ended up showing signs of healing and amputation was no longer considered.  Not long after, the infection in his leg was completely cured; the black color to his skin- the dead tissue - had gone leaving only a faint dark patch on the leg.  Thank you, Lord... and thank you, St. Philomena! 


  1. Thank you for this post! I am praying to St. Philomena for a friend of mine right now. I think I was led to your page. Bless you and what you do!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. God bless you too and may St. Philomena obtain the grace you are praying for.


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