
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Mexico Pilgrimage, April 2023 - Part III: A Personal Testimony of Signal Graces Received

In this final blog about my April trip to Mexico - Part III of the 3-part series - I want to testify to the power of prayer and the remarkable favors granted through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe during this pilgrimage.

I have to first say that when I was initially told about this pilgrimage back in August 2022, my soul seemed to leap with joy; a spontaneous reaction that was totally unexpected.  Seeing St. Juan Diego's Tilma, in-person, had been on my bucket list for over 25 years, and despite having a couple of opportunities to join past pilgrimages, I never pursued it.  This time around it was different - it seemed that Our Lady was telling me, "Now is the time to go."... so I signed up sensing that our Holy Mother had special things planned.  It turned out to be a perfect pilgrimage; an experience of a lifetime that also included many signs.

To start, "small miracles" were a daily occurrence - these are just a few examples:

🌹 There were unexpected, but favorable itinerary changes that occurred, i.e. instead of 1 scheduled visit to the Basilica, we got to go 5 times to see and pray before Our Lady's Tilma; on a couple days when Mass wasn't scheduled, opportunities came up that allowed us to attend Mass so we received Holy Communion daily, which was a priority for me; we were able to squeeze in an unscheduled stop in Puebla to see the incorrupt body of Bl. Sebastian de Aparicio, etc.

🌹 Tepeyac Hill where the Virgin produced the miraculous roses is dotted with fenced gardens of rose bushes, but picking the flowers is not allowed.  Nonetheless, I prayed to Our Lady for a single rose petal as a unique souvenir of Tepeyac, after which almost immediately a lovely young female "gardener" showed up out of nowhere inside the enclosure where I was standing outside.  I asked her for a single rose petal, and after briefly hesitating, she broke off an entire red rose from a bush and put it in the paper bag I was carrying! (I later gave others in our pilgrimage a petal from the rose).

🌹 Despite chronic chest pains that won't allow me to make prolonged steep climbs, I was able to make lengthy hikes up to two hilltop sanctuaries we visited in Cholula and Ocotlan, without any pain, after I asked our Blessed Mother for the favor of seeing these shrines to honor her!

🌹 While wandering the Basilica Plaza alone to pray, I had a sudden desire to go to confession.  I asked a security guard if there were English-speaking priests hearing confessions, but he only led me to the lone open confessional and explained that it wasn't a guarantee the priest spoke/understood English.

The confession line was long and slow-moving, too... so I left and went over to the conveyor belt below the Tilma where I begged our Blessed Mother to provide me with a confessor I could communicate with.  Amazingly, about 20 seconds later I heard a familiar "Hello" behind me and when I turned around, it was our group's pilgrimage priest!  He immediately heard my confession in the Basilica.

🌹 At the Basilica and other holy sites there were occasions when several of us smelled the sweet fragrance of roses although there were none in our immediate vicinity.

Now if the above stories are not amazing enough, there were also visible signs that I managed to capture on camera:

🌹 While praying the Rosary Prayer in my hotel room on the 2nd day of our pilgrimage, I noticed a strange shadow or stain on my closet wall.  It struck me as resembling a silhouette of the Virgin Mary but I dismissed it.  The next morning when I again did my prayers, the image was still present but more distinct; the veil was even a bluish color that was similar to the color seen on (of all things) Our Lady's veil on the Tilma.

I took a photo of the image and showed it to a front desk personnel who informed me that it was the first time he had ever seen anything like it in their hotel.  When I asked him what he saw, the man replied, "La Madrecita" (an affectionate nickname for the Virgin used by the locals).  I also invited my prayer group members into my room to see the image and all said the same - shades of Guadalupe!  Here's the photo...

🌹 After our group's very first visit to the Basilica ended, our bus headed out to a restaurant for our scheduled lunch.  About 15 minutes into our drive, I glanced out the window and saw a clear image of the Holy Virgin amongst the clouds above us.  I quickly informed the people around me and all of us in the back of the vehicle observed the figure for a couple of minutes.  We all agreed it was Our Lady, covered in her trademark veil, leaning forward towards our bus with her hands together in prayer... and she had a crown on her head.  I managed to take a few photos of which the two below are the best (alas, they don't do justice to what we saw in-person)...


🌹 I don't recall taking this next photo but I found it mixed-in with a series of pics I took in a side chapel in the Basilica, where our pilgrimage group was allowed to celebrate a private Mass.  I'm not saying for certain that it's a definite sign because it could've been the result of an accidental button-press... but, still, it's enigmatic and has me baffled because I can't recall anything in that chapel that could've caused the unusual forms in this photo. 

Plus, it may just be me, but I see human-like figures in this pic that seem to be ascending from a dark opening at the bottom of the pic.  In prayer the immediate impression I got was that the figures are souls from Purgatory being released through the Mass and our prayers; there's even a white figure to the upper-right that resembles a classic silhouette of the Holy Virgin, as though she is guiding the souls out... which actually makes a lot of sense since we were at a sanctuary dedicated to her.

Whatever the case, I included this photo for my readers' discernment because it is unusual... and if, indeed, it does show the release of Poor Souls from Purgatory, what a crowd!  It all just goes to show how effectively powerful the Mass truly is for our faithful departed - may they rest in peace!

🌹 And finally, I took the photo below from the Basilica.  I had been praying on my own in the plaza when I discerned the voice of Jesus saying to me, "Look at the sun."  Thinking it was about another visible sign He wanted to grant, I replied, "No need, Lord, I already believe."

After a few moments, the Lord repeated his request to which I again said, "No need, Jesus, I don't need to see anything else."  His immediate response was, "Just look at the sun."

After that third time, I paused my prayer to look up at the sun, which I assumed would be dimmed and dancing.  Instead, it was too bright to stare at for a few seconds until a cloud quickly drifted in front of it forming a massive heart all aglow with flames bursting at the top!  It was evidently a representation of His Sacred Heart aflame with Divine Love.

The imagery also closely corresponded with my FIAT Prayer Group's logo, of which 5 of our members were on this pilgrimage.  I understood the Lord was affirming and blessing our FIAT Group's efforts in a special way, as well as, inviting each of us to live with hearts on fire with Love, which the logo represents.

A heart aflame above the Basilica
and the FIAT Prayer Group logo...

In closing this series of three blogs, I wouldn't be alone amongst my pilgrimage group in stating that this trip far exceeded our expectations.  Jesus and Our Lady anticipated our every need and desire, making for a spiritually enriching experience... and we are grateful.

If I had to say what the most important thing is that I got out of this Mexico Pilgrimage, it wasn't so much the signs listed above - rather, this is what I would say to others: If ever possible, visit Mexico and go to the Basilica, as we have a loving Mother in Our Lady of Guadalupe awaiting us there.  Acknowledge her, as such, and surrender completely to her maternal embrace and guidance - in return, she will be a true MOM, lovingly providing for your every need and leading you closer to Her Divine Son - our brother, Jesus Christ - who is the ultimate source of all the good we could ever want!  So what are you waiting for?

* * To view Mexico Pilgrimage, April 2023 - Part I (Apparitions), click here

* * To view Mexico Pilgrimage, April 2023 - Part II (Relics), click here

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