
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, April 10, 2022

An Angel at work?

"Call on them and honor them frequently,
and ask their help in all your affairs,
temporal as well as spiritual."

- words of St. Frances de Sales
about Angels

I love my Guardian Angel and can't thank God enough for having assigned a unique angel to guide, protect, and assist me.  Truly, what an awesome blessing not just for this author, but for everyone else since we all have a personal angel!

The photos below were taken this past Wednesday morning (4/6) - a FIAT Prayer Group meeting day - and they may have captured my angel in action.  Literally, just a minute before, I was praying at my home altar and had asked my angel to go to the angels of the other FIAT Members to request their help in reminding the members about the meeting... as well as, to inspire zealous faith in each of them.  No sooner had I stepped out of my house when, upon glancing up at the sky, I was struck by an unexpected and amazing sight - a bright cloud, resembling, of all things - an angel!  Talk about a coincidence... or what I like to call a moment of "spiritual serendipity".

A winged figure is discernable in these
photos taken of the Honolulu sky.

I later shared the story and photos with a few FIAT Members, and they agreed the cloud indeed resembled an angel... and it appeared to be zooming towards the direction they all lived!  One individual even suggested it was my actual, personal angel leaving to meet up with their angels... or at least a sign from Heaven indicating it.  Whether it is, or isn't an angel, it doesn't matter much to me; I know my angel is always around.  I sense him.  Still, the photos are, at the very least, amusing.

Incidentally, most of the regular attendees did come to the FIAT Meeting that night and it was a particularly meaningful and Holy Spirit-filled gathering.  So, thank you very much to all of our Guardian Angels.  I have no doubt they played a part in it.

Prayer to Our Guardian Angel

Angel of God, my guardian dear;
to whom God's Love entrusts me here.
Ever this day, be at my side; to light
and guard; to rule and guide.

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