
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic Layman, very active and in good-standing with the Diocese of Honolulu, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry by the Diocese.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Mighty Hand of God

 "Show the wonder of your great
love, you who save by your right
hand those who take refuge in
you from their foes."

~ Psalm 17:7

Above is a photo of a cloud that I took a few months ago… I call the picture the "Hand of God". I wasn't going to post it, but a friend of mine who I showed the photo to, encouraged me to do so because she felt that a reader out there could spiritually benefit from the story that goes along with the image...  so here's what happened:

One evening, during my drive home from work, I was quietly reflecting and praying… and sort of "complaining" to Jesus (it was bad of me) about how evil seems to have a greater hold in today's world than good.  I also prayed to the Lord to do something greater about it and to help all the devout people who are living faithful lives, as well as praying for the rest of humanity to change for the better… no sooner did the prayer leave my mind when I happened to glance up at the sky and noticed a huge cloud in the clear shape of a hand (I interpreted it to be the right hand with the palm facing the viewer).  I was so impressed by the image that I took a picture of it using my cellphone.

When I got home, I researched the internet to find the meaning behind the symbolism of the right hand in Biblical and Christian tradition, and what I discovered totally astounded me. Basically, in Sacred Scriptures and in many western cultures, the right hand symbolizes Authority, Power, and Protection.  How appropriate.

"Now I know that the Lord saves
his anointed; he answers him from
his holy heaven with the saving
strength of his right hand."

~ Psalm 20:6
Whether or not the strange cloud was mere coincidence, or a response of some sort from our Lord, I can only speak for myself. For me, based on the earlier circumstances and what I later learned about the symbolic meaning of the right hand of God, I believe Jesus was reassuring me that HE IS STILL IN CONTROL of this world despite how messed up things appear to be… and that in due time, He'll be putting things back into their proper order. In the meanwhile, we just have to continue to TRUST and have FAITH, that in the end, good will triumph over all evil, and all who believe in Christ will also be victorious.  What a comforting thought - all Thanks and Praises be to God Almighty!
An Invocation to the Mighty
Right Hand of God
(for private use only)
O Heavenly Father,
in all ages you are the Consoler, Provider,
and Protector of us, your people.  No enemy
can withstand your Might and on bended
knees they must surrender in defeat to
your Divine Authority.
Look with compassion upon me,
your servant, who calls on you in time
of need.  May your Right Hand cover me
with your Protection, and with swift
gesture put to flight my foes and the
evil they have brought upon me.
With a grateful heart, I will praise and
adore you, O Heavenly Father; proclaiming
until the end of my days, the immensity
of your Goodness and Power!
"Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic
in power. Your right hand, O Lord,
shattered the enemy."

~ Exodus 15:6

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