
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Holy Relic Visitation: Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group, 2/25/2017

Our prayer group statues of the Holy
Family displayed in their new home.
Our Fatima Prayer Group underwent a big change this month - our host and prayer leader, Andrea, recently moved with her family to a townhouse - a much smaller home - in another part of Mililani, which meant our prayer meetings had to move, too. But our group was determined to continue with our monthly prayer, despite the downsizing of our meeting place... so we made due with the space we had in the home's living room and it was actually quite cozy! Some of us plopped down on the floor to do our rosary and our host was most thrilled to have their new place blessed with lots of prayer and positive energy.

And tonight, for our Saint of the Month, we honored a little-known French mystic and founder - Bl. Marie of Jesus Deluil-Martiny (read about her life here). After I relayed her bio to the group, several were deeply impressed by her heroic life despite being dismayed with her violent death at the hands of a fanatical anarchist; one person curiously asked, "What could she be the patron saint of?"

It then sort of dawned on me that Bl. Marie of Jesus could very well be a timely role model for all Christian "Prayer Warriors" who are prayerfully battling moral and spiritual evils, including anarchists who are increasing all over the world in this day and age; individuals totally given over to the diabolic, self-serving spirit of rebellion against anything having to do with the Lord, his Church, and his precepts.

Bl. Marie of Jesus Deluil-Martiny,
pray for those who rebel against God.
Bl. Marie of Jesus made it her life's mission to defend the Lord's honor and to make reparation for the insults directed towards Him by sinners, via prayerful Eucharistic Adoration and continued self-sacrifice in the spirit of Love. Her example could serve as inspiration for all of us to also pray more for these godless dissenters to experience the truth of the Holy Spirit, and break away from immoral ideologies that are misleading modern society.

I shared my opinion with our members and they seemed to take it to heart since tonight there were many vocal prayers offered for the conversion of rebellious souls, especially here in the USA.  May Bl. Marie of Jesus pray for us.

Of course, after all the prayers finished, our first ever potluck fellowship in the townhouse was celebrated. We made that work, too, despite the tiny kitchen... and all the dishes and desserts were delicious!

By the end of the evening, any concerns we had about having monthly gatherings in our new location were gone. It felt like home... and we're already looking forward to the March meeting.

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