
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Monday, February 23, 2015

Rosa Mystica Speaking Presentation: Finan Residence, 2/22/2015

Early yesterday afternoon, I conducted my fifth speaking presentation on the Rosa Mystica (Mystical Rose) devotion.  The talk was, again, for a Basic Christian Community (BCC) cell group; a group of about a dozen people who meet every Sunday in the Finan Residence, in the town of Hawaii Kai.

Like previous Rosa Mystica Presentations, this one was well-received.  My audience showed genuine interest and openness, in regards to what I shared about the messages Our Lady delivered, via a series of apparitions in the picturesque Italian city of Montichiari-Fontanelle (read a little about it here).

Cell group members gathered around
my large Rosa Mystica pilgrim statue in
preparation for the Rosary Prayer.

After the presentation ended, a few people shared their feedback on the message and about their own personal devotion to the Blessed Virgin.  One gentleman, in particular - a Mr. Sia, who is a convert to Catholicism from Protestantism - touched me deeply with a story he shared.  He admitted that after coming into the Church, he put devotion to Mary on the "back burner" due to the strong influence of his prior beliefs... and it stayed that way for a long while until he went on a pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine of Lourdes, France.  There, while praying in adoration before our Eucharistic Lord, he had a very special experience - Jesus spoke to him audibly and said, "... your love for me is not complete if you do not love my mother."  Wow - powerful words!  It was a moment that changed the man's life forever... and I couldn't agree more with the message he received.  We all then prayed the Rosary together and spent some time in fellowship over some refreshments before I packed up and headed out.

All through the presentation, I didn't sense anything out-of-the-ordinary, as I sometimes do... but later in the evening, after I got home, I learned that something usual did happen after all; it had to do with a photo I took earlier in the day.  I snapped two photos while in the Finan home to use for this blog - the first was of my Rosa Mystica statue on display in the living room... and the second photo was of some of the BCC group members right before the Rosary Prayer started (included above). When I reviewed the photos on my camera, the second photo turned out just fine, but the first photo did not turn out as expected.  Instead of seeing my pilgrim statue, the photo showed numerous globes of white light - very large "orbs" - as one can see to the right.  I was puzzled and I still don't know what to make of it (although the balls of light do kind of remind me of glowing rosary beads).

Anyhow, despite my nagging curiosity over the mystery photo... still, it was a beautiful and productive Hawaiian day for me.  The presentation was a success and I met new friends, and for these blessings I give thanks and praises to our Lord and our dear Blessed Mother.

* * *  UPDATE: 3/8/2015  * * *

I returned to the Finan Residence on the afternoon of March 8th to conduct one of my Saints and Holy Relics speaking presentations.  While setting up for the talk, and before everyone else arrived, me and a married couple present, were pulled aside by our host, Ines, who told us that she had something wonderful to share with us.

She took me to her living room and pointed to a low table that was in the vicinity of a large, framed print of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  On the table were small shimmering flakes scattered around a few picture frames and doilies; I recognized escarchas.  Lots of them!

My host then proceeded to tell us about how they had appeared the same night I conducted the presentation on the Rosa Mystica Devotion described above, but only later in the evening after I had already left.  I was deeply impressed and moved by this latest testimonial on the spiritual power of Our Lady.

Below is a short video I filmed of the escarchas in the Finan Home.  The flakes were a mix of silver, green, and red.

Look for the small round sparkles on
the table, which are the escarchas that
manifested in the Finan Home.

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