
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Saints & Relics Presentation: St. Anthony of Padua Church CCD Families, 10/23/2022

I've often heard it mentioned that CHURCH BEGINS AT HOME.  What a true statement.  This is why this ministry is always pleased to support my Kailua parish's initiative (or any other parish's) to not just educate our children about different aspects of our Catholic Faith, but also their parents. A family that prays together stays together, as another popular saying goes.

Families were given the opportunity to learn
about Saints and to venerate actual relics.

So this morning this author spoke about the relevance of our Saints, as our Church's very own SUPER HEROES; our extended spiritual family who are cheering us on and praying for us so we can one day be with them in Heaven. If only more households took advantage of their helpful intercession we'd have a much better world! 

A list of Patron Saints for the children
and even their parents to consider.

The Saints/Relics who were featured at today's talk were St. Germaine CousinSt. Martin de Porres, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati... and Our Lady, the Queen of All Saints; all are fantastic role models of sanctity for youngsters and adults.

How immensely fortunate we are to be members of the Catholic Church!

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