
NOTICE: I am a practicing Catholic, active and in good-standing with my local diocese, who professes faith and loyalty to the Church. This ministry - my "little work" - is strictly a personal expression of that faith and loyalty, and not an officially recognized ministry in the Diocese of Honolulu.

~ Peter, Ministry Administrator

Sunday, October 27, 2024

European Pilgrimage, October 2024 - Part I: Apparition Shrines

Ave Maria!  This blogger recently returned from Europe where I was on pilgrimage to several major Catholic shrines that I've had on my bucket list for decades: the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima; the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes; the Shrine of St. Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo; the Sanctuary of St. Michael the Archangel on Monte Gargano; the Shrine of St. Philomena in Mugnano del Cardinale!

It goes without saying that I had an awesome, memorable, and blessed time - the sacred sites I visited far exceeded my expectations and the holy presence of our Lord and His Blessed Mother, as well as the Saints, was tangible throughout my journey through serendipitous moments and signal graces.

I will share my experiences and personal impressions in separate blogs, of which this is Part I dealing specifically about apparition shrines I visited.  So let's begin ...


Most Catholics are already aware of the story of the 1917 Portuguese apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (OLF) so I won't write much about this Sanctuary's history.  Plus a Google search will readily turn up abundant information.

On the very afternoon our Hawaii group arrived in Fatima, a friend and I wasted no time in visiting the Sanctuary although it wasn't in our official itinerary until the evening.  Fortunately for us, our hotel was less than a 10 minute walk away from the shrine so it wasn't difficult to reach ... and, as soon as I stepped foot into the sanctuary's grand plaza, I was immediately struck by an aura of SANCTITY, POWER, and PEACE!

ABOVE:  The Chapel of the Apparitions
BELOW:  A closer view of the Capelinha

As with all famed Catholic Shrines, the Sanctuary complex is massive and includes the Chapel of Apparitions that was built over, and around, the diminutive "Capelinha" (the original rustic chapel built on the very site of the heavenly visitations) and two grand basilicas - the older built in traditional gothic architecture (Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary) and the most recent in a modern design (Basilica of the Holy Trinity).

Outside & inside the older Basilica
of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Multiple Masses and Rosary Prayers are offered at convenient intervals in the Chapel of Apparitions - in several languages - undoubtedly, in response to OLF's request that we "pray the Rosary ever day to obtain Peace in the World."

Outside & inside the newer
Basilica of the Holy Trinity

A must-do activity when visiting this sanctuary is to participate in the daily 9:00pm Rosary Prayer followed immediately by a candlelight procession.  For this author, it moved me to the core.

And finally, another highlight of my Fatima experience is the hamlet of Aljustrel, about 15 minutes away from the Sanctuary, where the three shepherd seers lived.  Here, we visited their former homes and the well behind Lucia's family home where the "Angel of Peace" appeared for the second time to the children in 1916 to prepare them for their mission with OLF.

ABOVE:  The home of Sts. Francisco & Jacinta
BELOW:  The room in which St. Francisco died

ABOVE:  The childhood home of Sr. Lucia
BELOW:  The well of the angel's 2nd apparition

I left Fatima inspired and more committed than ever to living and spreading its message; to also promoting devotion to the Holy Rosary.


As with Fatima, the story of St. Bernadette Soubirous and her celebrated 18 apparitions of Our Lady (OLL) in the Grotto of Massabielle is already a familiar one to most Catholics so I also won't go into detail about Lourdes.

This Marian Sanctuary is also quite extensive, actually straddling both sides of the Gave River; on one side is the Holy Grotto, the main plaza, shrine administration buildings, and not one but three basilicas: the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (situated on the hill directly above the Grotto of Apparitions), the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary (at ground level with the plaza), and the modern Basilica of Pope St. Pius X.  On the other side of the Gave are chapels for candle lighting, an outdoor chapel, the Church of St. Bernadette, and medical facilities.

