
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Monday, July 8, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Vatican APPROVAL granted to the Rosa Mystica Marian Apparitions!

It is with great joy and excitement this ministry shares this good news:

Per a letter dated July 5th, 2024, from the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF), the Church has given its official green light - essentially, a declaration of "Nihil Obstat" (Latin for "no opposition") - to Brescia's Bishop Pierantonio Tremolada's positive discernment of the "Maria Rosa Mystica" apparitions to the late seer, Pierina Gilli (d. 1991);  in short, these apparitions are now effectively approved by the Vatican (read the letter here)*** ... and it's the first such ruling since the DDF implemented new guidelines in May 2024 for evaluating alleged apparitions and supernatural events.  This is BIG.

The declaration, broadcasted today - July 8th - basically outlines the DDF's concurrence with a "Dossier" submitted to the Vatican for review by Bishop Pierantonio.  It apparently documented his favorable assessment of the Rosa Mystica phenomena that occurred in his northern Italian diocese in 1947 and 1966.  Among the main points cited by the DDF for its approval are the following:

+ The humility of the visionary, Pierina Gilli.

+ The orthodoxy of Pierina's recorded messages from Our Lady, and her other spiritual experiences.  Except for a few titles the seer attributed to Our Lady, and which the DDF deemed as needing further clarification, the DDF concluded that there were "no elements in the messages disseminated by Pierina Gilli that contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals".

+ The "diverse and rich spiritual and pastoral fruit of this devotion".

Having personally visited the Fontanelle Shrine back in September 1989, this author celebrates this development with other Marian devotees.  After decades of countless graces and visible signs around the world directly connected to these apparitions - e.g. conversions; prayer groups; healing through devotional use of the spring water from the shrine's "Fountain of Grace"; signs in the sun; weeping statues depicting the apparition; the appearance of escarchas, etc. - what us believers have been praying and hoping for has finally come to pass!  

Without a doubt, graces and signs will continue ... perhaps, with more abundance since any restrictions to exercising the Rosa Mystica Devotion are now lifted.  So thanks be to God and bravo to Bishop Pierantonio for being instrumental in the discernment/approval process!

To read more about the remarkable story of the Rosa Mystica apparitions of Montichiari-Fontanelle, and my own personal testimonial of signs witnessed in connection with the Rosa Mystica Pilgrim Virgin statue used by this ministry, click here.

“I came to Montichiari to speak of love for
the Lord, to call souls to love, to charity; this
 is a message of a supplicating cry from the
Mother of the Lord.”

‐ Our Lady to Pierina,
March 4, 1972

*** NOTE:  In the wake of the apparitions in Montichiari-Fontanelle, there have been a few individuals in recent times who claim apparitions and messages from the "Rosa Mystica"; even using similar images of the Virgin Mary with three roses on its chest.  This approval of Pierina Gilli's private revelations in no way endorse these purported visionaries so please exercise caution and discernment.

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