So tonight, our group paid special homage to St. Joseph - the foster-father of Jesus and the designated Patron Saint of Departing Souls - invoking his special intercession in our faith lives and for our departing loved ones. We also reflected on and discussed our impressions of the Saint's hidden life, while venerating a rare cloak-relic - "Ex Pallio" - of St. Joseph from my ministry's custody. We found each other's feedback stimulating, as well as highly encouraging towards our shared admiration for this most venerated of men.
A closer view of the relics of the True
Cross of Jesus Christ (left) and the cloak of
St. Joseph, the earthly father of our Lord.
In addition, I also brought along my True Cross relic and that, too, held special significance as we prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Just the thought that we had a tiny sliver of wood in the room from the cross on which our Lord had suffered and died brought tears to the eyes of a few us. It was intense.

By the time the night ended, we were all stuffed but filled with joy and excitement knowing that tomorrow would be Easter Sunday - the day celebrating Christ's triumph (and ours, too) over death! We bid each other good-bye and parted company until next month, feeling God's unconditional love and invigorating power enveloping us. It felt good, and for a few moments, it made me believe that Easter has somehow come a few hours early this year. So thank you, Jesus... Hallelujah!
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