ABOVE:  The OLL Sanctuary plaza
BELOW:  Two views of the Holy Grotto
of apparitions ...

The Grotto, seen below the Basilica of
the Immaculate Conception from across
the Gave River.

Highlights for me at Lourdes were attending Holy Mass at the Grotto and simply spending time there in prayer and/or silently soaking in the presence of the DIVINE that permeates Lourdes ... and participating in the nightly 9:00pm Candlelight Rosary Procession.

The Lourdes Sanctuary at night -
photos taken during the procession

I left Lourdes completely understanding what I've heard others say about it - that it is a place of PRAYER, RECONCILIATION, and HEALING ... and I know that conviction will remain with me until the day I die.


Located in a grotto on a mountaintop just about a 30-minute drive from St. Padre Pio's Shrine in San Giovanni Rotondo, this hallowed site is worth visiting - it, too, is POWERFUL!

I'm not sure if it's because this author has a very strong devotion to St. Michael the Archangel or it's the place, itself (or maybe it's both) ... but I sensed his presence keenly in this sanctuary; the presence of other angels was also tangible, which gave me the strong impression that the Sacred Grotto is an earthly "stronghold" for the Angelic Hosts.

Outside & inside the Sanctuary of St. Michael

For those not familiar with the history of Mt. Gargano, it began in 490 AD when the Archangel first showed himself to the local Bishop and took possession of the site with these words:

"I am the Archangel Michael and I am
always in the presence of God.  The cave
is sacred to me.  I have chosen it."

At least three other appearances of St. Michael were reported in the Mt. Gargano Sanctuary in subsequent years, which made it a popular pilgrimage destination during the Middle Ages.  Its countless pilgrims have included many Saints (e.g. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of SienaSt. Francis of Assisi, etc.).  If one is ever in the Puglia Region (southern peninsula) of Italy, go to Monte Gargano!  (NOTE: St. Padre Pio often made the same recommendation to his visitors.)


And finally, I'd like to feature this very special, but little-known shrine.  Although not an officially approved apparition site, and significantly smaller than Fatima and Lourdes, this Sanctuary still makes a spiritual impact on the same level as its larger counterparts.

The Tre Fontane Sanctuary enjoys the authorization of the Church, which placed it under the administration of the Conventual Franciscans to offer Masses and provide other Sacraments to pilgrims.  Furthermore, the visionary - Bruno Cornachiolla (d. 2001) ‐ is currently being investigated for Sainthood after living a worthy Christian life since his encounter with Our Lady in the grotto.

I actually visited this shrine twice during an earlier trip to Italy in 1989, and was so touched by the spiritual presence of Our Lady, I returned there during a 2005 trip to Rome ... and with this 2024 pilgrimage, I couldn't pass up a 4th visit during the Rome segment of our itinerary.  This Sanctuary is that SPECIAL to me.

As for its history, Our Lady first appeared at the site on April 12, 1947 to Bruno, a Street Tram Operator and his three young children (at the time he was a hardened ex-soldier, a convert to Protestantism, and a Communist).  The seer was strongly anti-Catholic and was even plotting to assassinate the Pontif - Ven. Pope Pius XII.  He was on the slopes of Tre Fontane preparing a speech against Our Lady when she appeared in one of the grottos and admonished him sternly with the following words:

"I am the one who is in the Blessed
Trinity.  I am the Virgin of the Revelation.
You persecute me.  Enough of this.  Come
back into the Sacred Fold, the
Heavenly Court on earth."

Bruno was immediately changed.  Subsequent apparitions were later reported by the visionary and many signs have occurred at the grotto, including healings (Our Lady promised to work miracles through the soil in the cave).  The 'Dancing Sun' has also been witnessed and filmed on several occasions by crowds usually during the April 12th anniversary celebrations.

The strikingly beautiful statue in
the place of the apparitions.

