
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Coincidence or Something More?

Something big is about to happen in our times, if it hasn't already started - a major shaking up in the world; bigger than Covid-19.  God is simply giving us so many, many remarkable signs these days to indicate the urgent nature of our present times - it just has to be.  At least that's my personal opinion, based on this particular Scripture passage:

"And it shall come to pass in the last
days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit
upon all flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and your young
men shall see visions, and your old men
shall dream dreams ..."

Acts 2:17

Just this afternoon, while driving home from work, I was praying my St. Michael prayer group's "Cohort Chaplet", which I do daily against the forces of darkness at work in the world.  Reflecting on how evil has such a strong grip on society, I was surprised to see in the sky, ahead of me, a massive image of the Lord formed by a cloud.

It was Jesus' Holy Face in profile and it couldn't be any clearer - features such as an eye, cheekbones, mouth, mustache, and beard were easily recognizable... and his expression was one of intense anguish.  I managed to take one photo, which although is not as sharp as I hoped it would be, it at least captures the profile - see below...

The profile of the Holy Face of Jesus,
as it appeared, formed by clouds over the
Honolulu sky.  Note its resemblance to the
Lord's agony in the garden, as depicted
in the painting below.

The scene only lasted for a few moments but seeing the image deeply impressed me; inspiring me to finish the chaplet with more fervor... and a nagging sense of urgency.  I asked Jesus the reason for his pain and within my soul it seemed to me that I "heard" the following response:

"I am once again being crucified...
Pray and make reparation."

Somber words; almost ominous... but was this all just a coincidence - another instance of what I refer to as "spiritual serendipity"?  Or was it something more from Jesus that requires serious reflection on our part?  As mentioned at the start, I have my opinions and, if I feel strongly enough about an unusual experience, I'll post about it... but leave it to each reader to discern and respond for him/herself.  In all things, may God bless us and help us.

Jesus, forgive us for we know
 not what we do.  Have mercy on us.
In you we trust, O Lord.  Amen.

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