
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

For Discernment - Prayers Needed for the Church

The Synod of Bishops is starting in Rome ... and I can't help but feel a little uneasy.  This author senses change.  I acknowledge that change can sometimes be beneficial, but when it comes to matters of Faith, I'm always cautious.

The Church has implemented lots of changes in the past 50 years, and frankly, it wasn't all positive; that's my personal take on it and I'm sure there are many reading this who agree ... just look where we've ended up - dissension among our leaders; mostly empty pews; and a German church that's spiraling out of control ... and please don’t misunderstand me as bashing our Church - I'm not.  I LOVE THE CATHOLIC FAITH, but the Church is made up of fallible human beings who can sometimes make mistakes.

Part of my concern is because about two months ago - on August 14th - I had an unusual experience.  It impressed and haunted me so much, the next morning I wrote it down in my smart phone's Notes app, as my priest-spiritual advisor recommended for my spiritual anomalies.  Today, I felt very strongly that I needed to share it and, rather than re-writing it, below is a screenshot from my phone of what I recorded on 8/15/2023.

And here's a rough sketch I made of it...

Let me make another thing clear - I make no claim to being a seer or prophet of any sort, no do I desire to be one; I simply don't need the responsibility, but I've had similar personal experiences in the past that happened to come true.

At this writing, I'm not exactly sure what to make of what I experienced back in August - whether it foretells an actual event or symbolic - but what I do know for certain is that it's not good; it was ominous, but I have yet to work up the courage to talk to my spiritual advisor about it.

... and have you read Our Lady's latest message from Medjugorje?  She warned against "Modernism", which is significant, as far as Medjugorje goes - click here to read it.

So with the unprecedented Synod kicking off, there's a lot of potential for good fruit... but also the possibility of the devil sneaking in to sow bad seeds.  The fact is - there are "dissenters" invited to the Synod.  Wrong decisions coming out of this event could be disastrous for the Church.  Hence, the destruction and tremors imagery in the "vision", and this subsequent request for prayer.

If I'm mistaken, great; I actually want to be wrong ... but I'm not taking any chances.  Again, I love the Catholic Church and I don't intend to jump ship.  I'm choosing to stay and pray.

So, please, join this ministry in offering daily prayer and sacrifices for the Synod; for the Holy Spirit to triumph.  Pray to our Lord ... to our Heavenly Mother ... and to St. Michael and St. Joseph, too.  God is still in control!

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