The Sacred Heart Church in Waianae held a “Day of Recollection” at their parish; a half-day spiritual retreat for the benefit of their parishioners. Approximately 75 individuals attended… and I had the privilege of faith-sharing with them along with another guest speaker. Our topic was the Eucharist.
My portion of the program centered on devotion to the Blessed Sacrament as exemplified in the lives of our Saints… and heavenly confirmation of Christ’s True Presence in the Eucharist, via approved Eucharistic Miracles from around the world.
My portion of the program centered on devotion to the Blessed Sacrament as exemplified in the lives of our Saints… and heavenly confirmation of Christ’s True Presence in the Eucharist, via approved Eucharistic Miracles from around the world.
Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church paying
respect to the relics brought into their church.
With alarming statistics pointing to less and less belief in the Eucharist by members of our own Church, I was happy to be a part of this event… and I even enlisted the intercession of a small team of Saints and a Servant of God to be prayer warriors for the organizers and for the audience. This spiritual A-Team was comprised of the following holy persons, represented at the event by their respective relics brought by my ministry: St. Anthony of Padua; St. John Marie Vianney; Servant of God Louise Lateau; St. Juliana Falconieri; St. Padre Pio; and St. Teresa of Calcutta. I highlighted their lives as worthy examples of Eucharistic Devotion.
If the enthusiasm and positive feedback expressed by the Sacred Heart parishioners were any indication, their Day of Recollection was a great success. Faith-seeds were definitely sown today, which I hope will bear much good fruit in this wonderful parish. God bless them.
Fine flakes of Escarchas that manifested on
my hands after getting home from this event.
my hands after getting home from this event.
A sign of grace and anointing for Waianae?