Something personally interesting that occurred this time around was ... as soon as me and my two companions from my pilgrimage group stepped onto the Sanctuary's pavement - just a few steps after getting out of our taxi - the three of us were hit by a sudden breeze accompanied by a delicate floral aroma (there were no flowers in our immediate surroundings).  It was so obvious, we all immediately remarked on the mysterious scent, which lingered for a bit before dissipating (it never returned).  It was as though our Blessed Mother was saying to us upon our arrival: "Welcome to Tre Fontane - I've been waiting for you!"

Needless to say, it turned out to be another AWESOME visit to this shrine.  In fact, my two friends who accompanied me both couldn't stop thanking me for taking them along.  So if one is ever in Rome, GO ... GO ... GO to Tre Fontane and bask in our Blessed Mother's maternal love - she is also present there in a special way!  Plus the Sanctuary is only a 15 minute drive from Rome's central city!

I cannot thank God and Our Lady enough for all that I saw and experienced at each of these hallowed places I visited.  The graces I received can only be adequately described with one word - PRICELESS.  With that being said, I end this first blog about my October Pilgrimage.  Stay tuned for Part 2.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Monthly Message from the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje: October 2024

  Dear Children, at this time, when you are celebrating the day of All Saints, seek their intercession and prayers so that in union with them, you may find peace.  May the Saints be your intercessors and example, that you imitate them and live holily.  I am with you and intercede before God for each of you.  Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Another curious photo ...

This author attends Mass on Saturday mornings at St. John Vianney Church in Kailua.  I go there because the Mass start time is convenient (8am); I like the priest; Confession is available after the Mass and there's no ridiculous cut-off time (e.g. 30 minutes to hear 20 penitents!); and lastly, there's a beautiful and peaceful outdoor shrine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that I like to frequent (see below) ... and because of graces I've experienced at that particular place, I can't help but believe it's especially hallowed ground.  I've even taken photographs from that spot showing seemingly holy figures in the sky and yesterday it may have happened again.

The shrine to Mother Mary at
St. John Vianney Church, Kailua.

It was the First Saturday and after attending Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, I made my way to the garden to say a few more prayers at the shrine and its lovely statue.  On the way, I asked Our Lady for a special favor ... then randomly snapped about four photos of the sky.

Later, when reviewing the pics, I didn't initially see anything remarkable, but I did notice that a couple showed a bright ray of light descending toward a certain cloud - see one of the photos below.

I focused on the cloud, but still, nothing popped out for me ... that is, not until I happened to turn my phone about 45 degrees to the right and recognized what potentially could be a sign.  And to make sure it wasn't just me seeing things, I showed the photo to two friends - both immediately blurted, "It's Our Lady ... wearing a veil ... and she's praying!" (one friend thinks she's also clutching a crucifix)

The cloud-image zoomed in - the figure
of Our Lady, gazing upward while praying?
(Look close - there's even a face!)

So one might be wondering what was that favor I asked for from Our Lady that prompted all of this?  I'm leaving tomorrow on a pilgrimage to several European Shrines: Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela (St. James the Apostle's shrine), San Giovanni Rotondo (St. Padre Pio's tomb/shrine), Monte Gargano (St. Michael's Grotto), Mugnano del Cardinale (St. Philomena's tomb/shrine), and Rome ... and asked our Heavenly Mother to intercede for our Hawaii group to obtain deeper faith and abundant spiritual graces for each of us; to accompany us every step of the trip.  Therefore, I presume the photo - the cloud image - is the Blessed Virgin's way of confirming that she's interceding.  Besides, the figure is just too uncanny to be random.

So, going back to that little outdoor shrine at St. John Vianney Church, there's something "anointed" about it; a holy presence that emanates.  In fact, this photo is the fourth unusual pic I've captured from that garden (others can be viewed here).  If one is ever in Kailua Town, drop by the parish for Mass ... then stop by their Immaculate Heart of Mary shrine to greet Our Lady.  Petition her for your own personal needs and see what happens.  The Blessed Virgin's maternal responsiveness to every concern may just surprise you!